Middle East & Africa
Hiking the ‘Rat Tracks,’ Hunting for al-Shabab

Hiking the ‘Rat Tracks,’ Hunting for al-Shabab

Meet the khat-chewing, rifle-toting volunteer army that forms Kenya’s first line of defense against the Somali terrorist group.

How the State Department’s Human Rights Report Treats Friends — and Adversaries

How the State Department’s Human Rights Report Treats Friends — and Adversaries

The authors of the reports should take into account the nature of America's relationships to countries that come in for criticism.

Watch: Chaos Erupts In Green Zone As Protesters Breach Defenses

Watch: Chaos Erupts In Green Zone As Protesters Breach Defenses

Protesters breached Baghdad's Green Zone once again, in defiance of the prime minister.

95483623 Podcast

Examining Sy-raq

[protected-iframe id="e6938f9bf92d6caed824118d3fadecb8-71129472-95483623" info="https://player.megaphone.fm/PNP6275415394" width="100%" height="200" scrolling="no"] David Rothkopf, Lara Jakes, Hisham Melhem, and Kori Schake come together for this week’s prognosis for what may be ...



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