- published: 09 Aug 2019
- views: 485
Lens may refer to:
A lens is a transmissive optical device that affects the focus of a light beam through refraction. A simple lens consists of a single piece of material, while a compound lens consists of several simple lenses (elements), usually along a common axis. Lenses are made from transparent materials such as glass, ground and polished to a desired shape. A lens can focus light to form an image, unlike a prism, which refracts light without focusing. Devices that similarly refract radiation other than visible light are also called lenses, such as microwave lenses or acoustic lenses.
The word lens comes from the Latin name of the lentil, because a double-convex lens is lentil-shaped. The genus of the lentil plant is Lens, and the most commonly eaten species is Lens culinaris. The lentil plant also gives its name to a geometric figure.
The variant spelling lense is sometimes seen. While it is listed as an alternative spelling in some dictionaries, most mainstream dictionaries do not list it as acceptable.
Lens is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:
Mimas is a genus of moths in the Sphingidae family.
Karaburun is a district and the center town of the same district in Turkey's İzmir Province. The district area roughly corresponds to the peninsula of the same name (Karaburun Peninsula) which spears north of the tourism resorts of neighboring Çeşme and its dependencies and west of the city of İzmir. In fact, the district area is one of the westernmost points of Anatolia. Karaburun town is situated close to the northern tip of the peninsula and checks the entry of the Gulf of İzmir with the town of Foça, another important tourism resort, across the waters. The district's administrative zone is bordered by the districts of Çeşme and Urla in its south and faces the Greek island of Chios to its west.
Karaburun region is comparatively much less visited than Çeşme located in its south, its rate of urbanization at 20 per cent is the lowest across İzmir Province, although it provides an anticlimax to its southern neighbor and the associated attractions especially for those who want to escape the trails of mass tourism. The coasts of the peninsula have beautiful bays and pebble or sand beaches as yet often undiscovered by outsiders, although there is one German vacation village slightly to the north of the district center. Taken as a whole, in contrast with Çeşme, agriculture, fishing and livestock breeding, instead of tourism, remain the principal activities on which the district's economy is based. Karaburun's flora and fauna present particularities distinguishing it from the Anatolian mainland. Karaburun's name echoes in Turkey a very high variety of flower breeds present across its area, and especially narcissus and hyacinth.
Mimas is a moon of Saturn which was discovered in 1789 by William Herschel. It is named after Mimas, a son of Gaia in Greek mythology, and is also designated Saturn I.
With a diameter of 396 kilometres (246 mi) it is the smallest astronomical body that is known to be rounded in shape because of self-gravitation.
Mimas was discovered by the astronomer William Herschel on 17 September 1789. He recorded his discovery as follows: "The great light of my forty-foot telescope was so useful that on the 17th of September, 1789, I remarked the seventh satellite, then situated at its greatest western elongation."
