The truth about the Google tax

Ross Gittins 12:00 AM   The government's crackdown on multinational tax avoidance seems to be genuine.

Turnbull isn't Abbott but that's not enough

Jonathan Holmes

Jonathan Holmes 12:00 AM   His own party's policy hardliners have removed the PM's ability to govern.

The abortion statistic that might surprise you

Clementine Ford dinkus Dinkus

Clementine Ford 7:12 AM   Once again, research has proven that when you give women control over their reproductive rights, abortion rates go down. It's time Australia caught up.

The other response to Storrar's question

Duncan Storrar on the Q&A panel.

John Birmingham 7:04 AM   Comment: As the savage reaction to a seemingly simple question subsided, a new response emerged.

Comments 456

Voters wreak revenge on app-less politicians

Alan Stokes.

Alan Stokes 12:00 AM   People power advocates are jostling to win over tech-savvy constituents like us and our children.

The priest, a murder and his fight for justice

Father Paul Kelly started a petition to get rid of the "gay panic" defence in South Australia and Queensland.

Karen Skinner 10:43 AM   Father Paul Kelly believes the "gay panic" defence "allows killers to walk away with paltry sentences".

Comments 21

The federal government destroys evidence

Jenna Price.

Jenna Price 12:55 PM   The government continues to push a sickness tax. If you are sick, you will pay more for being sick. No one will be immune.

Comments 36

Rabid right winger? It's not that easy to pigeonhole Trump

Illustration: Andrew Dyson.

Nicole Hemmer   Trump is a new kind of political animal, with policies that are difficult to place on the traditional left-right spectrum

Super a huge political issue but it shouldn't be


Peter Reith   We need to reduce the nanny state - and take control of our funds.

Comments 40

Where do we stand if Trump goes rogue?

Illustration: John Shakespeare

Peter Hartcher   If a president Donald Trump treats foreign policy like a real estate deal - walking away if he doesn't get what he wants - Australia will have to adapt.

Comments 162

The pretend campaign

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull visited the Austal ship yard in Fremantle on Monday 16 May 2016. Election2016 Photo: ...

Nicholas Stuart   We're just playing pretend at the moment: the defining moments of the election campaign are weeks away.

A second election is now a very real possibility

Tim Colebatch dinkus Dinkus

Tim Colebatch   There's a one in three chance neither party will win a majority on July 2. And it could mean we head straight back to the polls.

The sinister effect of casually sexist comments

The ad campaign features a one-minute TV ad in which a young boy slams a door on a young girl, causing her to fall.

Emily Frawley   Why do we still covertly associate femininity as something for boys to pit themselves against, to reject, to deem inferior?

Comments 76

GoT spoilers: sincerest form of flattery

Back from the dead: In one of the most anticipated television comebacks since Elvis in 1968, Jon Snow has been ...

Stephen Carter   Does it violate a copyright to disclose the plot of a movie or television show in advance?

Comments 2

Forced into high heels? Torture!

A receptionist was sent home for not wearing high heels

Judith Woods   Footwear has become a feminist issue.

Preparing for war isn't an economic plan

Treasurer Scott Morrison's budget speech didn't mention Australia's cutting of overseas aid.

Margaret Beavis   As a society, do we want the government to focus on using military spending as a way of creating jobs?

Comments 6


Less Michael Bay, more Swedish arthouse

Federal election campaigns used to be like Hollywood blockbusters, moving at such a cracking pace, people missed on all the glaring inconsistencies, writes ADAM GARTRELL.

Multiculturalism: not an ideal, but a reality

We need to create human societies from people of many different backgrounds, writes MARTIN FLANAGAN.

Khan's London a symbol of a working democracy

If Donald Trump is elected US president, London's new mayor would be barred from entering the country because he's a Muslim, writes WALEED ALY. 

Gold Logie is more than a win for diversity

The bigots who struggle with Waleed Aly's success fail to understand it has nothing to do with religion.

The biggest issue

Population growth must be addressed to ensure future prosperity and health, writes FARRAH TOMAZIN.

The fight China will take to the brink of war

The world's two greatest powers are competing for military dominance of the western Pacific Ocean and the contest is about to intensify, by PETER HARTCHER.

Surgeons trained on living animals save lives

In emergencies, surgeons, whose training has been as realistic as possible, can make the difference between life and death, by JOHN CUNNINGHAM.

Death in black and white

Imagine if a royal commission was held into a matter of national shame, and it spent tens of millions of dollars, produced a vast report, but the headline indicators of that shame actually went backwards.

Against the odds the stars line up for Labor

Increasing inequality has allowed Labor to start doing something it hasn't done for decades - articulate a worldview.

Better teachers? Better at what, exactly?

We all know it is bureaucratic procedures, lack of funding and poor pay rates that hold back educational standards, not bad teachers, by NED MANNING.

Beauty of science is in the unexpected moment

The CSIRO's pursuit of science will be hampered by the naked hunt for cash, by SURENDRA VERMA.

The sheer stupidity of Trump’s terrifying rise

How would such an ignorant amateur actually run the most powerful country in the world? By JANET DALEY

Gen Y frets over a looming bleak future

Good jobs, affordable homes and peace of mind appear increasingly out of reach for young Australians.