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Climate & Energy

Obama’s latest climate move: Cracking down on methane from fracking

The EPA has just finalized rules that will limit methane pollution for the first time ever.


Listen to this relaxing jam on a sunny afternoon

Watch Sam Cohen perform a tune from last year's Pickathon music festival.

Slick Snacks

Don’t look now, but the oil industry miiiight be poisoning your food

Some of the food you eat is probably irrigated with reused water from the oil industry. Bon appetit!

Climate & Energy

Amid fire evacuations, Alberta oil production restarts

Companies are flying in workers to staff oil operations — because thousands of local workers have had to leave their homes.


Climatarian, vegavore, reducetarian: Why we have so many words for cutting back on meat

These new words reflect a shift in our understanding of what food choices mean.


Will Uber and Lyft learn anything from their defeat in Austin?

If the ride-hailing companies are smart, they'll start to work with local governments instead of trying to bully them into submission.

Business & Technology

Keystone pipeline still a pain in nation’s butt

Pipeline boosters just won’t give up. Now they've joined a lawsuit arguing that Obama shouldn’t have rejected Keystone.

Climate & Energy

Even with the Arctic out, offshore drilling isn’t slowing down

The Gulf of Mexico is a goldmine for offshore oil.

Climate & Energy

Rainbow satellite image shows Antarctica’s ice fleeing into the ocean

Parts of Antarctica are breaking off and moving away from the continent at speeds of up to three feet per day.

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