'Schuyler Colfax' is featured as a movie character in the following productions:
Lincoln (2012)
Tommy Lee Jones (actor),
Bruce McGill (actor),
Joe Inscoe (actor),
Jared Harris (actor),
John Hawkes (actor),
Dakin Matthews (actor),
Daniel Day-Lewis (actor),
Hal Holbrook (actor),
Gregory Itzin (actor),
Grainger Hines (actor),
Walton Goggins (actor),
Lukas Haas (actor),
Joseph Gordon-Levitt (actor),
Tim Blake Nelson (actor),
Peter McRobbie (actor),
Plot: In 1865, as the American Civil War winds inexorably toward conclusion, U.S. president Abraham Lincoln endeavors to achieve passage of the landmark constitutional amendment which will forever ban slavery from the United States. However, his task is a race against time, for peace may come at any time, and if it comes before the amendment is passed, the returning southern states will stop it before it can become law. Lincoln must, by almost any means possible, obtain enough votes from a recalcitrant Congress before peace arrives and it is too late. Yet the president is torn, as an early peace would save thousands of lives. As the nation confronts its conscience over the freedom of its entire population, Lincoln faces his own crisis of conscience -- end slavery or end the war.
Keywords: 1860s, 19th-century, american-civil-war, assassination, based-on-book, battle, battle-of-gettysburg, battlefield, cemetery, character-name-in-title
Abraham Lincoln: Shall we stop this bleeding?
Abraham Lincoln: I could write shorter sermons but when I get started I'm too lazy to stop.
Mary Todd Lincoln: No one is loved as much as you by the people. Don't waste that power.
Abraham Lincoln: [on General Grant] My trust in him is marrow deep.
Abraham Lincoln: I am the president of the United States of America, clothed in immense power! You will procure me those votes!
Thaddeus Stevens: [responding to a knock at the door] It opens!
Thaddeus Stevens: Trust? Gentlemen, you seem to have forgotten that our chosen career is politics.
Abraham Lincoln: With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.
Edwin Stanton: [seeing Lincoln begin to address the room as news comes in from Wilmington] You're going to tell one of your stories! I can't stand to hear another one of your stories!
Abraham Lincoln: Don't spend too much money on the flub dubs.
The Virgin President (1969)
Severn Darden (producer),
Peter Boyle (actor),
Severn Darden (actor),
Severn Darden (actor),
Thelma Schoonmaker (editor),
Severn Darden (writer),
Paul Benedict (actor),
Mark Rappaport (editor),
Anthony Holland (actor),
Graeme Ferguson (producer),
Graeme Ferguson (director),
Graeme Ferguson (writer),
Louis Waldon (actor),
Andrew Duncan (actor),
Sudie Bond (actress),
The Plainsman (1936)
Davison Clark (actor),
Lane Chandler (actor),
Richard Alexander (actor),
Hooper Atchley (actor),
Arthur Aylesworth (actor),
Bob Burns (actor),
Jess Cavin (actor),
Frank Albertson (actor),
Granville Bates (actor),
Hank Bell (actor),
Charles Bickford (actor),
Monte Blue (actor),
Irving Bacon (actor),
Stanley Andrews (actor),
George Cleveland (actor),
Plot: With the end of the North American Civil War, the manufacturers of repeating rifles find a profitable means of making money selling the weapons to the North American Indians, using the front man John Lattimer to sell the rifles to the Cheyenne. While traveling in a stagecoach with Calamity Jane and William "Buffalo Bill" Cody and his young wife Louisa Cody that want to settle down in Hays City managing a hotel, Wild Bill Hickok finds the guide Breezy wounded by arrows and telling that the Indians are attacking a fort using repeating rifles. Hickok meets Gen. George A. Custer that assigns Buffalo Bill to guide a troop with ammunition to help the fort. Meanwhile the Cheyenne kidnap Calamity Jane, forcing Hickok to expose himself to rescue her.
Keywords: ambush, american-civil-war, american-indian, army, assassination, bar-shootout, barber-shop, battle-of-little-big-horn, bison, black-hills
Wild Bill Hickok: What started you on the warpath, Yellow Hand?::Yellow Hand: Where sun rise, white man's land. Where sun set, Indian land. White man come, take our land, kill buffalo, our food. White man promise us food. White man lie. Now Cheyenne buy white man thunder stick. Soon war drum sound in all Indian land. All tribes ride with Yellow Hand. We drive white man, like buffalo, away back to rising sun. Yellow Hand has spoken.
Tony: Hey, why don't you get a haircut?::Wild Bill Hickok: Short hair makes the Indians mad, and they're mad enough already.
Louisa Cody: Will, does he kill like that?::Buffalo Bill Cody: Ain't a corpse-maker like him, honey!
Wild Bill Hickok: That river clipper is saying good-bye to you, ma'am. Now you're going to have three long days of this prairie clipper.::Louisa Cody: But tomorrow is Sunday. Do we have to ride on Sunday?::Wild Bill Hickok: Well, there's no Sunday west of Junction City, no law west of Hayes City and no God west of Carson City.
[last lines]::Epilogue: It shall be as it was in the past... Not with dreams, but with strength and with courage... Shall a nation be molded to last.
Wild Bill Hickok: Keep your hands off your guns or there will be more dead men here than this town can afford to bury!
John Lattimer: I'm not armed, Mr. Hickok, I'm not armed!::Wild Bill Hickok: I'll give you three minutes to fix that. I'll be waiting outside.::John Lattimer: I'm just leaving town.::Wild Bill Hickok: You're not leaving town unless dead men can walk.
Wild Bill Hickok: This is a big country and trails cross... sometimes.
Calamity Jane: Tip your hat when you speak to a lady!::Wild Bill Hickok: I will... when I speak to a lady.
Calamity Jane: Bill Hickok, you ornery son-of-a-mule. You wouldn't give a bad dime to a sick kid, would you?::Wild Bill Hickok: You might be right, Calamity.::Calamity Jane: No, I ain't. I know I ain't worth a bad dime.
