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TypePostAuthorRepliesLast updated
Forum topicShould salaries be lowered in the western world? Tagore27655 sec ago
Forum topicLee Harvey Oswald, a libcom? redmarbury37 min 47 sec ago
Forum topicPrince is dead infektfm1352 hours 43 min ago
Forum topic Is anti-Zionism anti-Semitic? proletarian.2073 hours 9 min ago
LibraryRojava: reality and rhetoric - Gilles Dauvé and T.L. Craftwork03 hours 13 min ago
Forum topicWelsh museum workers into 3rd week on indefinite strike Red Marriott03 hours 47 min ago
LibraryBlack bus workers fight "plantation" conditions - Lorenzo Kom'boa Ervin Juan Conatz33 hours 54 min ago
Forum topicLet me tell you why libcom is wrong Sleeper224 hours 7 min ago
Forum topicInternationalist Perspective 61 fischerzed04 hours 10 min ago
Forum topicWSA, IWW and IWA affiliation akai754 hours 25 min ago
Forum topicThe need for local independent news Sleeper204 hours 36 min ago
Forum topicHenri Simon on the '84-'85 Miners' Strike Craftwork55 hours 9 min ago
LibraryAnton Pannekoek and Socialism Of Workers' Self-Emancipation (1873-1960) - John Paul Gerber Iskra55 hours 56 min ago
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Forum topicCommunist Poetry 安藤鈴1847 hours 13 min ago
Forum topicWhat are you listening to now? Sleeper1618 hours 49 min ago
LibraryAspects of syndicalism in Spain, Sweden and USA - Philip Holgate Steven.111 hours 50 min ago
Blog entryThe SPEW and Me Reddebrek612 hours 32 sec ago
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LibraryThe gang system in Coventry - Reg Wright Steven.017 hours 40 min ago
LibraryAnswer to Dave Douglas - Cajo Brendel libcom217 hours 52 min ago
LibraryApproaches to industrial democracy - Geoffrey Ostergaard Steven.017 hours 55 min ago
LibraryWorkers' control: looking for a movement Steven.018 hours 8 min ago
LibraryAnarchy #002 Steven.018 hours 13 min ago
Forum topicJoin international days of solidarity with Russian anarchist and antifascist prisoners 1st to 10th July, 2016 S2W018 hours 15 min ago