Fana Khusraw (Persian: فنا خسرو), better known by his laqab of ʿAḍud al-Dawla (Arabic: عضد الدولة, "Pillar of the [Abbasid] Dynasty") (September 24, 936 – March 26, 983) was an emir of the Buyid dynasty, ruling wide parts of modern Iran and Iraq from 949 to 983. He is widely regarded as the greatest monarch of the dynasty, and by the end of his reign was one of the most powerful contemporary Muslim rulers.
The son of Rukn al-Dawla, Fana Khusraw was given the title of Adud al-Dawla by the Abbasid caliph in 948 when he was made emir of Fars after the death of his childless uncle Imad al-Dawla, after which Rukn al-Dawla became the senior emir of the Buyids. In 974 Adud al-Dawla was sent by his father to save his cousin Izz al-Dawla from a rebellion. After defeating the rebel forces, he claimed the emirate of Iraq for himself, and forced his cousin to abdicate. His father, however, became angered by this decision and restored Izz al-Dawla. After the death of Adud al-Dawla's father, his cousin rebelled against him, but was defeated. Adud al-Dawla became afterwards the sole ruler of the Buyid dynasty and assumed the Persian title Shahanshah ("King of Kings").