Schuyler Colfax - The Porchlights
Schuyler Colfax - The Porchlights
Schuyler Colfax - The Porchlights
An original song by The Porchlights. A song about Schuyler Colfax, one time vice president, who died from the bitter cold in Mankato, Minnesota on January 13, 1885.
On January 13, 1885, a wandering traveler made a mid-morning stop in Mankato, Minnesota, in order to change trains. It was sharply cold in Mankato—30 degrees below zero—but this wanderer, undeterred, took to the walkways to make the three-quarter mile jaunt between Front Street and Omaha Line train stations. Upon reaching Omaha Line depot, our man consulted a map upon the wall, used the men’s room, and—in the final seconds of his 61-year-old life—returne
Class of 2011 Schuyler Colfax Promotion
Class of 2011 Schuyler Colfax Promotion
Class of 2011 Schuyler Colfax Promotion
Produced by WHTV
June 21, 2011
Class of 2014 Schuyler Colfax Promotion
Class of 2014 Schuyler Colfax Promotion
Class of 2014 Schuyler Colfax Promotion
Produced by the Wayne Hills Video Club
Class of 2015 Schuyler Colfax Promotion
Class of 2015 Schuyler Colfax Promotion
Class of 2015 Schuyler Colfax Promotion
Produced by WHTV
Camera: The Retiring Nick Croce, Kenny Belgard & Peter Aydin
Schuyler: Colfax Theatre
Schuyler: Colfax Theatre
Schuyler: Colfax Theatre
This theatre is so important to Schuyler, Nebraska that it's run almost entirely by volunteers. They saved it, refurbished it, and soon they'll host live stage performances there. Watch their story.
Vice-Presidents of the United States
Vice-Presidents of the United States
Vice-Presidents of the United States
Vice-Presidents of the United States: John Adams (1789-1797), Thomas Jefferson (1797-1801), Aaron Burr (1801-1805), George Clinton (1805-1812), Elbridge Gerr...
Mutt-i-grees Visits Schuyler-Colfax Middle School
Mutt-i-grees Visits Schuyler-Colfax Middle School
Mutt-i-grees Visits Schuyler-Colfax Middle School
SFC Schuyler Colfax
SFC Schuyler Colfax
SFC Schuyler Colfax
President video.
Jingle Bells: Wayne Hills & Schuyler Colfax Chorus
Jingle Bells: Wayne Hills & Schuyler Colfax Chorus
Jingle Bells: Wayne Hills & Schuyler Colfax Chorus
Holiday classic, beautifully performed by the 8th grade chorus and the WHHS choral group. Happy Holidays!
Schuyler Colfax @ RockefellerFamilyFund com
Schuyler Colfax @ RockefellerFamilyFund com
Schuyler Colfax @ RockefellerFamilyFund com
You Might Be A Victim of Human Trafficking
CHI Health Schuyler
CHI Health Schuyler
CHI Health Schuyler
Anchored In the middle of Schuyler, Nebraska is a critical access hospital that is vital to the health and well being of Colfax County.
“I think what sets us apart is our commitment to serve. We serve our community not just patients inside these 4 walls,” said Connie Peters, President of CHI Health Schuyler.
CHI Health Schuyler is a 25 bed full-service hospital with a primary care clinic down the hall and 2 primary care clinics down the road - one in Howells the other in Clarkson, Nebraska.
Patients will find extraordinary care in a rural setting - from 24 hour emergency services, to routine w
The Porchlights at Two Fish Studios
The Porchlights at Two Fish Studios
The Porchlights at Two Fish Studios
Gotta love this story... MN has beautiful summers, breathtaking falls and we all know can get a bit cold in the heart of winter. Former Vice-President Schuyler Colfax died of the Cold in Mankato on Jan 13th, 1885 while walking a quarter mile between train depots. The Mankato Brewery is commemorating him with his own beer and our good friends, The Torchlights, have written a song in his honor. Enjoy and stay warm!
Get Go!-ing - Be Active - Be Healthy - Have Fun - Schuyler, Nebraska
Get Go!-ing - Be Active - Be Healthy - Have Fun - Schuyler, Nebraska
Get Go!-ing - Be Active - Be Healthy - Have Fun - Schuyler, Nebraska
This Video is about Kids from kindergarten through 5th grade: Living Healthy by Being Active, and Having Great Fun in the process!
This video was made by Studio A Dance Academy along with the Schuyler Rotary Club, who are working together with local hospitals, schools, businesses, and families to get the 5-4-3-2-1Go!® obesity prevention message out, in Colfax County and beyond.
This work is part of the Community Health Improvement Plan which identified obesity prevention as a community health priority issue.
WE THE KIDS Living History Tour .. "End of the Civil War" 1861-1865
WE THE KIDS Living History Tour .. "End of the Civil War" 1861-1865
WE THE KIDS Living History Tour .. "End of the Civil War" 1861-1865
Living History Tour .. "End of the Civil War"
City Cemetery of South Bend, Indiana
Saturday May 9, 2015
Presented by
WTK (We The Kids) http://wethekids.us/ & SB150
A grant sponsor by SB150 South Bend 150 is a yearlong, community-wide celebration of our rich history. www.sb150.com
We The Kids would like to extend a special thank you to:
SB 150 South Bend, IN
We The Kids
We wish to thank all the parents who allow their children to be part of We The Kids and all the kids who participated.
Thank you to our Technical Advisors for editing the film. Phil Patnaude and WTK Remmy.
Special Thank you- Carole Pearce- WTK Director PR Rela
Jenna winning the 2015 Mary Lou Moros Writing Award
Jenna winning the 2015 Mary Lou Moros Writing Award
Jenna winning the 2015 Mary Lou Moros Writing Award
Jenna winning the 2015 Mary Lou Moros Writing Award in 8th grade at Schuyler Colfax Middle School
Rebekah Lodge
Rebekah Lodge
Rebekah Lodge
On September 20, 1851, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows became the first fraternal organization in North America to accept women and men when the Degree ...
Latin video 2014
Latin video 2014
Latin video 2014
A latin video for the 2014 contest. By: Ashley Adamo, Katie Chrisbacher, Samuel Reyzelman, and Francesco Terranova, from Schuyler Colfax Middle school. The video is based on The Iliad by Homer. Please enjoy!
