Soccer tryouts advice! What do soccer coaches look for at soccer tryouts?
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I get asked this question a lot so I decided it was time to make a video and give you some soccer tryout advice!
I can't speak for all coaches but some coaches use the acronym
TIPS. Which means
Personality and
Speed. So think along those lines.
Key Points to having a
Great Try Out:
Be prepared! Make sure you are fit, your touch is sharp, you are confident checking your shoulders so your speed of play is high and your passing is crisp.
2. Make friends once you get there! If you don't know anyone at the tryout stick your hand out before the tryouts to a few people, introduce yourself and get to know some of the players. You will feel more comfortable once you know a few people.
Don't try to meet everyone there at once, then you will look like you are trying to hard, just a few people.
3. Don't try to do too much! Lots of players including pros sometimes feel the need to impress the coaches by doing too much; trying to be the hero every play. Just play the game the way you know how to play and you will be great. If you are a defender, defend well and complete your passes. Don't try nutmeging players in your own 18.
4. Be confident and Believe in it®. You are trying out because you can believe that you can make it. If you are scared and nervous to get cut you will play scared and your performance will suffer. A little nervousness is natural but believe you will make it because you worked hard to be ready. If you get cut, deal with it and then move on to another team but never go into a try out preparing to be cut!
5. Be a good pro! What I mean by this is be positive with your teammates, pick up trash around the bench area, help carry the coaches gear or pick up cones if need be and when the coach calls you in always be one of the first few players jogging in. Don't kiss up, but show you want to be there.
6. My extra good advice for you is to communicate loud and clear when playing by saying "Man On", "
Turn", "
Switch It", etc. Most young players don't talk when they are playing which is not good. If you are talking loud and clear when playing do you think the coach is going to hear you from the sideline?
Yes, and if they hear you that means they are probably looking at you and if they are looking at you that means they are going to remember you and you will stand out from the pack!
Plus coaches always want leaders!
Player Could Be Doing
Yelling at teammates, not trying hard, giving up on plays, not tracking back on defense when you make a mistake.
Everyone makes mistakes in soccer, everyone.
The difference between good players and great players is how you react to those mistakes. Do you put your head down and walk back when you make a bad pass or do you hustle back on defense and react positive?
Always react positive!
Bonus Tip:
Show up at try outs looking great! Don't look like you just rolled out of bad. Put a little gel in your hair, wash your face, make sure that pre wrap head band looks sharp, put on a clean shirt!!
First impressions are important! If you look good, you will play great!
Now go out and have a great try out!!
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- published: 05 Sep 2011
- views: 132040