Mimas is named after one of the Giants in Greek mythology, Mimas. The names of all seven then-known satellites of Saturn, including Mimas, were suggested by William Herschel's son John in his 1847 publication Results of Astronomical Observations made at the Cape of Good Hope. He named them after Titans specifically because Saturn (the Roman equivalent of Cronus in Greek mythology), was the leader of the Titans and ruler of the world for some time.
頻道第一支隱眼主題影片誕生 每次拍片或拍照都會被問「小米請問隱眼?」 那就來拍片分享吧!都是我的愛用款🤍 #隱眼推薦 #隱眼分享 #日拋隱眼 ▫️OLENS|Spanish #Brown(日拋)NT$500 ▫️GEO|DRESSY RING #CHOCO(月拋)NT$500 ▫️GIVRE|Sparkle #NEON HAZEL(日拋)NT$399 ▫️QUINLIVAN|GAIA 1(日拋)NT$310 ▫️蜜緹|彩色日拋隱形眼鏡 #情書(日拋)NT$449 ▫️晶碩|香水系列 #月桂棕 #佛手柑(日拋)NT$275 *溫馨提醒: 隱形眼鏡配戴習慣較主觀,如有不適應立即就醫 也記得不要長時間配戴喔! 上衣|Mellow co. https://bit.ly/3sTixlX 粉底|資生堂超進化持久光感粉底 #140 唇膏|GA奢華絲絨訂製唇萃 #215 —————————————————— 追蹤IG:🔍lovemiihuang https://bit.ly/3icsD97 【ABOUT MII】 身高 體重:160/49 膚質:乾性/黑眼圈 膚色不均
ColorCon滿額免運 #24hrs出貨 MIMA 1 Day Color Con🎉 買1送1今日$148 想要上鏡度UPUP嗎💯 唔好錯過與朴敏英同款嘅機會 一齊成為最亮眼嘅女主角啦✨ ⚠【元旦節日激賞禮遇】⚠ 詳細資訊請至👉 https://www.vlenshk.com/ 想知更多V.Lens優惠資訊 請click入👇👇👇 https://www.vlenshk.com/ V.Lens Hotline:+852 63682577 Whatsapp : http://bit.ly/VLensCS 實體店: 九龍旺角彌敦道 688 號,旺角新之城 2 樓 249 鋪 ✈️滿$500本地免運費 🛒7天購物保障|明碼實價|只售正貨 💎PayMe|FPS|PayPal|銀行轉帳 #安心 #韓系彩片 #MIMA #Daily #彩妝 #makeup #beauty #正貨直送 #品質保證 #colorcon #網購 #onlineshop #透明con #網購攻略 #clalen #lenstown #olens #pia #韓國con #日本con #hkmodel #coloredcontacts #lenses #eyestyling #specialoffer #limitedsale #sale #colorcon #大眼仔 #隱形眼鏡 #hkig #iger #hkbeauty #香港隱形眼鏡 #sasa #朴敏英 #Belle Coffee #Juliet Gary #Monroe Brown #Charlotte Silver
我總算更新啦~這次也是很多人敲碗的隱眼分享 這幾款是我日常常戴的幾款 放大直徑大約都是14.0-14.2左右 是我覺得最剛好的大小🥰🥰 這些款式我戴著的舒適度都是很好的 但舒適度、戴的顏色、效果還是會因人而異~分享給妳們參考 也可以留言跟我說你們最喜歡哪款! 以下是影片中分享的 🤎Flanmy 夢幻櫻花卷 日拋 🤎蜜緹寶貝款 日拋 🤎帝康艾綺拉 和歌桃緋 月拋 🤎Kristin over sentimental brown月拋 🤎Kristin adorable gray日拋 🤎海昌心機系列 心機水晶 日拋 ***喜歡記得訂閱我✅並開小鈴鐺🔔*** FB粉絲專頁:https://www.facebook.com/eatzz7 Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/eatzzz7/
每次很想買隱形眼鏡,又猶豫戴起來的感覺 最近很常配戴的隱形眼鏡,實戴分享!!! 本來想說買了咖啡色系跟頭髮很配 結果我又跑去染成灰色,到底??? 本影片由 iphone11前鏡頭 拍攝 #喜歡就要追起來 粉絲團 紐斯斯 ♥ https://www.facebook.com/Newssphoto Instagram 紐斯斯 ♥ news_s https://www.instagram.com/news_scos
4/22/2016 - Jakobe and Mieke go on a hike with me at the Mima Mounds NAP. The footage was shot w/ a Sony A7Rii.
Hi我是春春 如果你喜歡我的影片歡迎訂閱+按小鈴鐺 我們下支影片再見! 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦 ▏https://www.instagram.com/spriing____/ 合作邀約 ▏springoh158@gmail.com ∞∞∞∞ 可以的話,幫我看完廣告:) 不略過能有微薄的廣告收益 補助我拍片幕後資金 也是支持我繼續努力的動力之一 ▸我隨意講講話 一直都很喜歡買各式各樣小直徑隱眼 不管是台灣的還是韓國牌子(▰˘◡˘▰) 最近最喜歡Lenstown 有美妝大神PONY跟SOLO女王請夏加持 整個又不知道燒了幾把火去了 之前一直想找代購 沒想到OPT就代理到台灣了(內心放煙火) 3個系列共8款影片裡全實戴+心得分享給你 希望你會喜歡♡ ►Mystarry系列-天生虹膜款,純變色無放大,但變色的很自然 #MR格雷灰 #MR曼妮紫 ►Lightly Rose系列-清透大方,知性氣質款,眼睛圓潤可愛 #茉莉裸杏 #茉莉玫瑰 #茉莉暮灰 ►Bohemian系列-輕華麗的閃亮漫畫眼,有綻放的網點漸層 #波希米亞蜜桃 #波希米亞卡其 #波希米亞摩卡 #Lenstown #像星星般閃耀的存在 #屈臣氏上市 #OPT ▸商品資訊 https://lihi1.com/xGo3I 屈臣氏、西門ChaCha門市就能買到 新品打8折優惠期間 原價450,現在360元就可以入手了⁂ ● 配戴一般隱形眼鏡須經眼科醫師或合格驗光人員驗光配鏡,定期接受眼科醫師追蹤檢查 ● 本器材不得逾中文仿單建議之最長配戴時數、不得重覆配戴,於就寢前務必取下,以免感染或潰瘍 ● 如有不適,應立即就醫。衛部醫器製字第006594號、桃市器廣字第10902006號、桃市器廣字第10904010號、桃市器廣字第10904011號 ▸這支影片使用設備 CANON M50 ▸BGM♪ NT...
【MIMA 品牌概念】 MIMA是拉丁文”女演員”的意思。 女主角一登場, 就是眾人注目的焦點, 時尚與氣質兼具是MIMA的品牌調性。 所設計的鏡片花色都是時下日韓最新流行的款式, 讓妳戴上立即擁有不可抗拒的獨特魅力。 【MIMA 1 Day Color Con 花色介紹】 直徑: 14.2mm 弧度: 8.7mm 1️⃣ Belle Coffee 閃亮Bling Bling | 淺咖啡色的外圈搭配星河般的金色漸層立即展現亮眼效果。 著色直徑: 13.2mm 2️⃣ Charlotte Silver 低調混血系 | 小直徑印染搭配冰晶般的奶油色花紋, 展現如天生外國人的雙眸。 著色直徑: 13.0mm 3️⃣ Juliet Gray 知性時尚風 | 深灰與淺灰漸層加上金色圈環點綴, 打造出混血般大眼。 著色直徑: 13.5mm 4️⃣ Monroe Brown 輕熟深邃感 | 朱古力色外圈與米黃內環印染, 讓眼神深邃自然又放大。 著色直徑: 13.5mm 鍾意既話可以follow我地, 留意我地既最新資訊❤️: IG: becon_beauty | https://www.instagram.com/becon_beauty/ FB: Be-Con | https://www.facebook.com/beconbeauty 🔗官方網址: https://bebeauty.hk/ 日韓款人氣隱形眼鏡專賣店 每個月仲有唔同優惠等緊你架🥳🥳 #Becon #MIMA #colorcontactlenses
Lens may refer to: