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Uncharted 4: A Thief's End review

Tim Biggs   Another masterpiece from one of the best makers of AAA games in the world.


Google to ban payday loan advertisements

Andrea Peterson and Jonnelle Marte   The search site will ban all payday loan ads from its site amid concerns the lending practice exploits the poor and vulnerable via loans with sky-high interest rates.


Blocking piracy websites has proven effective

Andrew Colley   Website blocking has reduced online movie piracy and is playing a role increasing take-up of legitimate sources of content in the UK, according to new research.


Seven's fragmented HD revival divides a nation

Adam Turner   Melburnians will see more of their favourite shows in high definition than Sydneysiders as Seven's commitment to broadcast the AFL in high-def forces it to divide its efforts across the country.



Game of Thrones pirates get warning letters

Hannah Francis   Studio teams up with Melbourne pirate-hunting firm to track down alleged copyright infringers.



The LG G5 smartphone is fresh but flimsy

Hannah Francis   We don't want our phones to be like Frankenstein's monster, confused about their identity and not functioning quite the way their maker intended.



Get your face on an NBN satellite rocket

Rae Johnston   The NBN's second satellite, Sky Muster II, is launching in a rocket that will have a unique feature — artwork with the faces of 1210 Australians.

Hands on: Kindle Oasis ebook reader

Everything's thinned down, but its hard to get past the bloated price.



Godwin's law of Nazi analogies lives on

Ben Guarino   'As an online discussion grows longer,' wrote Mike Godwin in 1994, 'the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one'. It appears this hasn't changed.


Latest from IT Pro

IBM is training Watson to hunt hackers

IBM says Queensland Health is to blame for the payroll system which cost taxpayer's $1.2 billion

Andrea Peterson   Tech giant is taking a big data approach to cybersecurity that will have the supercomputer scour vast troves of security research at a rate humans could only dream of.

Comments 3

'1000 will have to go. It's that simple'

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull

Henry Belot   Fear government's cyber security recruitment drive will lead to job cuts.

Microsoft sues US government over gag orders on customer data grabs

Orders that prevent Microsoft telling their customers when they're being surveilled are becoming more common, according ...

Matt Day   Tech company says US 'has exploited the transition to cloud computing as a means of expanding its power to conduct secret investigations'.

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Gadgets on the Go

Hands on review: LG flat Ultra HD OLED EF950T television

Adam Turner   Finally conceding that not everyone is in love with curved screens, LG has delivered a flat Ultra HD OLED masterpiece with full HDR support to help it look better than ever.


Social Radar

Should you stalk your child's smartphone?

Catherine Armitage   Keeping an eye over your child's shoulder on the home computer is so last century


How my Apple Watch saved my life

Garry Barker   I woke up feeling a bit odd. I strapped on my Apple Watch, unlocked the iPhone, and then felt for my pulse on my right wrist. Soon I was in the hospital cardiac unit for observation and treatment.


Not wholly negative: digitising your old photographs

Terry Lane   Unearthing your own archive of long-ago photographic negatives and slides opens the mind to the world that was – and perhaps points to money to be made.