- published: 15 Feb 2012
- views: 1259
Hans Peter Hallwachs (born July 10, 1938) is a German television actor.
Hallwachs was born in Jüterbog, Brandenburg.
Sigmund Freud (German pronunciation: [ˈziːkmʊnt ˈfʁɔʏt]), born Sigismund Schlomo Freud (6 May 1856 – 23 September 1939), was an Austrian neurologist who founded the discipline of psychoanalysis. Freud's family and ancestry were Jewish. Freud always considered himself a Jew even though he rejected Judaism and had a critical view of religion. Freud's parents were poor, but ensured his education. Freud was an outstanding pupil in high school, and graduated the Matura with honors in 1873. Interested in philosophy as a student, Freud later turned away from it and became a neurological researcher into cerebral palsy, Aphasia and microscopic neuroanatomy.
Freud went on to develop theories about the unconscious mind and the mechanism of repression, and established the field of verbal psychotherapy by creating psychoanalysis, a clinical method for treating psychopathology through dialogue between a patient (or "analysand") and a psychoanalyst. Though psychoanalysis has declined as a therapeutic practice, it has helped inspire the development of many other forms of psychotherapy, some diverging from Freud's original ideas and approach. Freud postulated the existence of libido (an energy with which mental process and structures are invested), developed therapeutic techniques such as the use of free association (in which patients report their thoughts without reservation and make no attempt to concentrate while doing so), discovered the transference (the process by which patients displace on to their analysts feelings based on their experience of earlier figures in their lives) and established its central role in the analytic process, and proposed that dreams help to preserve sleep by representing as fulfilled wishes that would otherwise awake the dreamer. He was also a prolific essayist, drawing on psychoanalysis to contribute to the interpretation and critique of culture.
Schauspieldemo.de - Die Turnhalle
2000.Francis Durbridge - Tief in der Nacht
Ohrkanus 2012 - Bester Sprecher - Laudatio Reiner Schoene - Gewinner Hans-Peter Hallwachs
Tote haben alle dieselbe Haut
SOKO Leipzig - Die Hand Gottes | S10E05 (167)
Making of der Hörspielserie "Prof. Sigmund Freud" von Stil!
Beim Leben deines Bruders - Peter May, gelesen von Hans Peter Hallwachs
Hans Peter Hallwachs
Hans Peter Hallwachs
Helmut Schmidt, Fritz Stern: Unser Jahrhundert, gelesen von Hanns Zischler und Hans Peter Hallwachs
=264= Derrick Das dunkle Licht (1996)
Null-Null-Siebzig, Operation Eaglehurst von Marlies Ferber gelesen von Hans Peter Hallwachs
me gseht se nümm so viu ir schtadt
öppen am sunntig mau im tierpark
är schtosst dr wage - sie fuetteret d'büffle
& die chliini grännet & schiesst dr nuggi furt
är bückt sech & är gseht chli komisch us
villecht isch's dr teddybär i sim hosesack
är list dr nuggi uf & tuet ne dr chliine wieder ine
& die grännet & grännet & hört nümme uf
& jitze wird är ganz närvös
& laat dr chinderwage schtah
sie het erbarme - nimmt die chliini i d'arme
& die wird plötzlech schtiu & lachet ds mami a
sis schnäue outo het är immer no
& so schön wie's isch - es ligt jitz nümme dinn
& mit däm chindersitz isch's nume no haub so schpitz
sie findet's sowieso e witz & wett lieber no es ching
dür d'wuche schteit är hinder em gmüesregau
är schafft im lade wo sim schwager ghört
& dä kennt'r no vor schueu & het ne nid möge schmöcke
het ne nid emau beachtet & jitze isch es umgekehrt
aber är verchouft das gmües mit charme
är het geng e schpruch parat
är lachet mit de dame - kennt jedi bim name
da chunnt dr schwager us em lager
& si charme gheit i chopfsalat
es isch truurig - es isch wahr & me würd ne fasch nümm kenne
dr rebeu hingerem gschteu - hanspeter jitz bisch ne nümme