- published: 29 Aug 2014
- views: 753146
MySQL (officially pronounced as /maɪ ˌɛskjuːˈɛl/ "My S-Q-L",) is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS); in July 2013, it was the world's second most widely used RDBMS, and the most widely used open-source client–server model RDBMS. It is named after co-founder Michael Widenius's daughter, My. The SQL acronym stands for Structured Query Language. The MySQL development project has made its source code available under the terms of the GNU General Public License, as well as under a variety of proprietary agreements. MySQL was owned and sponsored by a single for-profit firm, the Swedish company MySQL AB, now owned by Oracle Corporation. For proprietary use, several paid editions are available, and offer additional functionality.
MySQL is a popular choice of database for use in web applications, and is a central component of the widely used LAMP open-source web application software stack (and other "AMP" stacks). LAMP is an acronym for "Linux, Apache, MySQL, Perl/PHP/Python". Free-software open-source projects that require a full-featured database management system often use MySQL. Applications that use the MySQL database include: TYPO3, MODx, Joomla, WordPress, phpBB, MyBB, Drupal and other software. MySQL is also used in many high-profile, large-scale websites, including Google (though not for searches), Facebook,Twitter,Flickr, and YouTube.
MySQL Tutorial
MySQL Tutorial 1 - What is MySQL
Beginners MYSQL Database Tutorial 1 # Download , Install MYSQL and first SQL query
MySQL Tutorial for Beginners - 1 - Creating a Database and Adding Tables to it
Kurs MySQL odc. 1: Bazy danych. Pierwsze zapytania wyszukujące
Curso MySQL #01 - O que é um Banco de Dados?
Curso Bases de Datos en MySQL - 1: Introducción
Curso MySQL #03 - Criando o primeiro Banco de Dados
MySQL Tutorial for Beginners - Part 1 - Introduction to MySQL and Database
PHP MySQL Tutorial
Cheat Sheet / Transcript is Here : http://goo.gl/Z1p50M Best MySQL Book : http://goo.gl/zJC254 Support Me on Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/derekbanas Welcome to my MySQL video tutorial. I'll cover 95 - 98% of everything you'll ever need to know in one video. I cover creating / destroying databases, creating / destroying tables, data types, NULL, DEFAULT, ENUM, AUTO_INCREMENT, primary keys, foreign keys, atomic data, normalized, DESCRIBE, INSERT, ALTER, SELECT, SHOW, RENAME, WHERE, logical operators, comparison operators, ORDER BY, GROUP BY, LIMIT, string operators, joins, LIKE, DISTINCT, math functions and more.
HELP ME! http://www.patreon.com/calebcurry MySQL is a programming language used for creating databases. Databases run the back-end of almost every website, business, corporation, school, etc... Watch to learn about database programming with MySQL! Videos Available for Download - http://www.udemy.com/calebthevideomaker2-database-and-mysql-classes/ Playlist - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pbxQQG25Jw&list;=PL_c9BZzLwBRKHaa-qY7N-bmZYLPx3RYVB&index;=1 What is MySQL? How Data is Organized and Normalization. Relationships Keys Numeric Data Types String Data Types Date and Time Data Types Column Features and Extra Settings Indexes Quotes and Escaping Special Characters Altering Data and More Advanced Queries Joins How to Build a Database How to Install XAMPP and start Using PhpMyAdmin How...
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Wesprzyj na Patronite ► https://patronite.pl/pasja-informatyki Przed Państwem pierwszy odcinek kursu SQL, czyli języka zapytań kierowanych bezpośrednio do bazy danych. W odcinku tym poznamy najważniejsze definicje, czyli tak naprawdę niezbędną terminologię, słownictwo jakie należy znać w pracy z bazami danych. Zapiszemy także pierwsze zapytania wyszukujące informacje. Odcinek ten jest stosunkowo bogaty w treść, aczkolwiek jego przepracowanie pozwoli Państwu zupełnie komfortowo zanurzyć się w tematykę pracy z bazami danych w MySQL. Życzę Państwu, abyście od początku, od tego pierwszego epizodu, poczuli jak łatwe i przyjemne jest pisanie w SQL. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ PLIKI DO ODCINKA: http://miroslawzelent.pl/kurs-mysql/phpmyadmin-zapytania-wyszukujace-select/ DOBROWOLNE WSPARCIE:...
Saiba como funciona um Banco de Dados e como eles surgiram no mundo da tecnologia. Nós do CursoemVideo sempre recomendamos assistir a aula completa, mas se quiser aprender diretamente uma parte específica, clique nos marcadores de tempo a seguir: 1:09 - Qual é o assunto da aula? 2:01 - Como era antes dos Bancos de Dados? 3:18 - Registros, Tabelas e Arquivos 4:26 - Arquivos Sequenciais 6:01 - Arquivos de Acesso Direto 7:30 - O primeiro Banco de Dados 12:46 - Primeiros Modelos em Rede e Hierárquico 14:20 - Modelo Relacional 16:34 - Entendendo o que é SQL 18:24 - Quais os Bancos de Dados do Mercado? 20:41 - Que tal ajudar o CursoemVideo? Aula do Curso de Banco de Dados com MySQL criado pelo professor Gustavo Guanabara para o portal CursoemVideo.com. Curso em Vídeo Site: http://www.cursoem...
Clic aquí para todos nuestros cursos y tutoriales: ►http://codigofacilito.com/ Síguenos en Twitter: ►http://twitter.com/codigofacilito "Like" en Facebook: ►http://facebook.com/codigofacilito ----- MÁS CURSOS de CódigoFacilito: Curso para crear una página web en HTML5: ►http://bit.ly/PaginaWebHTML5 Curso de Ruby ► http://bit.ly/RubyFacilito Curso de Ruby on Rails ► http://bit.ly/RailsFacilito Curso de Python: ►http://bit.ly/PythonFacilito Curso de HTML5: ►http://bit.ly/HTML5Facilito Curso de WordPress (Crea un tema desde cero): ► http://bit.ly/WordPressFacilito Curso de CSS: ►http://bit.ly/CSSFacilito Curso de PHP: ►http://bit.ly/PHPFacilito Curso de JavaScript y jQuery: ►http://bit.ly/jQueryFacilito Curso de Java: ►http://bit.ly/JavaFacilito Curso de C++: ►http://bit.ly/C...
Nessa aula, vamos aprender a usar os comandos CREATE DATABASE e CREATE TABLE, bem como conhecer os vários tipos primitivos que o MySQL tem. Nós do CursoemVideo sempre recomendamos assistir a aula completa, mas se quiser aprender diretamente uma parte específica, clique nos marcadores de tempo a seguir: 2:37 - A estrutura de um Banco de Dados 7:55 - Comando CREATE DATABASE 11:11 - Comando CREATE TABLE 13:27 - Tipos Primitivos do MySQL 22:21 - Usando o Console MySQL 26:30 - Ajude a manter o Curso em Vídeo crescendo! Aula do Curso de Banco de Dados com MySQL criado pelo professor Gustavo Guanabara para o portal CursoemVideo.com. Curso em Vídeo Site: http://www.cursoemvideo.com YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/cursoemvideo Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/cursosemvideo Twitter: http://twi...
Get my free 2+ hour MySQL database course. Includes 17 videos to help you learn the essentials of MySQL. Click here to get the free course: https://simonsezit.leadpages.net/free-mysql-course/ Get the full course on MySQL for Beginners here: http://www.simonsezit.com/courses/web-development/mysql-database-training-course-for-beginners/ In this video, learn about the fundamental concept of database and MySQL as database management system. Watch the entire Learn MySQL for Beginners playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzj7TwUeMQ3ga_sHmm6-CmJjgwCAeTKgA Learn how to use Bootstrap to create a responsive website: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzj7TwUeMQ3hrmEpbse1aBHJg-KZtvN-- AngularJS playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzj7TwUeMQ3h9reRQ9EYNg5M1Jh5L9B...
Get the Code Here : http://goo.gl/Aocylf PHP Tutorial : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TF00hJI78Y MySQL Tutorial : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPu6qV5byu4 Support Me on Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/derekbanas Previously I covered the vast majority of both PHP and MySQL in 2 videos. This time I decided to bridge the gap and show how to simply grab data from and edit data in a MySQL database using PHP. We specifically cover creating users with limited access for security reasons, setting up secure database connections, pulling data from a database, adding data to the database and prepared statements.
You know I grind all day, grind all night
I think it's time for some, it's time for some
Mo scrilla, mo scrilla, mo scrilla
Then we doing the same thing
The next day, same thing the next night
I think it's time for some, it's time for some
Mo scrilla, mo scrilla, mo scrilla
On my G-R-I-N-D
[Verse 1]
Take a look at my place, they calling me Will Smith
Cause the crib got me looking like I'm the Fresh Prince
If I lose it's all on me, I get my ends and don't stay
I be in LA in the morning, France the end of the day
I got a couple trucks that's mine and look like Optimus Prime
Transform another huge Chamillion, bank gotta shine
I'm like the dot in front of the hand, cause I'm ahead of my time
And if that line went over your head then you better let it rewind
She all in my pockets like she digging for gold
Trying to reach in for some money but that hand'll be closed
Critics think that all we talk about is candy and foes
To tell the truth how could I not with all this candy exposed?
Ya'll so far behind me and I'm so number 1
They say it's lonely at the top so this ain't gonna be fun
All you doubters that be shouting like you're slowing my run
Wait a minute mother mother, like I'm Polo the Don
Spotting that ?Geila, probably spotting that Golia?
I'm so 83 of ya, I'm so 84 of ya
Black as petroleum, arachnophobia
Shooting spiders off the back and I'm holding a
Hand full of grain, remaining simple and plain
When you're riding in the 'Lac, feel like you're sitting in a plane
Cockpit and the drink, stewardess is a dame
Before I said I'm making noise, there ain't no muting my bank