- published: 15 Jul 2015
- views: 116
Andrey Epifanovich Ilin (Russian: Андре́й Епифа́нович Ильи́н; born July 18, 1960, Gorky, RSFSR, USSR) - Soviet and Russian film and theater actor. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (1993). He was awarded the Order of Friendship (2011). A member of the public organization Union of Cinematographers of the Russian Federation.
Widely known actor brought the role of Chistyakov - husband of Anastasia Kamenskaya (Elena Yakovleva), the main character of the series Kamenskaya.
Teddy Shushankov & Andrey Ilin
Faustina & Andrey Ilin
Los Guitarros - Idan Toledano & Andrey Ilin | לוס גיטרוס - עידן טולדנו, אנדרי אילין
Andrey Ilin @ Faustina's Birthday Party
Faustina Abad & Andrey Ilin
ilin andrey #27
Los Emigrantes: "Jewish Gangsters club" - Lebedik freilach
Los Emigrantes. Dancers
Azmero Project - Yeshi Haregitu Feat. Solomon Mersha
Los Emigrantes: "Jewish Gangsters club" - Hit the road Jack
עידן טולדנו, אנדרי אילין - דואט גיטרה ספרדית www.idantoledano.com
через YouTube Объектив
Cover of Yidish song by Aaron Lebedeff - Lebedik freilach Andrey Ilin - guitar Emil Khachaturian -guitar (sabre dance) Teddy Shushankov - domra
Andrey Ilin - guitar and organizator "Los Emigrantes" Tina Abad - singing Emil Hachaturyan - bas Roman Sheglov - trumpet Gonen Visel - percussion Ronit Raymond - flamenko Mira Zauya - bellydance Fasika Alemu - ethiopian dance Producer - Andrey Ilin. 052-776-20-25
Vocals: Solomon Mersha, Aveva Dese, Getahun Maleda Oud: Idan Toledano, Andrey Ilin Double Bass: Evyatar Hermesh Percussion: Ori Fundi Dekel AZMERO PROJECT is a unique and first of its kind! Artists from different cultures and different generations together form And trying to redefine the identity of Israeli music! Ethiopian Amharic songs and accompanied by acoustic instruments: 2 ouds, Double Bass and Percussion. Contact & Booking: idantole@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/Azmero-Project
Cover of song by Percy Mayfield & Dances Franck Oz - singer Oshi Daban - singer Ronit Raymond - Flamenco dance Mira Zauya - Belly dance Fasika Alemu - Ethiopian Oromo dance Andrey Ilin - guitar Emil Khachaturian - guitar Vadim Sokolyk - bas Roman Shceglov - trumpet Iliya Zhornitski - akkordeon Teddy Shushankov - domra Gonen Vizel - pecussion Solomon Mersha - singer
Программа «Пока все дома» в гостях у актера Андрея Ильина. Принимать гостей – Тимура Кизякова и зрителей Первого канала – Андрею помогают его жена Инга Павловна, дочь Юля и сын Тихон. Смотрите также прямое вещание Первого канала в Интернете на http://stream.1tv.ru/live Официальные каналы в социальных сетях: https://vk.com/1tvnews http://vk.com/1tv https://www.facebook.com/1tvnews https://www.facebook.com/1tvru http://www.odnoklassniki.ru/news1tv http://www.odnoklassniki.ru/1tv https://twitter.com/1tvru_news https://twitter.com/channelone_rus
פאוסטינה - שירה, גיטרה וריקוד ~ Faustina Abad אנטון טורוסוב - כלי הקשה ~ Anton Turusov אמיל חצ׳טוריאן - גיטרה ~ Emil Khachaturian עם אורחת מאוד מיוחדת! נועה דרזנר -גיטרה פלמנקו NOA Drezner Guitarra Flamenca Andrey Ilin - גיטרה
Azmero Project Presents: https://www.facebook.com/azmeroproject 8 Kinds of Ethiopian scales: 1. Anchi Hoy (0:12) 2. Ambassel (3:48) 3. Bati major (6:04) 4. Bati minor (7:50) 5. Tizita major (10:32) 6. Tizita minor (13:15) 7. Bati/Anchi hoy (14:38) 8. Shilela/ Fukara (15:28) Produced by: Azmero Project Directed By: Andrey Ilin, Idan Toledano Artists: Solomon Mersha - Singer Getahum Malede - Keyboard Video: Peter Tarasenko The Azmero project is the first of its kind in Israel. It brings together musicians from different cultures and generations who create and perform Amharic music with a fascinating Israeli twist: Ethiopian singing with the acoustic accompaniment of two ouds, a contrabass, and Middle Eastern percussion instruments. https://www.facebook.com/azmeroproject
LIKE | SHARE | Producător - GS Music Folclor Toate drepturile producătorului și ale autorilor sunt rezervate. Utilizările neautorizate ale acestei înregistrări prin copiere ,prezentare publică,internet sau transmitere Radio și TV, sunt strict interzise și se pedepsesc conform legii. © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. UNAUTHORIZED USE THIS MUSICAL WORKS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Un produs GS Music. Studioul Starurilor Muzicii Populare. Cel mai mare producător şi distribuitor audio-video din Oltenia! Muzica ta e la noi ! Abonați-vă pentru a avea acces la cea mai frumoasă muzică!!! http://www.youtube.com/c/FolclorMusic http://www.youtube.com/user/gsmusicproduction100 http://www.youtube.com/c/Muzicataelanoi https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvzARbwCYPEr7DADEVzvCZg Anica Gantu,Niculina Stoican,Olguta Ber...
