
Trade Deals and the Environmental Crisis

With the release of leaked documents from the TTIP (Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) ‘trade’ deal Greenpeace framed its conclusions more diplomatically than I will: the actions of the U.S. political leadership undertaken at the behest of American corporate ‘leaders’ and their masters in the capitalist class make it among the most profoundly destructive forces in human history. At a time when environmental milestones pointing to irreversible global warming are being reached on a daily basis, the U.S. political leadership’s response is to pronounce publicly that it favors environmental resolution while using ‘trade’ negotiations to assure that effective resolution never takes place.

Those representing the U.S. in these negotiations are mainly business lobbyists who have been given the frame of state power to promote policies that benefit the businesses they represent. The thrust of the agreements is to enhance corporate power through legal mechanisms including patents, intellectual property rights and ISDS (Investor-State Dispute Settlement) provisions that create supranational judiciaries run by corporate lawyers for the benefit of corporations. Shifting the power to regulate greenhouse gas emissions to the corporations producing them precludes effective regulation in the public interest. The position that environmental harms must be proven before regulations are implemented leaves a dead planet as the admissible evidence. More

The Great Leap Backward: America’s Illegal Wars on the World

Can we face it in this election season? America is a weapons factory, the White House a war room, and the president the manager of the neoliberal conspiracy to recolonize the planet. It exports war and mass poverty. On the economic front, usurious neoliberalism; on the military front, illegal wars. These are the trenches of America’s battle for world domination in the 21st century.

If not stopped, it will be a short century. More

Chicago Election Official Admits “Numbers Didn’t Match”: Hillary Clinton vs. Bernie Sanders Election Fraud Allegations

Jim Allen, Communications Director for the Chicago Board of Elections (BoE), acknowledges that “the numbers didn’t match” initially in the legally mandated 5% audit of voting and tabulating machines after the recent Illinois Democratic primary between former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders. Allen, however, insists that this is simply a “perception issue” and that absolutely no election fraud took place.

Allen was responding by phone to my questions regarding allegations from citizen vote monitoring groups Who’s Counting? – Chicago and the Illinois Ballot Integrity Project (IBIP). Dr. Lora Chamberlain is a leader of Who’s Counting, which works with IBIP to credential election day monitors and joined them this year to audit the audit. IBIP was started in Illinois in the aftermath of the 2000 Al Gore versus George Bush Debacle. A total of six members of the two groups gave affidavit-based testimony at the April 5, 2016 Chicago Board of Elections meeting. More

Exclusively in the New Print Issue of CounterPunch


unnamedHow the Democrats Destroyed Welfare

Margaret Kimberley combs through the ruins left by Clintons’ destruction of the federal welfare programs. Historian Carl Boggs on the new US/NATO War on Russia; Dan Glazebrook surveys the radical life of Paul Robeson; Andrew Smolski exposes how the Meridia Initiative was used to militarize the drug war on the US/Mexican border; Arturo Desimone reports from Buenos Aires on the new neoliberal government of Argentina; PLUS:  Jennifer Loewenstein on the wreckage of Gaza; Daniel Raventos and Julie Wark on the refugee crisis in Europe; Mike Whitney on how the Fed mangled the economy; Yvette Carnell on Hillary as a broker of Black Life; Jeffery St. Clair on Hillary’s Blood Diamond, a visit to Hemingway’s house in Cuba; and Much More.

Assassinating Assange’s Character | Interview with Michael Ratner

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This Week on CounterPunch Radio
Richard Wolff

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  • HOST: Eric Draitser
  • GUEST: Richard Wolff
  • TOPICS: Capitalism, its inefficiencies and its discontents.
