Derek Wall


International coordinator, author of ' The Sustainable economics of Elinor (2014)' also writes for married to

Windsor, UK
Na Twitteri od február 2008

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    , , a 5 ďalších
  2. Odpoveď na

    . usual blame all Muslims and do nothing to support who are beating , shameful to see your tweets

  3. 'It's a moral purpose for a future Labour govt to end the injustice of homelessness' |

  4. "We need to keep racism out of debate. It's toxic & has no place in modern Britain"

  5. If you're between the ages of 18-24 in 50 years your grandchildren will ask how you voted on so remember to register to vote

  6. Feed the Revolution - Ecological Fertilizer, official project of Rojava - Help Fix the Food Problem via

  7. Our latest from : on reshaping masculinity:

  8. Odpoveď na

    . absolutely and despite our dreadful pro Erdogan government many British citizens support

  9. sent me a private message! What's a Boy George to do? :)

  10. We love this! Street Art out of recycled trash by Bordalo II MT

  11. 1. Women deserve equal treatment 2. Animals deserve a life free from suffering 3. Money doesn't buy happiness

  12. In the language of Economics, 'demand' actually means 'ability & willingness to pay'. In this language, you cannot speak without money

  13. The story so far. Cameron and Osborne promise to tackle tax evasion such as that committed by Cameron and Osborne.

  14. The riot control robot that can zap protesters: China has unveiled a robot that can identify obstacles and humans.

  15. "..when they shot him, the whole back of the chair was blown out..." Robert Barton on Connolly Pg.4 >>

  16. Westminster voting intention: CON: 36% (+1) LAB: 30% (-) UKIP: 17% (+1) LDEM: 8% (-) GRN: 4% (-) (via ComRes, online / 11 - 12 May)

  17. Institutional Diversity and Political Economy: The Ostroms & Beyond by Paul Dragos Aligica is an extremely demanding but interesting work.

  18. I am off to Utrecht next weekend but would much prefer European council was in that gem of the north South Hylton instead

  19. Trumpton is getting a new boss, beware humans!

  20. . thanks for the follow, looks like you do important work, states often kill and maim and silence their critics

  21. Neoliberalization, Universities and the Public Intellectual - a new book by Heather Fraser and Nik Taylor

  22. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak "need to think beyond the law - law is not justice"

  23. Say no to arms manufacturer Airbus sponsorship of

  24. Partially paralysed man with half of his head missing declared fit for work by DWP

  25. its amazing how the 'political' has become stigmatised, as if by avoiding confrontation, its consequences will disappear.

  26. Peak Waitrose: tasting notes for Special Brew

  27. Nigeria and Afghanistan. Don’t be offended. Remember that, for David Cameron, “fantastically corrupt” is a compliment.

  28. If the BBC were the British Car Industry: the government's plans.

  29. -So why did you get into politics? -I wanted to help people. Not lone children fleeing wars though, mostly businessmen I was at school with

  30. “What is good for the ruling class, is alleged to be good for the whole of society with which the ruling class identifies itself.” (Engels)

  31. Polish women walk out of a church service as a priest reads out a letter in favour of a proposed ban on abortion

  32. Weekend front: Bosses brought to heel

  33. Them kids at staged a wildcat strike in defiance of Tory anti-Union Bill. , centre!

  34. Používateľ Derek Wall začal sledovať , , a

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