From Report 13 - Clionadh Raleigh on Climate Change, Demography, Enviro. Degrad., and Armed Conflict
GDP of a stateand political instability of a state have a much stronger effect on whether an area will see armed conflict than whether there was degradation or relative or absolute scarcity of a natural resource," says Clionadh
Raleigh in this short video preview of her co-authored article "
Climate Change,
Demography, Environmental Degradation, and
Armed Conflict, "
now appearing in the
13th issue of the
Environmental Change and Security Program Report.
Research conducted by Raleigh and co-author
Henrik Urdal found that population density and growth are related to increased civil conflict, but that demographic and environmental factors are generally outweighed by political and economic ones.
Raleigh, a lecturer at
Trinity College Dublin, and six other demographic experts anal