DeepDream: Image from page 264 of "A personal history of Ulysses S. Grant, and sketch of Schuyler Co
DeepDream: Image from page 264 of "A personal history of Ulysses S. Grant, and sketch of Schuyler Co
DeepDream: Image from page 264 of "A personal history of Ulysses S. Grant, and sketch of Schuyler Co
Playing with the Google deepdream engine: Image from page 264 of "A personal history of Ulysses S. Grant, and sketch of Schuyler Colfax" (1868)
Original image: https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3874/14781981901_c00c4da538_c.jpg
layer: inception_4a/1x1
iterations: 91
octaves: 1
scale: 1
Original title: Image from page 264 of "A personal history of Ulysses S. Grant, and sketch of Schuyler Colfax" (1868)
Our Best
Our Best
Our Best
Grant C. Tullar (August 5, 1869, Bolton, Connecticut - May 20, 1950, Ocean Grove, New Jersey) Tullar was named after the American President and VP...
Inside One of the Oldest Fraternal Organization
Inside One of the Oldest Fraternal Organization
Inside One of the Oldest Fraternal Organization
To improve and elevate the character of man.
In 17th century England, it was odd to find people organized for the purpose of giving aid to those in need and of pursuing projects for the benefit of all mankind. Those who belonged to such an organization were called "Odd Fellows." Odd Fellows are also known as "The Three Link Fraternity" which stands for Friendship, Love and Truth.
The Independent Order of Odd Fellows was brought in the North American Continent in Baltimore, Maryland, on April 26, 1819 when Thomas Wildey and four members of the fraternity from England instituted Washington Lodge No. 1. This lodge received its charter from
Trash can band
Trash can band
Trash can band
Schuyler Colfax Middle School percussion band ensemble.
IOOF: Odd Fellows Through the years
IOOF: Odd Fellows Through the years
IOOF: Odd Fellows Through the years
To improve and elevate the character of man. In 17th century England, it was odd to find people organized for the purpose of giving aid to those in need and ...
Валерия - звезда ;)
Валерия - звезда ;)
Валерия - звезда ;)
Schuyler Colfax - The Porchlights
An original song by The Porchlights. A song about Schuyler Colfax, one time vice president, who died from the bitter cold in Mankato, Minnesota on January 13, 1...
An original song by The Porchlights. A song about Schuyler Colfax, one time vice president, who died from the bitter cold in Mankato, Minnesota on January 13, 1885.
On January 13, 1885, a wandering traveler made a mid-morning stop in Mankato, Minnesota, in order to change trains. It was sharply cold in Mankato—30 degrees below zero—but this wanderer, undeterred, took to the walkways to make the three-quarter mile jaunt between Front Street and Omaha Line train stations. Upon reaching Omaha Line depot, our man consulted a map upon the wall, used the men’s room, and—in the final seconds of his 61-year-old life—returned to a waiting area where he took a seat. Presently, he collapsed, his heart the blame. Folks attending to the fallen man knew not his identity until someone went into his pockets. They found there his name, and this new knowledge threw the procession of events into new light. This wandering traveler’s name was Schuyler Colfax, and from 1869–73 he had served as Vice-President of the United States of America.
Colfax had been on his way from Chicago to Rock Rapids, Iowa, where he was to give a public lecture. Since retiring from public service after having his name muddied in a stock scandal, Colfax had made his living giving speeches and lectures. The general public was more than eager to hear this man who hailed from Indiana and was nicknamed “Smiler” Colfax expound upon his Civil Wartime relationship with President Abraham Lincoln. In fact, Republican Party member Colfax knew Lincoln well and presided over the passage of the 13th Amendment as Speaker of the House of Representatives. Lincoln had invited Colfax to Ford’s Theatre to watch the April 14, 1865, rendering of the play Our American Cousin, but Colfax declined. After Lincoln was shot at Ford’s Theater, Colfax spent the last hours of the President’s life bedside in the room where Lincoln died. Colfax’s own death twenty years later in Mankato was less violent, but no less bizarre, in some respects, and no less premature.
wn.com/Schuyler Colfax The Porchlights
An original song by The Porchlights. A song about Schuyler Colfax, one time vice president, who died from the bitter cold in Mankato, Minnesota on January 13, 1885.
On January 13, 1885, a wandering traveler made a mid-morning stop in Mankato, Minnesota, in order to change trains. It was sharply cold in Mankato—30 degrees below zero—but this wanderer, undeterred, took to the walkways to make the three-quarter mile jaunt between Front Street and Omaha Line train stations. Upon reaching Omaha Line depot, our man consulted a map upon the wall, used the men’s room, and—in the final seconds of his 61-year-old life—returned to a waiting area where he took a seat. Presently, he collapsed, his heart the blame. Folks attending to the fallen man knew not his identity until someone went into his pockets. They found there his name, and this new knowledge threw the procession of events into new light. This wandering traveler’s name was Schuyler Colfax, and from 1869–73 he had served as Vice-President of the United States of America.
Colfax had been on his way from Chicago to Rock Rapids, Iowa, where he was to give a public lecture. Since retiring from public service after having his name muddied in a stock scandal, Colfax had made his living giving speeches and lectures. The general public was more than eager to hear this man who hailed from Indiana and was nicknamed “Smiler” Colfax expound upon his Civil Wartime relationship with President Abraham Lincoln. In fact, Republican Party member Colfax knew Lincoln well and presided over the passage of the 13th Amendment as Speaker of the House of Representatives. Lincoln had invited Colfax to Ford’s Theatre to watch the April 14, 1865, rendering of the play Our American Cousin, but Colfax declined. After Lincoln was shot at Ford’s Theater, Colfax spent the last hours of the President’s life bedside in the room where Lincoln died. Colfax’s own death twenty years later in Mankato was less violent, but no less bizarre, in some respects, and no less premature.
- published: 08 Jan 2015
- views: 174
Class of 2014 Schuyler Colfax Promotion
Produced by the Wayne Hills Video Club...
