

Ross Greenwood speaks to vanilla grower George Gonthier about why the price of vanilla has skyrocketed


Image Source: smh

4x4 legend John Rooth presents "Tucker Time" on The Caravan, Camping & 4x4 Show with Chris Bowen and The Duck.

Alan talks to chief judge Mark Dorrell and ‘potentialist’ award winners Lauren Eldridge and Hugh Allen

John "Roothy" Rooth presents Tucker Time on The Caravan, Camping & 4x4 Show - 20/02/16

John "Roothy" Rooth presents Tucker Time with Chris Bowen and The Duck.

John "Roothy" Rooth presents Tucker Time on The Caravan, Camping and 4x4 Show - 06/02/16

The Aussie food legend joins Chris in studio to offer some delicious recipes!

carrot cake bliss balls

3 cups (360g) pecans

20 fresh pitted dates

2 carrots (160g), peeled and grated

Ben is joined in studio by the world’s most famous cook. 

Catch John "Roothy" Rooth's Tucker Time on The Caravan, Camping & 4x4 Show with Chris Bowen and The Duck.

Catch John "Roothy" Rooth as he presents Tucker Time - 23/01/16

2GB's Food and wine expert Ben Malouf chats with Luke Grant about the new and innovative ways in which wine can be purchased.

Listen to Luke Grant's show from Sunday January 24

John "Roothy" Rooth joins Chris Bowen and The Duck for Tucker Time on The Caravan, Camping & 4x4 Show.

Celebrity chef Pete Evans chats about the paleo diet

John "Roothy" Rooth presents Tucker Time with Chris Bowen and The Duck.

Warren Moore is joined by Birchip Baker, Kevin Sharp to talk about his amazing vanilla slice, and how it's putting his bakery on the map!

Catch Roothy as he presents Tucker Time on The Caravan, Camping & 4x4 Show - 26/12/15

John "Roothy" Rooth presents Tucker Time on The Caravan, Camping & 4x4 Show with Chris Bowen and The Duck.

Carl from The Game Farm joins Kate White and Kayley Harris to inform about the amazing birds they breed for the Christmas season!


You can contact Carl from The Game Farm website at:

Listen to John "Roothy" Rooth present Tucker Time on The Caravan, Camping & 4x4 Show - 05/12/15


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