LIKE | SHARE | Producător - GS Music Folclor Toate drepturile producătorului și ale autorilor sunt rezervate. Utilizările neautorizate ale acestei înregistrări prin copiere ,prezentare publică,internet sau transmitere Radio și TV, sunt strict interzise și se pedepsesc conform legii. © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. UNAUTHORIZED USE THIS MUSICAL WORKS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Un produs GS Music. Studioul Starurilor Muzicii Populare. Cel mai mare producător şi distribuitor audio-video din Oltenia! Muzica ta e la noi ! Abonați-vă pentru a avea acces la cea mai frumoasă muzică!!! http://www.youtube.com/c/FolclorMusic http://www.youtube.com/user/gsmusicproduction100 http://www.youtube.com/c/Muzicataelanoi https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvzARbwCYPEr7DADEVzvCZg Anica Gantu,Niculina Stoican,Olguta Ber...
LIKE | SHARE | Producător - GS Music Folclor Toate drepturile producătorului și ale autorilor sunt rezervate. Utilizările neautorizate ale acestei înregistrări prin copiere ,prezentare publică,internet sau transmitere Radio și TV, sunt strict interzise și se pedepsesc conform legii. © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. UNAUTHORIZED USE THIS MUSICAL WORKS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Un produs GS Music. Studioul Starurilor Muzicii Populare. Cel mai mare producător şi distribuitor audio-video din Oltenia! Muzica ta e la noi ! Abonați-vă pentru a avea acces la cea mai frumoasă muzică!!! http://www.youtube.com/c/FolclorMusic http://www.youtube.com/user/gsmusicproduction100 http://www.youtube.com/c/Muzicataelanoi https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvzARbwCYPEr7DADEVzvCZg Anica Gantu,Niculina Stoican,Olguta Ber...
LIKE | SHARE | Producător - GS Music Folclor Toate drepturile producătorului și ale autorilor sunt rezervate. Utilizările neautorizate ale acestei înregistrări prin copiere ,prezentare publică,internet sau transmitere Radio și TV, sunt strict interzise și se pedepsesc conform legii. © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. UNAUTHORIZED USE THIS MUSICAL WORKS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Un produs GS Music. Studioul Starurilor Muzicii Populare. Cel mai mare producător şi distribuitor audio-video din Oltenia! Muzica ta e la noi ! Abonați-vă pentru a avea acces la cea mai frumoasă muzică!!! http://www.youtube.com/c/FolclorMusic http://www.youtube.com/user/gsmusicproduction100 http://www.youtube.com/c/Muzicataelanoi https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvzARbwCYPEr7DADEVzvCZg Anica Gantu,Niculina Stoican,Olguta Ber...
LIKE | SHARE | Producător - GS Music Folclor Toate drepturile producătorului și ale autorilor sunt rezervate. Utilizările neautorizate ale acestei înregistrări prin copiere ,prezentare publică,internet sau transmitere Radio și TV, sunt strict interzise și se pedepsesc conform legii. © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. UNAUTHORIZED USE THIS MUSICAL WORKS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Un produs GS Music. Studioul Starurilor Muzicii Populare. Cel mai mare producător şi distribuitor audio-video din Oltenia! Muzica ta e la noi ! Abonați-vă pentru a avea acces la cea mai frumoasă muzică!!! http://www.youtube.com/c/FolclorMusic http://www.youtube.com/user/gsmusicproduction100 http://www.youtube.com/c/Muzicataelanoi https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvzARbwCYPEr7DADEVzvCZg Anica Gantu,Niculina Stoican,Olguta Ber...
