Bogdan Constantin (born in Bucharest,Romania), known by his stage name Macanache (pronounced [makaˈnake]), is a Romanian hip-hop artist.
Personal life
The 26-year old Bogdan was born in Bucharest and spent his childhood in the neighborhood of Titan till he was 14 years old. Forced by financial shortcomings his family had to sell their house and move to a small apartment in the Berceni neighborhood.
He currently supports his family by working as a bartender.
Ăsta sunt eu (That's Me)
În fiecare zi (Every Day)
Putred (Rotten)
Șefu' (Boss)
Prietenii (The Friends)
O joacă de copii (Cakewalk)
External links
Macanache's Facebook profile
Macanache's channel on YouTube