In Irish mythology, Fragarach, known as 'The Answerer' or 'The Retaliator', was the sword of Manannan mac Lir and later, Lugh Lamfada.
Forged by the gods, Manannan wielded it as his weapon before passing it on to Lugh (his foster son). It was given to Cúchulainn by Lugh, and later to Conn of the Hundred Battles.
It was said that no one could tell a lie with Fragarach at his or her throat, thus the name 'Answerer'. It was also said to place the wind at the user's command and could cut through any shield or wall, and had a piercing wound from which no man could recover.
She was cought at the age of five
taken away from her family
will never again see the oceans
will never again be free
they put her in a small basin
that must have been like the hell
all for the sake of money
nobody asks her what she has to tell
This doesn´t have to be her fate
moving in circles every day
we must act now it´s not too late
the time is right, no more delay
she got pregnant for several times
but nobody thought her how to behave
so no-one of her childrean has survived
they were found dead in her cave
after thirty-two years she is still alive
mashine noises is there all night long
doing her show day after day
it´s not a good thing this is wrong
Screaming people are watching
when she breaches in her pool
but nobody thinks about her life