Produced by the Wayne Hills Video Club
wn.com/Class Of 2014 Schuyler Colfax Promotion
Produced by the Wayne Hills Video Club
- published: 05 Nov 2014
- views: 2
Class of 2015 Schuyler Colfax Promotion
Produced by WHTV
Camera: The Retiring Nick Croce, Kenny Belgard & Peter Aydin...
Produced by WHTV
Camera: The Retiring Nick Croce, Kenny Belgard & Peter Aydin
wn.com/Class Of 2015 Schuyler Colfax Promotion
Produced by WHTV
Camera: The Retiring Nick Croce, Kenny Belgard & Peter Aydin
- published: 25 Jun 2015
- views: 45
Schuyler: Colfax Theatre
This theatre is so important to Schuyler, Nebraska that it's run almost entirely by volunteers. They saved it, refurbished it, and soon they'll host live stage ...
This theatre is so important to Schuyler, Nebraska that it's run almost entirely by volunteers. They saved it, refurbished it, and soon they'll host live stage performances there. Watch their story.
wn.com/Schuyler Colfax Theatre
This theatre is so important to Schuyler, Nebraska that it's run almost entirely by volunteers. They saved it, refurbished it, and soon they'll host live stage performances there. Watch their story.
- published: 04 Dec 2013
- views: 30
Vice-Presidents of the United States
Vice-Presidents of the United States: John Adams (1789-1797), Thomas Jefferson (1797-1801), Aaron Burr (1801-1805), George Clinton (1805-1812), Elbridge Gerr......
Vice-Presidents of the United States: John Adams (1789-1797), Thomas Jefferson (1797-1801), Aaron Burr (1801-1805), George Clinton (1805-1812), Elbridge Gerr...
wn.com/Vice Presidents Of The United States
Vice-Presidents of the United States: John Adams (1789-1797), Thomas Jefferson (1797-1801), Aaron Burr (1801-1805), George Clinton (1805-1812), Elbridge Gerr...
- published: 10 Jun 2007
- views: 31180
author: reaganwayne
Jingle Bells: Wayne Hills & Schuyler Colfax Chorus
Holiday classic, beautifully performed by the 8th grade chorus and the WHHS choral group. Happy Holidays!...
Holiday classic, beautifully performed by the 8th grade chorus and the WHHS choral group. Happy Holidays!
wn.com/Jingle Bells Wayne Hills Schuyler Colfax Chorus
Holiday classic, beautifully performed by the 8th grade chorus and the WHHS choral group. Happy Holidays!
- published: 19 Dec 2012
- views: 52
author: Dawn Cox
Schuyler Colfax @ RockefellerFamilyFund com
You Might Be A Victim of Human Trafficking
You Might Be A Victim of Human Trafficking
wn.com/Schuyler Colfax Rockefellerfamilyfund Com
You Might Be A Victim of Human Trafficking
- published: 17 Jan 2015
- views: 0
CHI Health Schuyler
Anchored In the middle of Schuyler, Nebraska is a critical access hospital that is vital to the health and well be...
Anchored In the middle of Schuyler, Nebraska is a critical access hospital that is vital to the health and well being of Colfax County.
“I think what sets us apart is our commitment to serve. We serve our community not just patients inside these 4 walls,” said Connie Peters, President of CHI Health Schuyler.
CHI Health Schuyler is a 25 bed full-service hospital with a primary care clinic down the hall and 2 primary care clinics down the road - one in Howells the other in Clarkson, Nebraska.
Patients will find extraordinary care in a rural setting - from 24 hour emergency services, to routine well checks – all under one roof - provided by a team committed to excellence.
” It doesn't matter what nurse is on or what physician is here or what time of day that patient comes in. It’s the right care at the right time every time,” said Peters.
The right care at the right time means access to specialists without having to leave town. Heart doctors, bone doctors, ear nose and throats doctors, doctors who specialize in women’s issues, even general surgeons travel to Schuyler to provide patients seamless, expert care.
For patients who need critical care there’s the electronic ICU. The interactive tele-video technology connects Schuyler’s medical team with a CHI Health specialist in Omaha - day and night.
“The specialist on the other end of intensive care has real time image of my patient in the room. I can be in the room talking to the specialist and he has access to our computer and knows all the things I have done and can suggest the things we need to do,” said Thomas Wong, Chief of Staff at CHI Health Schuyler.
The medical staff in Schuyler takes care of babies, grandparents, and everyone in between. Patients needing therapy after an illness or injury can find it here as well as skilled nursing. For those patients who need another level of care or for services that can’t be done in Schuyler, CHI Health Schuyler is part of a regional health system with two free-standing inpatient psychiatric care facilities, a nationally verified burn center, a nationally certified rehabilitation center, and a level one trauma center.
“The great benefit of being part of a regional health care system is that we can partner with a specialist and the best of services within our system and walk hand-in-hand with our patients to get their health care needs met. It’s more than just providing care it’s really about being partners with our patients and restoring them to health and wellness,” said Peters.
And for the diverse community CHI Health Schuyler offers language access staff or interpreters - so patients can communicate with their doctor without language getting in the way.
CHI Health Schuyler has been serving Colfax Country since 1953 - a proud partner - connecting rural Nebraska with providers passionate about health care.
wn.com/Chi Health Schuyler
Anchored In the middle of Schuyler, Nebraska is a critical access hospital that is vital to the health and well being of Colfax County.
“I think what sets us apart is our commitment to serve. We serve our community not just patients inside these 4 walls,” said Connie Peters, President of CHI Health Schuyler.
CHI Health Schuyler is a 25 bed full-service hospital with a primary care clinic down the hall and 2 primary care clinics down the road - one in Howells the other in Clarkson, Nebraska.
Patients will find extraordinary care in a rural setting - from 24 hour emergency services, to routine well checks – all under one roof - provided by a team committed to excellence.
” It doesn't matter what nurse is on or what physician is here or what time of day that patient comes in. It’s the right care at the right time every time,” said Peters.
The right care at the right time means access to specialists without having to leave town. Heart doctors, bone doctors, ear nose and throats doctors, doctors who specialize in women’s issues, even general surgeons travel to Schuyler to provide patients seamless, expert care.
