Property investor Prue Muirhead for moneysaverHQ

Get your house in order for tax

PROPERTY investment can deliver some handy tax deductions, but you need to start thinking about yours well before June 30.

Stash extra cash in your pocket

Stash extra cash in your pocket
MANY patient borrowers have seen their variable home loan drop but now they need to work out what to do with the additional money.

Cut the cost of your car cover

Cut the cost of your car cover
KEEPING teenage and young adult children away from the steering wheel is one of the best ways to save money on car insurance.

Why being greedy about pensions doesn’t pay

Why being greedy about pensions doesn’t pay
RETIREES shouldn’t try to pull one over on Centrelink because system upgrades are making it easier to catch people out.

Credit cards carry the debt load

Credit cards carry the debt load
CREDIT card users carrying debt have had little to celebrate after only one lender passed on the RBA cuts. Find the best card to suit your needs.

Tidy up for tax time

Tidy up for tax time
THE next eight weeks is not just about the election but it’s also getting your affairs in order for the end of financial year.

Double hit on retirees’ income

Double hit on retirees’ income
ADVISERS often say it’s better to invest in bank shares rather than bank deposits — but both are pretty poor at the moment.

Check-out how to keep grocery costs down

Check-out how to keep grocery costs down
THESE are some of the easiest ways to keep your supermarket shopping spending down.

Why two eggs are better than one

Why two eggs are better than one
COUPLES have much more flexibility when navigating the fresh round of superannuation changes unveiled in last week’s Budget.

Collecting cash is child’s play

Collecting cash is child’s play
TECHNOLOGY has made it easier than ever to offload unwanted children’s toys and free up extra cash.

Borrowers wait for rate cut to kick in

Borrowers wait for rate cut to kick in
WHETHER your lending institution passed on the Reserve Bank interest rate cut in full, in part, or not at all, here is some strategic advice for what you should do.

Credit cards to watch out for

Credit cards to watch out for
CONSUMERS who are trying to crush credit card debts could be spending hundreds of dollars a year in unnecessary charges by signing up to the wrong deal.

Smokers forced to cough up

Smokers forced to cough up
DRINKERS and smokers may by stung with hikes to the cost of cigarettes and alcohol in tomorrow’s budget as part of the so-called “sin taxes”.

Stay on track with super

Stay on track with super
SUPERANNUATION is likely to take a hit in today’s budget. But there’s one simple way you can avoid getting stung.

Why it’s time to lock in your loan rate

Why it’s time to lock in your loan rate
THE Reserve Bank of Australia is strongly tipped to cut the cash rate tomorrow, leaving borrowers to decide whether or not they should lock in their loan.

Learn to budget like a Treasurer

Learn to budget like a Treasurer
A BALANCED federal budget is the cornerstone of a thriving country — and just the same is true for a household striving to grow to its wealth.

Cracking some simple money myths

Cracking some simple money myths
DEBUNKING money myths including whether all credit cards are bad.

Five-step guide to switching

Five-step guide to switching
MOVING lenders can make a big difference to your wealth, and experts say switching shouldn’t be too taxing.

Kochie’s best money apps

Kochie’s best money apps
MANAGING our money used to involve sitting down together to sift through endless bills, letters and receipts — until apps made it simpler.

How best to splash a cash windfall

How best to splash a cash windfall
IT’S a problem we’d love to have: what to do if you won or inherited $100,000. Most Aussies would use it to take a holiday — but there are much wiser ideas.

How to bag a mid-year travel bargain

How to bag a mid-year travel bargain
AIR fares are falling and the time is right to book a trip overseas. Here are some tips on how to get away without blowing your budget.

Why Gen Y scores best with money goals

Why Gen Y scores best with money goals
WHILE a third of Generation Ys say they set financial goals, only 15 per cent of Generation X do the same, a study has found.

When off-grid energy is a bright idea

When off-grid energy is a bright idea
NEW technology is prompting a growing number of households to consider taking their electricity off the grid.

How to avoid the app trap

How to avoid the app trap
MANY parents have lost money as children unwittingly spend money on in-app purchases. But mum and dad may be wasting their own cash too.

The best ways to buy currency

The best ways to buy currency
WHETHER it’s online, from a currency exchange shop, from the bank, post office or at the airport, here’s how to get a good exchange rate on your currency.

How to save thousands with a clean-up

How to save thousands with a clean-up
YOU clean out your cupboards and drawers to de-clutter your life but taking the same approach to your personal finances can save you cash.

Why it’s best to join forces to buy a home

Why it’s best to join forces to buy a home
FIRST-time property buyers are more determined than ever before to crack into the property market but most rely on their partner, family or a friend to get there.

How to make the most of your house

How to make the most of your house
USING your property wisely can have an affect on pension payments, but be careful not to get caught up chasing a few extra Centrelink dollars.

Something you may not know about super

Something you may not know about super
IT’S never too soon to take charge of your superannuation so if you work for someone or are self-employed keep track of your super to make sure it is heading in the right direction.

Earn rewards points for direct debits

Earn rewards points for direct debits
YOUR credit card can be a powerful tool for convenience, collecting reward points and enjoying interest-free days, but use it wisely.