- published: 12 Sep 2016
- views: 25243
Cephalon, Inc. was a U.S. biopharmaceutical company co-founded in 1987 by Dr. Frank Baldino, Jr., pharmacologist, Dr. Michael Lewis, neuroscientist and Dr. James C. Kauer, organic chemist, all three former scientists with the DuPont Company. Dr. Baldino served as the company's chairman and chief executive officer until his death in December 2010. The company's name comes from the adjective "cephalic" meaning "related to the head or brain," and it was established primarily to pursue treatments for neurodegenerative diseases.
In the early years, Cephalon initially avoided involving itself in activities that would require maintaining a sales staff, managing clinical trials, and shepherding new drugs through the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval process. With no product to sell, Cephalon's only asset was its scientific expertise. That expertise proved sufficient to attract investors, and the company managed to fund its operations through research grants and contracts with larger pharmaceutical firms.
Jochen Miller - Cephalon
Warframe - Cephalon Fragments
Warframe - All Hidden Cephalon Fragment Ordis Transmissions
Warframe Cephalon Fragment Farming Guide - How to Scan 'Em All! [1080HD]
Cephalon Fragment Farm-- "Mars" fragment set (Part 1)
(Warframe) Cephalon Fragment Hunting Guide + Secret Message!
How To Get A Cephalon Fragment Farm!
Warframe : Beginner Guide 2.5 Episode #6 (August 2016) Cephalon Fragments, Prime Parts and more!
UPDATE -- Fragmentos de Cephalon
Warframe - Cephalon Simaris Rep Farming
Check out the Armada Music Top 50: Listen: https://ArmadaMusicTop50.lnk.to/PLYA Listen or download: https://ZOUK265.lnk.to/CephalonYA Subscribe to Armada TV: http://bit.ly/SubscribeArmada Turning to Zouk with this monstrous label debut, Jochen Miller takes charge and delivers quality as always. Turning heads with this all-powerful cut, the Dutchman shows the true extent of his power. ‘Cephalon’ is why fist-pumping was invented in the first place. Connect with Armada Music ▶https://www.facebook.com/armadamusic ▶https://twitter.com/Armada ▶https://soundcloud.com/armadamusic
Are these things worth the grind to scan them all? If your into lore then yeah, definatly! Not sure if its a glitch or what but derelict fragments seem glitched. outro Title Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Track name (unknown)
All hidden transmissions found in the codex when completing the Cephalon Fragments. Also, neat little detail, the static you get when scanning over the image is actually a distorted version of the transmission itself. Not really important, but still neat. Lotta lore impact in all this. Great way to introduce light lore through the fragments, and also beef up Ordis' appeal. Can't say I like the reveal of what cephalons are, but it opens up interesting opportunities for future stories. Oh, and lastly, bone plugs are fucking hype. Like seriously, whoever at DE came up with those, fucking genius.
Ahoy thar, Legion! Warframe added in Cephalon Fragments some time ago, and they are quite the oddity. From Mars to the Derelict, we'll show ya how to scan those data fragment locations and unlock some tasty lore tidbits for ya in the process! You'll need a scanner, some form of loot detection mods (theif's wit, loot dectector, animal instinct, or my favorite option: Ivara. The stealthy lass has some as her passive! Toss on some more to make it even easier, though if you find that makes it *too* easy, drop it down to something that's a little more challenging. Then again, after running a bunch of these, you might just want to finish off the Ordis lore and carry on haha This is great as a side mission or something to mess around with for awhile, Legion. I dunno if 100% fragment farming ...
We take a look at how I went about farming the Cephalon Fragments, and take a look at the hidden message lurking inside! Beware, spoilers ahead if you want to complete them yourself! Feedback Post: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/685421-specters-of-the-rail-u21-nekros-changes/?do=findComment&comment;=7652254 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/h3dsh0t Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/h3dsh0t Twitter: @_H3dsh0t IGN: H3dsh0t Special Thanks go to these amazing patrons!: Thomas Dreadmaul Radioactive_Gaming dum6 Gextroll SOMETIMEIAFRO NuV DrRandom If you guys have any suggestions for further videos, or wish to see me review something that I have not done yet, then feel free to leave a comment below, and I shall get around to doing it as soon as possible. If you fancy trying out warframe, feel fr...
