Chris Dickens is a British film and television editor. His work on Slumdog Millionaire (2008), directed by Danny Boyle, won the Academy Award for Best Film Editing, BAFTA Award for Best Editing, and the American Cinema Editors Award for Best Edited Feature Film – Dramatic.
Chris went to Hailsham Community College in his teenage years and graduated from Bournemouth University in 1990. He worked in television for a number of years, including a stint with the director Edgar Wright on the television series Spaced. Dickens subsequently edited Wright's first feature film, Shaun of the Dead (2004). He worked again with Wright on Hot Fuzz (2007).
Dickens' editing of Slumdog Millionaire has been discussed by several critics. Peter Caranicas wrote, "'Slumdog' has a complex structure that interweaves three story strands into a single braid, yielding a rich, almost fugal narrative."
Chris Dickens is a British film and television editor. His work on Slumdog Millionaire (2008), directed by Danny Boyle, won the Academy Award for Best Film Editing, BAFTA Award for Best Editing, and the American Cinema Editors Award for Best Edited Feature Film – Dramatic.
Chris went to Hailsham Community College in his teenage years and graduated from Bournemouth University in 1990. He worked in television for a number of years, including a stint with the director Edgar Wright on the television series Spaced. Dickens subsequently edited Wright's first feature film, Shaun of the Dead (2004). He worked again with Wright on Hot Fuzz (2007).
Dickens' editing of Slumdog Millionaire has been discussed by several critics. Peter Caranicas wrote, "'Slumdog' has a complex structure that interweaves three story strands into a single braid, yielding a rich, almost fugal narrative."
Yahoo Daily News | 09 Sep 2018
Deccan Chronicle | 09 Sep 2018
Russia Today | 09 Sep 2018
Yahoo Daily News | 10 Sep 2018
The Observer | 09 Sep 2018