Extinct in the Wild (EW) is a conservation status assigned to species or lower taxa, the only known living members of which are being kept in captivity or as a naturalized population outside its historic range.
Examples of species and subspecies that are extinct in the wild include:
The Pinta Island Tortoise (Geochelone nigra abingdoni) has only one living individual, Lonesome George. The turtle was believed to be entirely extinct until Hungarian malacologist József Vágvölgyi spotted Lonesome George on the Galapagos island of Pinta on 1 December 1971. Since then, Lonesome George has been a powerful symbol for conservation efforts in general and for the Galapagos Islands in particular.
Not all species that are extinct in the wild are endangered or even rare. For example, Ameca splendens, though extinct in the wild, are very popular aquarium fish.[citation needed]
Reintroduction is the deliberate release of species into the wild, from captivity or relocated from other areas where the species survives. This may be an option for certain species that are endangered or extinct in the wild. However, it may be difficult to reintroduce EW species into the wild, even if their natural habitats were restored, because survival techniques, which are often passed from parents to offspring during parenting, may be lost. While conservation efforts may preserve some of the genetics of a species, the species may never fully recover.
In The Wild is a popular nature television series produced by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation from 1976 until 1981. It is hosted by Harry Butler, a noted Australian naturalist and environmental consultant. The show is a direct predecessor to the Steve Irwin/Crocodile Hunter hands-on style of nature television. Butler however is always gentle and respectful in his handling of animals.
The re-runs of In The Wild continued to play into the 1990s.
Available on DVD at Amazon.com
The Wild is a 2006computer-animated film directed by Steve "Spaz" Williams, produced by Clint Goldman, assistant produced by Jim Burton and C.O.R.E. Feature Animation, and was distributed by Walt Disney Pictures on April 14, 2006, in the United States.
The movie begins with Samson the lion (voiced by Kiefer Sutherland) telling his son Ryan (voiced by Greg Cipes) stories of his adventures in the wild. Ryan attempts to imitate his father's roar, but all he can manage is a squeaky meow. Ryan is teased by the zoo guests and he sulks away on his rock. During the night, when the zoo closes, all the animals are free to roam. Samson heads off to play a game of Turtle Curling with the other animals, while Ryan is taunted to come with his friends Eze the Hippo (voiced by Miles Marsico) and Duke the Kangaroo (Jack DeSena) to stalk the gazelles like his father. Samson later observes as his best friend Benny the Squirrel (voiced by James Belushi) tries to get Bridget the Giraffe (voiced by Janeane Garofalo) to go out with him, but she is clearly not interested. Along with Bridget, an unlucky koala named Nigel (voiced by Eddie Izzard), and a dim-witted snake named Larry (voiced by Richard Kind), Samson competes in a Turtle Curling Game against a team of Penguins. Meanwhile, Ryan's friends sneak into the gazelle exhibit. Ryan tries to stop Eze and Duke with a roar, but meows instead. However, it wakes the gazelles into a stampede, which ruins his father's game. This ends up invoking Samson's anger as he scolds Ryan for spending all day sulking. Ryan retorts by saying he sulks because he would feel much better being a loser if his father wasn't "Samson the Wild."
Currently extinct in the wild animal species
Extinct In The Wild
Extinct in the wild
Baer's pochard (Aythya baeri): Extinct in the wild?
Extinct In The Wild - Guam Rail
Socorro Dove (Extinct in the Wild)
Fierce BEASTS!! EXTINCT in the wild... Barbary Lions
Canary in the Coal Mine - Western Black Rhino Now Officially Extinct in the Wild IUCN
Only Known Footage Of Extinct Wild Ox | Video
The Extinct Australian/Tasmanian Wild Dog, The Thylacine
Wild Kratts Tasmanian Tiger New Episode 2014
Top Ten Recently Extinct Animals
Back from the Brink: for the last wild franciscan manzanita
Endangered and Extinct Species
Currently extinct in the wild animal species
Extinct In The Wild
Extinct in the wild
Baer's pochard (Aythya baeri): Extinct in the wild?
Extinct In The Wild - Guam Rail
Socorro Dove (Extinct in the Wild)
Fierce BEASTS!! EXTINCT in the wild... Barbary Lions
Canary in the Coal Mine - Western Black Rhino Now Officially Extinct in the Wild IUCN
Only Known Footage Of Extinct Wild Ox | Video
The Extinct Australian/Tasmanian Wild Dog, The Thylacine
Wild Kratts Tasmanian Tiger New Episode 2014
Top Ten Recently Extinct Animals
Back from the Brink: for the last wild franciscan manzanita
Endangered and Extinct Species
national geographic-Some of extinct animals-wild kingdom-BBC documentary
endangered species semitard orek. extinct in the wild
Are Dinosaurs Really Extinct? [Mkole Mbembe The Last Living Dinosaur Documentary]
Declared Extinct In Wild, Toads Reintroduced To Habitats | Video
Extinct Species Making Comeback in Seattle
Wild Black Rhino extinct
Wild Kratts Rocket Jaw Rescuer of The Reef
Male Barbary Lion being fed! RAWR
Fanfarlo - Let's Go Extinct (Buzzsession)
Tasmanian Devil - Endangered Species
Bats - the Critically Endangered Rodrigues Fruit Bat
Cute panda cub antics - Xiao Liwu
Tiger Roaring
California Condor - Critically Endangered Species
Recent Extinctions: Living on Borrowed Time
Mystery Creature - Thylacine??
Cheetahs (Endangered Species)
Bird Sexing (Visual): 3 Finch species - Parakeet - Dove
The cute, the odd, and the jumpy
Pleistocene Mammals of North America: Treasures from the La Brea Tar Pits
Mr. Toad's Wild Ride (Track 1) Magic Kingdom
Kitchen Kabaret (part one)
Kitchen Kabaret (part two)
EPCOT Horizons 1984
Walt Disney World Epcot Extinct World of Motion
Delta Dreamflight - Walt Disney World
Journey into Imagination PT1
Journey into imagination pt2
Journey into Imagination pt3
The Mickey Mouse Revue, Walt Disney World 1971
Walt Disney World Promo 1970's
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
1971 Walt Disney World Commercial
The ExtraTERRORestrial Alien Encounter pt.1
The ExtraTERRORestrial Alien Encounter pt.2
Vanished World of Disney 2 - Dreamflight
Vanished World of Disney 7 - Discovery Island
Skyway to Tomorrowland - Magic Kingdom - Walt Disney World
Walt Disney World Home Movies Fall 1973
Plaza Swan Boats Ride-through Sections
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Port Ride-through 1990
Adventurers Club 9.26.08 Samantha's Cabaret