The Great Hypocritical Muslim Cover-Up

Edit The Daily Beast 29 Dec 2015
World Hijab Day” is worse than passé. It’s time to make the veil a matter of choice in Iran and Saudi Arabia, for starters. Many of my fellow Muslims have been encouraging non-Muslim women to wear a headscarf in solidarity with Muslims ... I am a liberal ... Liberal Muslim theologians such as Britain’s Usama Hasan and Pakistan’s Javaid Ghamidi argue that the hijab is not a religious duty (fard) at all, but a religious choice (mubah) ... ....

Qadri acquitted of terror charge; murder conviction upheld

Edit Dawn 10 Mar 2015
ISLAMABAD ... The 64-page IHC judgement said ... The judgment said ... Referring to the contention of defence counsel that the deceased was Mubah-ud-Dum like any other contemnor and that the appellant was justified in murdering him, the court noted that after the migration to Madina, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) had become head of the state having all legislative, executive, judicial and military powers, beside being the Messenger of Allah Almighty ... ....