James Hughes - Technoprogressive Action & the Political Spectrums within Transhumanism
This show is a follow up after the Techoprogressive
Declaration was released and discussed at the Transvision conference in
Quick Intro -
What is Technoprogressivism?
2:46 The Technoprogressive Declaration and the Transvision
Conference in France where it was discussed. ‘Technoprog’ (
Didier Cornele + others from
Belgium) distanced themselves from a reactionary right
7:22 The points that the Technoprogressive Declaration addresses
11:21 Is a party format the best way to make change in politics? Or should we focus on forming caucuses within existing political parties?
Diversity and Thinness of Transhumanism to be a
Political Party
13:20 Where do the interests of the
Transhumanist Party & the
Pirate Party intersect?
15:10 The role of the state from a Technoprogressive
point of view (not eliminativists, push back against overreach of intellectual property, but not anarchists)
The Basic Income Guarantee, media attention & public policy -
26:24 What is the incentive for the state to support it's subjects? Why would the state support basic income guarantee?
30:23 the
State vs the Individual - a realistic dichotomy? (Is the State a bully & the
Market is individuals coming together freely to aggregate their interests through exchange? Is the State an opportunity for individuals on the basis of equal democratic citizenship to aggregate their interests through political discussion and create public policy & the Market is an unequal terrain where workers are bound by poverty to sell their labour & the wealthy corporations get to dictate the terms?)
34:32 More on
Basic Income Guarantee in the media & the Imminence of Technological Unemployment
Movements within the political landscape of transhumanism including
Zoltan Istvan's presence: Zoltan Istavan’s philosophical musings in his book are worse than
Randian objectivism - too bad that he has been the first to raise the flag - on the other hand the UK effort is solid politially (though what about it’s strategic logic - i.e. shouldn’t they be working withinin the labour party as a courcus?)
Working with the thinktalks, the policy and academia may be the right way to go.
40:20 The Neuroscience of political persuasion - discussion on
Joshua Green's
Moral Tribes & Moral Enhancement
42:30 Moral Enhancement - how does it work, how will it work in the future - the outcome? When will it go mainstream?
45:47 The Technoprogressive Declaration - where to go from here?
Need to be explicit on what politics we don't agree on. Groups should be up front and unambiguous about their political persuasion - otherwise they just end up beating themselves/each other up over political differences.
Strong opinions about the efficacy of the market in a stateless society to solve almost any problem - What attracts people to these ideas?
56:45 Do people agree on the idea of Basic Income Guarantee? Most people see it as an offspring from the socialist movement.
58:53 Where to go to from here?
- Conferences on Basic Income Guarantee -
BIEN conferences.
- Technoprogressives should build alliances with social justice movements and futurists who believe that technological unemployment is an inevitability - trade unions have a problem grasping this kind of future - so we need to talk to trade unionists and the public policy sector for them to see what kind of great future we could have ahead and how to counter technological unemployment
1:01:41 Funding orgs (i.e.
IEET) who are trying to make a
difference in this arena
Also see part I: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fo6MmLcw44
.php/IEET/biopolitics - Technoprogressivism is an ideological stance with roots in
Enlightenment thought which focuses on how human flourishing is advanced by the convergence of technological progress and democratic social change. Technoprogressives argue that technological innovations can be profoundly empowering and emancipatory when they are democratically and transparently regulated for safety and efficacy, and then made universally and equitably available.
Also see this video interview with
James Hughes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5NtXTekHac
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This video used to be called 'What is Technoprogressivism?
Part II (A follow up)'