Mariendorf is a locality in the southern Tempelhof-Schöneberg borough of Berlin.
Mariendorf is situated between the localities of Tempelhof in the north and Marienfelde and Lichtenrade in the south. To the west it shares a border with the Lankwitz locality of Steglitz-Zehlendorf, to the east with Britz and Buckow, parts of the borough of Neukölln.
Mariendorf was mentioned for the first time in a 1348 document and sold together with Tempelhof and Marienfelde to the city of Berlin and Coelln in 1435. In 1800 Mariendorf had 162 inhabitants.
From 1872 on a Villenkolonie ("mansion's colony") was developed in the south end of Mariendorf and in 1900 the village had 5,764 inhabitants. In 1913 the Trabrennbahn (harness racing track) opened and in 1920 Mariendorf became formally amalgamated into the greater city of Berlin. The Volkspark Mariendorf was developed in 1924.
At the end of Second World War Mariendorf became a part of the American zone of occupation. In 1946 Mariendorf's Eisenacher Straße was the site of a displaced persons camp which housed roughly 3,250 persons until 1948.