For patients who need critical care there’s the electronic ICU. The interactive tele-video technology connects Schuyler’s medical team with a CHI Health specialist in Omaha - day and night.
“The specialist on the other end of intensive care has real time image of my patient in the room. I can be in the room talking to the specialist and he has access to our computer and knows all the things I have done and can suggest the things we need to do,” said Thomas Wong, Chief of Staff at CHI Health Schuyler.
The medical staff in Schuyler takes care of babies, grandparents, and everyone in between. Patients needing therapy after an illness or injury can find it here as well as skilled nursing. For those patients who need another level of care or for services that can’t be done in Schuyler, CHI Health Schuyler is part of a regional health system with two free-standing inpatient psychiatric care facilities, a nationally verified burn center, a nationally certified rehabilitation center, and a level one trauma center.
“The great benefit of being part of a regional health care system is that we can partner with a specialist and the best of services within our system and walk hand-in-hand with our patients to get their health care needs met. It’s more than just providing care it’s really about being partners with our patients and restoring them to health and wellness,” said Peters.
And for the diverse community CHI Health Schuyler offers language access staff or interpreters - so patients can communicate with their doctor without language getting in the way.
CHI Health Schuyler has been serving Colfax Country since 1953 - a proud partner - connecting rural Nebraska with providers passionate about health care.
- published: 13 Jan 2015
- views: 5
The Porchlights at Two Fish Studios
Gotta love this story... MN has beautiful summers, breathtaking falls and we all know can get a bit cold in the heart of winter. Former Vice-President Schuyler...
Gotta love this story... MN has beautiful summers, breathtaking falls and we all know can get a bit cold in the heart of winter. Former Vice-President Schuyler Colfax died of the Cold in Mankato on Jan 13th, 1885 while walking a quarter mile between train depots. The Mankato Brewery is commemorating him with his own beer and our good friends, The Torchlights, have written a song in his honor. Enjoy and stay warm!
wn.com/The Porchlights At Two Fish Studios
Gotta love this story... MN has beautiful summers, breathtaking falls and we all know can get a bit cold in the heart of winter. Former Vice-President Schuyler Colfax died of the Cold in Mankato on Jan 13th, 1885 while walking a quarter mile between train depots. The Mankato Brewery is commemorating him with his own beer and our good friends, The Torchlights, have written a song in his honor. Enjoy and stay warm!
- published: 10 Jan 2015
- views: 134
Get Go!-ing - Be Active - Be Healthy - Have Fun - Schuyler, Nebraska
This Video is about Kids from kindergarten through 5th grade: Living Healthy by Being Active, and Having Great Fun in the process!
This video was made by Stud...
This Video is about Kids from kindergarten through 5th grade: Living Healthy by Being Active, and Having Great Fun in the process!
This video was made by Studio A Dance Academy along with the Schuyler Rotary Club, who are working together with local hospitals, schools, businesses, and families to get the 5-4-3-2-1Go!® obesity prevention message out, in Colfax County and beyond.
This work is part of the Community Health Improvement Plan which identified obesity prevention as a community health priority issue.
wn.com/Get Go Ing Be Active Be Healthy Have Fun Schuyler, Nebraska
This Video is about Kids from kindergarten through 5th grade: Living Healthy by Being Active, and Having Great Fun in the process!
This video was made by Studio A Dance Academy along with the Schuyler Rotary Club, who are working together with local hospitals, schools, businesses, and families to get the 5-4-3-2-1Go!® obesity prevention message out, in Colfax County and beyond.
This work is part of the Community Health Improvement Plan which identified obesity prevention as a community health priority issue.
- published: 12 Mar 2015
- views: 17
WE THE KIDS Living History Tour .. "End of the Civil War" 1861-1865
Living History Tour .. "End of the Civil War"
City Cemetery of South Bend, Indiana
Saturday May 9, 2015
Presented by
WTK (We The Kids) http://wethek...
Living History Tour .. "End of the Civil War"
City Cemetery of South Bend, Indiana
Saturday May 9, 2015
Presented by
WTK (We The Kids) http://wethekids.us/ & SB150
A grant sponsor by SB150 South Bend 150 is a yearlong, community-wide celebration of our rich history. www.sb150.com
We The Kids would like to extend a special thank you to:
SB 150 South Bend, IN
We The Kids
We wish to thank all the parents who allow their children to be part of We The Kids and all the kids who participated.
Thank you to our Technical Advisors for editing the film. Phil Patnaude and WTK Remmy.
Special Thank you- Carole Pearce- WTK Director PR Relationship Manager
Carol Nichole WTK Assistant Programer
Diana Woolley WTK History Team Leader
We wish to thank Michiana Access TV for the filming of this video.
A Division of Advance America Foundation and Sea Quest Kids 501c3 Public
Charity Education Foundation. Federal ID # 51-0325463
WE THE KIDS Broadcasting
KBN See Action News
WTK History Clubs Sponsors
SB150 - South Bend Celebrates 150 years
WNIT Public Television & Michiana Access TV
The White House Historical Association
Red Skelton Foundation
History Strips, Inc
Bringing The Constitution and American history back to life for our children through our children.
