Tutorial: Creating a jQuery plugin

Tutorial: Creating a jQuery plugin

Learn how to create a jQuery plugin from scratch – the basics, options, compatibility and examples.

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Write code faster, with less effort

Write code faster, with less effort

Speed up your coding using text-expanding, auto-completion and macros.

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Tutorial: Create a magnifying glass icon

Learn how to create a scalable magnifying glass icon in Photoshop using vector shapes.

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jQuery: Collapsible sidebar layout

jQuery: Collapsible sidebar layout

Learn how to create a collapsible sidebar layout, saving preference using cookies.

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jQuery: Customizable layout using drag and drop

jQuery: Customizable layout using drag and drop

Amazed by features like drag and drop, customizable content and AJAX? Learn how you can combine them to create a customizable website layout, saving preference using cookies.

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Adding a Favicon to your Website

The Website Favicon

A favicon is a small image used by web browsers, displayed next to the address bar, bookmarks and in tabs next to the page title which makes it easier to recognize a website or page.

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