- published: 26 Jun 2016
- views: 40558
Peyambutan 6 unit Bus SHD Rosalia Indah
[Bismania] Gunung Harta SHD Opticruise 1st ride Adiputro ke Garasi
Naik Bus Matic Mewah Pandawa87 Jetbus SHD Scania K360 Opticruise
Interior Mewah Pandawa87 Scania SHD
JETBUS SHD LAJU PRIMA Mendominasi Sore Itu
Review All New GT 2 Morodadi Prima (SHD atau Real HD atau...???) Hino RN 285
EXECUTIVE PLUS ROSALIA INDAH | SHD Scania K360ib Opticruise | Matesih - Solo - Jakarta
8 SHD Subur Jaya dan 2 Scania SHD Rejeki Transport PLUS Telolet
Bus rosalia indah terbaru Kali ini Crew JosBus bergabung dengan rosalai indah mania , menyambut kedatangan 6 unit SHD (Super High Deck) dengan mesin scania k360 opticruiser limited edition 2016 , dari 6 unit tersebut terdiri dari 2 unit untuk kelas Super top rosalia indah dan 4 unit untuk kelas executive plus Subscribe / berlanganan gratis : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKgeaOmq6AG_dIVwLs75Ljw Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/JosBus instagram : instragam/josbus =================================
SHD bikinan Tentrem pertama milik PO Harapan Jaya Chasis Scania K360ib Opticruise Body the New AVANTE Super Luxury Class seat 2-1 by Rimba Kencana (Hai) ===== Armada avante pertama milik harjay ni gaes, 3 lainnya menyusul :D
Welcome to JosBus , Kali ini Membahas soal salah satu Karosri terbaik indonesia yaitu LAKSANA vs ADIPUTRO dan dia mengeluarkan produk terbaiknya yaitu Tipe XHD dan SHD mana yang unggul. SUBSCRIBE GRATIS : https://goo.gl/rMElWp ==================================================== xhd laksana, shd rosalia indah, xhd putera mulya, shd adiputro, shd vs xhd, bus shd indonesia, bus shd adiputro, bus shd rosalia indah, bus shd, bus shd terbaru
Review Bis Indonesia pertama dari kami Tukang Review BIS. Kali ini kami me-review tentang All New GT 2 Morodadi Prima yang menggunakan chassis Hino RN 285 Air Suspension. Kami mengucapkan banyak terima kasih kepada manajemen PO.Eka dan teman-teman Eka Cepat Fans Club yang telah mengijinkan kami melakukan review saat road test ke Jogja pada 17 April 2016. Review yang kami lakukan "Review Apa Adanya" tanpa "Ada Apanya". Maksudnya ini adalah review kami sebagai penumpang juga penggemar bis.. jadi yaa itulah yang kami rasakan selama mencoba sensasi All New GT 2 Morodadi Prima. Jadi apabila ada kekurangan kami utarakan namun kami tetap memberikan saran serta sisi positif dari kekurangan yang ada. Kami mohon maaf apabila dalam video review kali ini masih terdapat banyak kekurangan dan kesalah...
Perjalanan dari Matesih, Karanganyar menuju Jakarta dengan bus Rosalia Indah nomor lambung SHD108. Bus baru dengan dapur pacu Scani K360ib opticruise, dengan balutan body Adiputro Jetbus Super High Deck. ------------------------------------------ Music : Music by Chillhop: http://youtube.com/chillhopdotcom Birocratic - Tony's Belated Breakfast: https://soundcloud.com/birocratic Vibe Tracks - Universal Gunnar Olsen - Trancer
Delapan unit bus Subur Jaya SHD berkunjung ke Jogja. ---------------------------------------- Music : Music by Chillhop: http://youtube.com/chillhopdotcom Globuldub - Foreign Exchange: https://soundcloud.com/globuldub
Why don't you stay with me?
Come on and play with me
You know I'm out of my tree
Honey, why did you walk away?
When you knew I had something to say
Sittin' here drinking alone
Left wondering why you ain't gonna phone
But I know baby
That you were just sent for me
You're driving me crazy
I'm begging right down on my knees
Why don't you stay with me?
Come on and play with me
You know i'm out of my tree
Lay down your love
I ain't satisfied
Cause you never tried
When making love was a matter of pride
I heard it from friends just the other day
That you're coming back maybe this time you'll stay
Whenever you're near me
I see the truth in your lies
Please open your heart to me
I'm begging you down on my knees
Why don't you stay with me? yea, yea
Come on and play with me, yea, yea
You know I'm out of my tree
Baby, baby, baby, it's allright
Lay down yourlove, allright
Falling in love was'nt easy
But people need love, to survive
If I knew then
All the things I know now
These'd be more then enough to go round
Why don't you stay with me? yeah yeah
Come on and play with me, yeah
You know I'm out of my tree
Baby baby babe it's allright
Lay down ya' love
Why don't you stay with me?
Come on and play with me
You know I'm out of my tree
Baby, baby, babe it's allright
Lay down ya' love
Why don't you stay with me
Come on and play with me
Come on baby
You know it's allright
Lay down ya' love