Sponsored by
St. Joseph County Historic Preservation Commission (SJCHPC)
And South Bend City Parks Department
Researched and Script Written by
Carol S. Nichols, DAR, CAR,WTK
Video taped by WTK
Mrs. Carole Pearce
Technical support and edited by Phil Patnadue
Speaking parts/credits are:
Carol S. Nichols as Schuyler Colfax Organizing Regent Agnes Brown Coen
Wayne Doolittle as Vice President Schuyler Colfax
Kathrynmary Schultz as Ellen Wade Colfax (Mrs. Schuyler)
Leonard O. Nichols as Colonel Lathrop Taylor
Rick Smurdon as General George Washington
Brendan Smurdon as Private Peter Roof
Trevor Smurdon as Private Isaac Ross
Michael Boyd as Farrow Powell
Anthony White as Elijah Powell
Anthony Coleman as Private Larkin Powell
Mark Kreps as James S. McKinley
Janet Kreps (Mrs. Mark) as Mary Polly Rose McKinley (Mrs. James)
Jesse Pearce as President Abraham Lincoln
Bonnie Hauser as Mary Todd Lincoln (Mrs. Abraham)
Tim Sergios as Corporal James A. McMichael
Will Radell as Private Enoch Weiss
Annah Frazier as Granddaughter of Indian Scout John Baptise Chandonai
Gage Rynearson as Captain Lewis Keller
Bill Bierly as Colonel Alfred Bryant Wade
Maryann Brandt as Miss Jenny Y. Bond
James Schultz as Private John Brewer
Bill Adams as Colonel Norman Eddy
Allen Teller as Private John Auten
David Brandt & Ray Weaver as Rear Admiral James Henry Dayton
Jill M. VanLew singing Amazing Grace Hymn
Extras and Stand ins:
Greg Douzzel, John Eger, Tom Schmitt, Pete Hirl, Jeffrey Meunick, Mina Collins, Hawk VanLew, R.J. Durbin, Linda Nichols, Danny Weaver, Randy Rowe, Karen Lucas, Judy Frazier, Diana Wooley, Melody Brandt, Joanna Brandt, Angela Brandt, Wyatt Pearse, Carol Pearse, Dwayne Hershberger, Michael Hershberger, Dennis Eckenberger, Janice Colon, Gilliam Works, Willie Williams, John Wigfall, Dan Bishop, Mr. Wilson, Herberd James and John Gullen.
Tour Guides: Travis Childs, Elicia Feasel, Steve Nemeth, Steve Szaday, Cindi Fenimore and Carol Nichols.
Program prepared by Carol Nichols
Programs Printed by Elicia Feasel
WTK Food Preparation & servers: Linda & Bob Stouder plus Steve Szaday of Downtown South Bend Bruno's Pizza.
Information Tables: WTK (We The Kids) Judy Frazier and DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution) Glenda Erskin, Nellie Vels, Carolyn McQuire, Sandy Shoff and Liz Hertle.
Costumes: Cassidy Collection of South Bend and Jimtown High School Drama Club of Elkhart.
Documentary Filmed, Produced and Directed by WTK Carole Pearce (Mrs. Jesse)
wn.com/We The Kids Living History Tour .. End Of The Civil War 1861 1865
Living History Tour .. "End of the Civil War"
City Cemetery of South Bend, Indiana
Saturday May 9, 2015
Presented by
WTK (We The Kids) http://wethekids.us/ & SB150
A grant sponsor by SB150 South Bend 150 is a yearlong, community-wide celebration of our rich history. www.sb150.com
We The Kids would like to extend a special thank you to:
SB 150 South Bend, IN
We The Kids
We wish to thank all the parents who allow their children to be part of We The Kids and all the kids who participated.
Thank you to our Technical Advisors for editing the film. Phil Patnaude and WTK Remmy.
Special Thank you- Carole Pearce- WTK Director PR Relationship Manager
Carol Nichole WTK Assistant Programer
Diana Woolley WTK History Team Leader
We wish to thank Michiana Access TV for the filming of this video.
A Division of Advance America Foundation and Sea Quest Kids 501c3 Public
Charity Education Foundation. Federal ID # 51-0325463
WE THE KIDS Broadcasting
KBN See Action News
WTK History Clubs Sponsors
SB150 - South Bend Celebrates 150 years
WNIT Public Television & Michiana Access TV
The White House Historical Association
Red Skelton Foundation
History Strips, Inc
Bringing The Constitution and American history back to life for our children through our children.
Sponsored by
St. Joseph County Historic Preservation Commission (SJCHPC)
And South Bend City Parks Department
Researched and Script Written by
Carol S. Nichols, DAR, CAR,WTK
Video taped by WTK
Mrs. Carole Pearce
Technical support and edited by Phil Patnadue
Speaking parts/credits are:
Carol S. Nichols as Schuyler Colfax Organizing Regent Agnes Brown Coen
Wayne Doolittle as Vice President Schuyler Colfax
Kathrynmary Schultz as Ellen Wade Colfax (Mrs. Schuyler)
Leonard O. Nichols as Colonel Lathrop Taylor
Rick Smurdon as General George Washington
Brendan Smurdon as Private Peter Roof
Trevor Smurdon as Private Isaac Ross
Michael Boyd as Farrow Powell
Anthony White as Elijah Powell
Anthony Coleman as Private Larkin Powell
Mark Kreps as James S. McKinley
Janet Kreps (Mrs. Mark) as Mary Polly Rose McKinley (Mrs. James)
Jesse Pearce as President Abraham Lincoln
Bonnie Hauser as Mary Todd Lincoln (Mrs. Abraham)
Tim Sergios as Corporal James A. McMichael
Will Radell as Private Enoch Weiss
Annah Frazier as Granddaughter of Indian Scout John Baptise Chandonai
Gage Rynearson as Captain Lewis Keller
Bill Bierly as Colonel Alfred Bryant Wade
Maryann Brandt as Miss Jenny Y. Bond
James Schultz as Private John Brewer
Bill Adams as Colonel Norman Eddy
Allen Teller as Private John Auten
David Brandt & Ray Weaver as Rear Admiral James Henry Dayton
Jill M. VanLew singing Amazing Grace Hymn
Extras and Stand ins:
Greg Douzzel, John Eger, Tom Schmitt, Pete Hirl, Jeffrey Meunick, Mina Collins, Hawk VanLew, R.J. Durbin, Linda Nichols, Danny Weaver, Randy Rowe, Karen Lucas, Judy Frazier, Diana Wooley, Melody Brandt, Joanna Brandt, Angela Brandt, Wyatt Pearse, Carol Pearse, Dwayne Hershberger, Michael Hershberger, Dennis Eckenberger, Janice Colon, Gilliam Works, Willie Williams, John Wigfall, Dan Bishop, Mr. Wilson, Herberd James and John Gullen.
Tour Guides: Travis Childs, Elicia Feasel, Steve Nemeth, Steve Szaday, Cindi Fenimore and Carol Nichols.
