
An Israeli peace movement are under attack from fascists.

New articles added to our website – – A good one being Britian First and their so-called meet up with the general public.

Our contribution in the good fight against Brighton fascism!

UKIP and Atos double whammy for Schnews…

For more welfare protests in Brighton see Stop The Cuts Cohalition

For more counter demonstrations see the people below

Stop MFE -


For more see

Schnews @ demo against sponsors of Olympics in Russia (after Vladimir Putin declared war on the freedom of sexual orientation).

Schnews live on the scene @ lgbt To Russia With Love solidarity march and finishing at McDonalds (who sponsors the Olympics that Russia is hosting) to give them a piece of our minds! 

Article on the day to be uploaded at a later date -

Or see our most recent To Russia With Love article


UK Mammal Society Calls for Return of Beavers to Control Flooding

by John Vidal / The Guardian
Beavers are natural dam builders, and they thrive in river ecosystems.…

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UK Mammal Society Calls for Return of Beavers to Control Flooding

by John Vidal / The Guardian

Beavers are natural dam builders, and they thrive in river ecosystems.…

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Spanish activists will be taking a stand on reproductive rights in Brighton this weekend. On Saturday (1st Feb) Marea Granate (a group which organizes with the sole purpose of UK solidarity with other countries and the debunking of immigration stigma) will be doing a solidarity march with Spanish activists against a new abortion bill being brought before parliament there. The proposed new law will severely restrict women’s rights to have an abortion. In fact the legislation will prevent abortion in all cases except rape or severe danger to the mother’s life.

The protest starts at 2 pm at Churchill Square Here’s a link to the event -

Events for this are taking place in four countries (England, Germany, France and Italy) go here for the London march

This is what they had to say:

“The 1st of February, trains depart from all over Spain (and one from France), carrying prochoice campaigners to Madrid, where they will hand Spanish MPs the text ‘Because it’s my choice’. The right of Spanish women to access safe and legal abortion is currently under threat with the proposal to reform the law in a highly restrictive fashion by Spain’s ruling party, the Partido Popular. “