33 mayors, including NYC, LA and Chicago, take legal steps in support of Obama immigration action
A group of big-city Democratic mayors are filing a legal brief in support of President Obama’s executive actions on immigration.
New York Mayor Bill de...

33 mayors, including NYC, LA and Chicago, take legal steps in support of Obama immigration action

A group of big-city Democratic mayors are filing a legal brief in support of President Obama’s executive actions on immigration.

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio and Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti are leading the group of 33 mayors who will sign the amicus brief. The president’s immigration actions have been challenged in a lawsuit brought by 25 states with Republican governors.

The mayor’s filing argues that implementing the executive action promptly is in the public interest, and that blocking it will delay important changes to the immigration system.

Twenty-eight of the mayors have officially signed on, with an additional five planning to do so once they receive final approval at the municipal level.

The group includes Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, a former Obama chief of staff, and Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, who is secretary of the Democratic National Committee. The mayors will be joined by the National League of Cities and the U.S. Conference of Mayors.

“Delaying implementation of the President’s executive action will further hurt our families, negatively impact our economies, and create unnecessary insecurity in our communities,” de Blasio said in a statement.

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