CESURA//ACCESO • Journal for Music Politics and Poetics
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Call for Issue 2. Corrupting Desires! Technique, Performance and Control

Email to: cesura.acceso@gmail.com

We are currently accepting submissions for Issue 2 of Cesura//Acceso, to be published in June 2016.

Our central theme will be: Corrupting Desires! Technique, Performance and Control.

We want to think about how music is made and experienced - revealing limits, exclusions, desires, strategies, optimism and pessimism. Frustrations, constraints and manipulations of makers and listeners often condition the ways we can feel or think through our engagements with music. We want to prise these contradictions in music open, revealing some of its fractures, as well as its generative and emancipatory possibilities. Some of these might be related to:

We encourage:

We are keen not to normalise contribution formats and will accommodate unorthodox submissions. We will accept both finished material and proposals for works in progress.

If you have an idea that prioritises sound, we encourage you to suggest a way we can represent it in print (as a link, or a transcription, for example). For image-based contributions, please submit these with a clear description and instructions for envisaged layout.

We suggest 5000 words as a maximum limit for text-based contributions. There is no minimum requirement for submissions.

For any further queries on submission formats please contact us directly at cesura.acceso@gmail.com.

The deadline for proposals is 1/12/15.

The deadline has been extended until the 10/12/2015.

Image: Hannah Black, My Bodies, 2014. Still from digital video viewable at https://vimeo.com/85791107

Posted 4 months ago and has 1 note
#cesura #call for papers