Двукратная чемпионка мира по тяжелой атлетике Майя Манеза. Автор: Андрей Неклюдов. Операторы: Канат Токтасынов, Ринат Алибеков. Режиссеры: Андрей Неклюдов, Айдар Арыстанбеков. Монтаж: Айдар Арыстанбеков. Звук: Талгат Андосов.
Ilya Ilin JERK 250 kg ! Илья Ильин Толчок со стоек 250 кг! Тяжёлая Атлетика 2015 Weightlifting 2015 Snatch Clear&Jerk Тяжёлая атлетика Рывок Толчок Чемпионат мира по тяжёлой атлетике Чемпионат Европы по тяжёлой Атлетике World Championships European Weightlifting Championships 舉重 重量挙げ pesistica Ауыр Halter Peshëngritjes 역도 경기는 다음 두 종목으로 구분됨 levantamiento de pesas Cử tạ youth world IWF Junior Best weightlifter Ilya Ilyin Liao Hui Илья Ильин Новый Мировой Рекорд NEW WORLD RECORD Наим Сулейманоглу Халил Мутлу Zlatan Vanev Янко Русев Алексей Ловчев Чингиз Могушков Олег Чен Апти Аухадов Татьяна Каширина Рекорд среди юниоров Рекорд среди кадетов Дмитрий Клоков Леонид Тараненко Курлович Тяжелая атлетика важка атлетика haltérophilie ağır atletika peshëngritje ծանրամարտը цяжкая атлетыка вдигане н...
this is a motivation video of the great weightlifter ilya ilin of kazhastan SONG - EDGUY - SUPERHEROS ¡¡¡¡ este es un video que hice del gran pesista ilya ilin ¡¡¡¡
Илья Ильин - Эксклюзивное интервью !!! Тяжёлая Атлетика 2015 Weightlifting 2015 Snatch Clear&Jerk Тяжёлая атлетика Рывок Толчок Чемпионат мира по тяжёлой атлетике Чемпионат Европы по тяжёлой Атлетике World Championships European Weightlifting Championships 舉重 重量挙げ pesistica Ауыр Halter Peshëngritjes 역도 경기는 다음 두 종목으로 구분됨 levantamiento de pesas Cử tạ youth world IWF Junior Best weightlifter Ilya Ilyin Liao Hui Илья Ильин Новый Мировой Рекорд NEW WORLD RECORD Наим Сулейманоглу Халил Мутлу Zlatan Vanev Янко Русев Алексей Ловчев Чингиз Могушков Олег Чен Апти Аухадов Татьяна Каширина Рекорд среди юниоров Рекорд среди кадетов Дмитрий Клоков Леонид Тараненко Курлович Тяжелая атлетика важка атлетика haltérophilie ağır atletika peshëngritje ծանրամարտը цяжкая атлетыка вдигане на Aurimas Didzbalis те...
This short documentary talks through the highlights of the legendary weightlifter David Rigert's life. Few parts of a video may contain a bit of 'lag', however this is because of the way the original video was uploaded and hence the limited video quality. Hope you enjoy the video. David Rigert's Weightlifting achievements Senior world champion (1971, 1973-1976, 1978); Bronze medalist at Senior World Championships (1970); European champion (1971-1976, 1978-1980); Set sixty-eight world records during career; National team coach for the USSR/Russia.1985-1986 (2nd to Bulgaria),2007-Present
What is this life I've stumbled in to?
Where's it gonna take me?
Where's it gonna take you?
If life is a journey, then I know where I'll be
By the ocean, oh, that valley in the sea
But I don't think anyone's looking for me
Especially you
And if someone is looking, then who?
And it's amazing
How lost inside you feel
When you look fine on the outside
You're screaming, "Someone take the wheel!"
And it's amazing
Yeah, they think you've got it all
But it might just be a pebble
That's gonna make you fall
What is this story that tells me I'm fine?
It adds color to my pages
Like a sweet, little nursery rhyme
If I had the answers
Then I know where I'd be
By the ocean, oh, that valley in the sea
And it's amazing
How lost inside you feel
When you look fine on the outside
You're screaming, "Someone take the wheel!"
And it's amazing
Yeah, they think you've got it all
But it might just be a pebble
That's gonna make you fall away
Like summer fades to grey
And be honest babe
Cause it hurts so much to say
That I don't think anyone's looking for me
Especially you
And if someone is looking, then who?
And it's amazing
How lost inside you feel
When you look fine on the outside
You're screaming, "Someone take the wheel!"
And it's amazing
Yeah, they think you've got it all
But it might just be a pebble
That's gonna make you fall
That's gonna make you fall