Program prepared by Carol Nichols
Programs Printed by Elicia Feasel
WTK Food Preparation & servers: Linda & Bob Stouder plus Steve Szaday of Downtown South Bend Bruno's Pizza.
Information Tables: WTK (We The Kids) Judy Frazier and DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution) Glenda Erskin, Nellie Vels, Carolyn McQuire, Sandy Shoff and Liz Hertle.
Costumes: Cassidy Collection of South Bend and Jimtown High School Drama Club of Elkhart.
Documentary Filmed, Produced and Directed by WTK Carole Pearce (Mrs. Jesse)
- published: 18 Sep 2015
- views: 48
Jenna winning the 2015 Mary Lou Moros Writing Award
Jenna winning the 2015 Mary Lou Moros Writing Award in 8th grade at Schuyler Colfax Middle School...
Jenna winning the 2015 Mary Lou Moros Writing Award in 8th grade at Schuyler Colfax Middle School
wn.com/Jenna Winning The 2015 Mary Lou Moros Writing Award
Jenna winning the 2015 Mary Lou Moros Writing Award in 8th grade at Schuyler Colfax Middle School
- published: 18 Jun 2015
- views: 5
Rebekah Lodge
On September 20, 1851, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows became the first fraternal organization in North America to accept women and men when the Degree ......
On September 20, 1851, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows became the first fraternal organization in North America to accept women and men when the Degree ...
wn.com/Rebekah Lodge
On September 20, 1851, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows became the first fraternal organization in North America to accept women and men when the Degree ...
Latin video 2014
A latin video for the 2014 contest. By: Ashley Adamo, Katie Chrisbacher, Samuel Reyzelman, and Francesco Terranova, from Schuyler Colfax Middle school. The vide...
A latin video for the 2014 contest. By: Ashley Adamo, Katie Chrisbacher, Samuel Reyzelman, and Francesco Terranova, from Schuyler Colfax Middle school. The video is based on The Iliad by Homer. Please enjoy!
wn.com/Latin Video 2014
A latin video for the 2014 contest. By: Ashley Adamo, Katie Chrisbacher, Samuel Reyzelman, and Francesco Terranova, from Schuyler Colfax Middle school. The video is based on The Iliad by Homer. Please enjoy!
- published: 05 Mar 2014
- views: 13
DeepDream: Image from page 264 of "A personal history of Ulysses S. Grant, and sketch of Schuyler Co
Playing with the Google deepdream engine: Image from page 264 of "A personal history of Ulysses S. Grant, and sketch of Schuyler Colfax" (1868)
Original image:...
Playing with the Google deepdream engine: Image from page 264 of "A personal history of Ulysses S. Grant, and sketch of Schuyler Colfax" (1868)
Original image: https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3874/14781981901_c00c4da538_c.jpg
layer: inception_4a/1x1
iterations: 91
octaves: 1
scale: 1
Original title: Image from page 264 of "A personal history of Ulysses S. Grant, and sketch of Schuyler Colfax" (1868)
wn.com/Deepdream Image From Page 264 Of A Personal History Of Ulysses S. Grant, And Sketch Of Schuyler Co
Playing with the Google deepdream engine: Image from page 264 of "A personal history of Ulysses S. Grant, and sketch of Schuyler Colfax" (1868)
Original image: https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3874/14781981901_c00c4da538_c.jpg
layer: inception_4a/1x1
iterations: 91
octaves: 1
scale: 1
Original title: Image from page 264 of "A personal history of Ulysses S. Grant, and sketch of Schuyler Colfax" (1868)
- published: 12 Aug 2015
- views: 0
Our Best
Grant C. Tullar (August 5, 1869, Bolton, Connecticut - May 20, 1950, Ocean Grove, New Jersey) Tullar was named after the American President and VP......
Grant C. Tullar (August 5, 1869, Bolton, Connecticut - May 20, 1950, Ocean Grove, New Jersey) Tullar was named after the American President and VP...
wn.com/Our Best
Grant C. Tullar (August 5, 1869, Bolton, Connecticut - May 20, 1950, Ocean Grove, New Jersey) Tullar was named after the American President and VP...
Inside One of the Oldest Fraternal Organization
To improve and elevate the character of man.
In 17th century England, it was odd to find people organized for the purpose of giving aid to those in need and ...
To improve and elevate the character of man.
In 17th century England, it was odd to find people organized for the purpose of giving aid to those in need and of pursuing projects for the benefit of all mankind. Those who belonged to such an organization were called "Odd Fellows." Odd Fellows are also known as "The Three Link Fraternity" which stands for Friendship, Love and Truth.
The Independent Order of Odd Fellows was brought in the North American Continent in Baltimore, Maryland, on April 26, 1819 when Thomas Wildey and four members of the fraternity from England instituted Washington Lodge No. 1. This lodge received its charter from Manchester Unity of Odd Fellows in England.
Odd Fellowship became the 1st national fraternity to include both men and women when it adopted the beautiful Rebekah Degree on September 20, 1851. This degree is based on the teachings found in the Holy Bible, and was written by the Honorable Schuyler Colfax who was Vice President of the United States during the period 1868-1873. Odd Fellows and Rebekahs were also the first fraternal organization to establish homes for our senior members and for orphaned children.
It continues to exist up until today as a worldwide fraternity for men and women with over 10,000 lodges (chapters) in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Belize, Canada, Chile, Cuba, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States of America, Uruguay, and Venezuela.
Some examples of notable people who were members include George IV (King of U.K. in 1820-1830), Franklin Roosevelt (32nd U.S. President), Ulysses Grant (18th U.S. President), William McKinley (25th U.S. President), Schuyler Colfax (U.S. Vice President from 1889-1873), Charlie Chaplin (Iconic Actor and Comedian), Lucy Hobbs Taylor (first female Dentist in the U.S.), etc.
For more than 100 years, I.O.O.F lodges throughout the world are Involved in Volunteer, Philanthropic and Charitable Activities on a local, national and international level.
No hazing, no sacrifice of your opinions and beliefs, no change of relations to the Country, no loosening of the obligations which, as a good citizen, you owe to the laws and institutions under which you live, is required.
e-mail: iooftheSGL@bellsouth.net
wn.com/Inside One Of The Oldest Fraternal Organization
To improve and elevate the character of man.