Help me reach 200 subscribers! Click here to subscribe! ►http://bit.ly/2clEdwW How To Get A Cephalon Fragment Farm! Let Goo. Let's keep the comment section fun and amazing for everyone! Be sure to ignore, dislike or flag spam on negative or hateful comments. Lets continue to build an awesome Nite Army ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Hope you Enjoy this video :) Keeping It 100 at Timez... Thanks for licking the video, fam. HDz initiation:http://bit.ly/2clEdwW ========================== These are dope: ▶ More Comments |https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0h6N-q0-WE ▶ Crack | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sa3OwlXbr9Y Alternate Dimensions: ✦Dat Twitter, fam:https://twitter.com/YoungMrFuzion ✦Dat Twitch, fam:https://www.twitch.tv/pilotkaliburz
Theifs wit http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Thief's_Wit message these people in game to join the clan Deviso Ningen90 curt0905 Pingucch Zombieodin Deathbygunz Felhate Damien-m Heisenburglars Keltic17 Dohtt hainkiwanki hernezzz Luis753 madsplat Ricardo1991 iamiFlynn As always thanks for clicking on the video. Don't forget to leave a rating comment and subscribe if you enjoyed as it helps the channel out immensely! ►Social Media ►Twitter : https://twitter.com/xiFlynn ►Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/xiFlynn?ref=hl ►Twitch : http://www.twitch.tv/xiflynnx ►Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/iFlynnYoutube ►Donate : https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.paypal.com%2Fcgi-bin%2Fwebscr%3Fcmd%3D_s-xclick%26hosted_button_id%3DAZZUXB6FQ6A9A&redir;_token=955ktkRSKsC6pILPvcBGluSvhal...
E ai pessoal, mais um tutorial de warframe apresentando falando das novas atualizações se divirtam, ehehehhehehehe. # DISCORD -SDM-Slycker #7181 https://discord.gg/013WbL1p9Ocyngbow # STEAM http://steamcommunity.com/id/slycker_yt # FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/PlayTrueYT # APLICATIVO APP DO SLYCKER http://app.vc/slycker # TWITTER https://twitter.com/Slycker_yt
Honestly, one of the easier ways to farm the simaris rep for those widgets, mods and even helios skin! Intro video made for us by SkillCraftFTW (http://www.youtube.com/user/awesomegandalfgaming) intro/outro Title Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Track name (unknown)
I'm a civilian
My feet are planted
I'm on this planet
But cannot get too attached to this life
'Cause I'm a pilgrim
And so I'm building
Fulfilling the great commission
My eyes are fixed on the Christ
[Verse One]
We on a roll
Tonic told me to write from my soul
And not to think about the reviews, or the albums I sold
And so I did that
Laid back, prayed, got my focus right
Thought about what the culture needs, not just what the culture likes
Thought about the youth of the church, and got depressed like
Man, they only want what they see, look at their appetites
They only crave, for what satisfies for the moment
They can't see past their noses
Ain't thinking about the afterlife
Man, they don't want God, they want 50 Cent
They don't even want Christian rappers, at least not if he spends
Most of his time on stage, bragging about God and His ways
They really want, the gods of this age
And so they're bored, when they sit in church
You see them slumped in their seats- half asleep
Simply ignoring the literature
They want the counterfeit, like forging a signature
Man, they don't care, about the Lord and His worth
[Verse Two]
I get so tired, of reading men in the Bible
Then coming up for air
Looking around- I can't find nobody like them
Sister girl's eye is on, buying the next item
Y'all know we're in the age, where idleness is an idol
Man, we need revival
Ambassador told me
To meet him in the kitchen
'Cause dude, look at their diet
It's sweets all week long
And I ain't talking about junk food
I'm talking about, what they're really desiring
Xbox, videos, girls paint their pretty toes
You know the type, that can't fall asleep till the city dozes
Slaves to their cell phones, radios
Or maybe over at a friend's, watching Ray Liotta on HBO
My generation can't be still, or sit calm
They skip Psalms, to go to the bedroom and watch sitcoms
Now, I know, that we exist in a tension
I just wish that we would switch our affection
I know the fight
[Verse Three]
Ever since the advent, of the steam engine
Man, it almost seems like
Yahweh lost the redeemed's interest
To iPods, Internet, our God's infinite
Kids ain't a bit impressed, parents don't get it yet
And some of our pastors don't get it yet
Man, they think it's enough, if the kids are getting crunked
So they keep throwing skate parties and concerts
So, the kids know P. Diddy and Fonzworth
But nothing about God's worth, and that's a problem Houston
Let's not confuse it- part of God's solution is
The older scooping the younger up, hoping to produce a hunger
For righteousness in their souls, discipleship is the goal
I pray that the generation, that likes to listen to Hov
Would turn to the Lord Jesus Christ, to lift up their souls
Above the surface, I pray we would know His worth
And prefer the things of God, over what is bound to the earth