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Independent news + analysis from the sharpest academic minds. Monthly audience: 14m users onsite + 37m through creative commons republication.



  1. Your tax-deductible donation supports knowledge-based, ethical journalism. Help us: - Publish evidence-based analysis, not alarm - Share knowledge, not clickbait - Share the voices of experts, not those with vested interests. Donate today:

  2. A survey of young people's attitudes to revealed some concerning findings. Nearly one-quarter of respondents agreed that women tend to exaggerate the problem of male violence. How can schools turn teach respectful relationships:

  3. Our politicians talk a lot about , but we rarely here from themselves. This expert interviewed generations of Aussie to find out what combination of care and paid work they chose, and why:

  4. Will we lose beautiful starry night skies like this one to city lights and satellites? Elon Musk is planning for up to 12,000 satellites in low Earth orbit. But this fleet of satellites could forever change our view of the heavens:

  5. Diana Ryall AM was the 1st woman in Australia to lead an IT company when she was appointed Managing Director of Apple Australia. She understands the importance of evidence-based journalism + is a donor. Join her + donate today:

  6. Our journalism is not influenced by political or commercial agenda. Instead, we produce articles based on expertise + evidence. If you believe independent information matters now more than ever, donate today: Thank you for the kind words

  7. 5月27日

    How do we make sure arguments about the are productive? With issues like pitting miners against farmers and environmentalists, we must bridge the dividing lines between these groups. Our comic provides some helpful strategies:

  8. 5月27日

    We're a non-profit + need to raise 1/4 of our budget before the end of June. That's where readers like you can make a difference. If you value what we do, please donate today:

  9. 5月27日

    The is currently celebrating players. Back in 1892, Victoria barred an man from playing VFL to "keep Indigenous people on the periphery". Local leagues (pictured) then flourished and Indigenous players now dominate primetime:

  10. 5月27日

    Who's in ScoMo's ministry? This handy chart has all the recent appointments. explains what to make of the Coalition's new team:

  11. 5月27日

    More advantaged public get nearly six times more funding from parents than less advantaged public schools. As this chart shows, the higher socio-economic quartile, the more parents can shell out, leading to "socially segregated schooling":

  12. 5月27日

    Torres Strait Islanders' ancestral lands are being washed away by sea level rise from , like the picturesque Thursday Island (below). Locals are fighting back by challenging Australia's weak at the :

  13. 5月27日

    Once a year we ask our readers to show they value by making a donation. We rely on reader donations to survive, so if you appreciate + value our model of independent journalism, please give today:

  14. 5月27日

    We published this piece in June last year after the death of Eurydice Dixon. The issues and advice to city planners warrant revisiting.

  15. 5月27日

    Too often, arguments about the descend into counter-productive blame games. How can we find common ground to address the ? Read our comic for tips on how to engage constructively with opposing groups on :

  16. 5月27日

    How do we have better arguments about the ? With and causing so much tension in , we must learn to settle our differences more productively. Read our comic for tips on green dialogue:

  17. 5月23日

    Five year old Audrey asked us "How was the Earth made?" scientist explains: "Early on, a big bit of rock hit Earth. And a little bit of it flew off and floated into space to make the Moon..." Read our full explainer for :

  18. 5月23日

    There is a common perception that are too lenient on sex offenders. But demands for harsher sentences are often based on sensational and selective media reporting. In Victoria, sentences have actually become harsher:

  19. 5月23日

    The coal mine may cause the beautiful Doongmabulla Springs to cease flowing. Therefore, our expert argues the Coalition and Queensland governments should not hastily rush approvals:

  20. 5月22日

    This is a photo of corals at Scott Reef in 2012 + at the same site during the 2016 mass bleaching. The coral reefs may not be as well known as the , but they're just as large + diverse. And they too have been devastated by cyclones + bleaching:


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