In 17th century England, it was odd to find people organized for the purpose of giving aid to those in need and of pursuing projects for the benefit of all mankind. Those who belonged to such an organization were called "Odd Fellows." Odd Fellows are also known as "The Three Link Fraternity" which stands for Friendship, Love and Truth.
The Independent Order of Odd Fellows was brought in the North American Continent in Baltimore, Maryland, on April 26, 1819 when Thomas Wildey and four members of the fraternity from England instituted Washington Lodge No. 1. This lodge received its charter from Manchester Unity of Odd Fellows in England.
Odd Fellowship became the 1st national fraternity to include both men and women when it adopted the beautiful Rebekah Degree on September 20, 1851. This degree is based on the teachings found in the Holy Bible, and was written by the Honorable Schuyler Colfax who was Vice President of the United States during the period 1868-1873. Odd Fellows and Rebekahs were also the first fraternal organization to establish homes for our senior members and for orphaned children.
It continues to exist up until today as a worldwide fraternity for men and women with over 10,000 lodges (chapters) in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Belize, Canada, Chile, Cuba, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States of America, Uruguay, and Venezuela.
Some examples of notable people who were members include George IV (King of U.K. in 1820-1830), Franklin Roosevelt (32nd U.S. President), Ulysses Grant (18th U.S. President), William McKinley (25th U.S. President), Schuyler Colfax (U.S. Vice President from 1889-1873), Charlie Chaplin (Iconic Actor and Comedian), Lucy Hobbs Taylor (first female Dentist in the U.S.), etc.
For more than 100 years, I.O.O.F lodges throughout the world are Involved in Volunteer, Philanthropic and Charitable Activities on a local, national and international level.
No hazing, no sacrifice of your opinions and beliefs, no change of relations to the Country, no loosening of the obligations which, as a good citizen, you owe to the laws and institutions under which you live, is required.
e-mail: iooftheSGL@bellsouth.net
- published: 02 Sep 2010
- views: 3628
Trash can band
Schuyler Colfax Middle School percussion band ensemble....
Schuyler Colfax Middle School percussion band ensemble.
wn.com/Trash Can Band
Schuyler Colfax Middle School percussion band ensemble.
IOOF: Odd Fellows Through the years
To improve and elevate the character of man. In 17th century England, it was odd to find people organized for the purpose of giving aid to those in need and ......
To improve and elevate the character of man. In 17th century England, it was odd to find people organized for the purpose of giving aid to those in need and ...
wn.com/Ioof Odd Fellows Through The Years
To improve and elevate the character of man. In 17th century England, it was odd to find people organized for the purpose of giving aid to those in need and ...
Railway Post Offices: Men And Mail In Transit 1956 US Post Office
Railway Post Offices: Men And Mail In Transit 1956 US Post Office
Railway Post Offices: Men And Mail In Transit 1956 US Post Office
more at http://quickfound.net
"Shows the functions of the railway and the methods of handling, sorting, dispatching and picking up the mail while in transit." RPO mail clerks carry loaded while guns on the train. Mail carried includes live baby chicks.
Public domain film from the US Post Office, slightly cropped to remove uneven edges, with the aspect ratio corrected, and mild video noise reduction applied.
The soundtrack was also processed with volume normalization, noise reduction, clipping reduction, and/or equalization (the resulting sound, though not perfect, is far less noisy than the original).
Colfax Motels
Colfax Motels
Colfax Motels
A brief history of the many motels located on Denver's Colfax Avenue from the 1994 9News documentary "On Colfax."
Odd Fellows Worldwide: JOIN NOW!
Odd Fellows Worldwide: JOIN NOW!
Odd Fellows Worldwide: JOIN NOW!
There are millions of reasons why we should be PROUD to be members of the Odd Fellows! Hope this short video will say it all and make you a dedicated member ...
Join I.O.O.F (Independent Order of Odd Fellows)
Join I.O.O.F (Independent Order of Odd Fellows)
Join I.O.O.F (Independent Order of Odd Fellows)
To improve and elevate the character of man. In 17th century England, it was odd to find people organized for the purpose of giving aid to those in need and ...
Odd Fellows Fraternity Worldwide
Odd Fellows Fraternity Worldwide
Odd Fellows Fraternity Worldwide
The history of the Odd Fellows, also known as the Three Link Fraternity, go beyond other fraternities that we know today. It is one of the oldest Fraternity ...
Independent Order of Odd Fellows: An Overview
Independent Order of Odd Fellows: An Overview
Independent Order of Odd Fellows: An Overview
To improve and elevate the character of man. In 17th Century England, people were facing a lot of challenges. Life was tough, often lawless and desperate. Me...
News 5 at 11:30 - Suspect Killed After Colfax County Police Chase / June 20, 2014
News 5 at 11:30 - Suspect Killed After Colfax County Police Chase / June 20, 2014
News 5 at 11:30 - Suspect Killed After Colfax County Police Chase / June 20, 2014
One man is dead after shooting at a Nebraska State Patrol Trooper and then leading authorities on a police chase. Just before 1:30 this morning in Columbus, ...
Republican Party Nominee Running Mates
Republican Party Nominee Running Mates
Republican Party Nominee Running Mates
William L. Dayton Hannibal Hamlin Andrew Johnson Schuyler Colfax Henry Wilson William A. Wheeler Chester A. Arthur John A. Logan Levi P. Morton Whitelaw Reid...
Odd Fellows Fraternity through the years
Odd Fellows Fraternity through the years
Odd Fellows Fraternity through the years
The Independent Order of Odd fellows, also known as the Three Link Fraternity, is a worldwide altruistic and benevolent fraternal organization by which men a...
Join the Odd Fellows: The Three Link Fraternity
Join the Odd Fellows: The Three Link Fraternity
Join the Odd Fellows: The Three Link Fraternity
The Odd Fellows, also known as The Three Link Fraternity, is one of the oldest and largest non-political and non-sectarian fraternal and service-oriented org...
Join the Odd Fellows Now!
Join the Odd Fellows Now!
Join the Odd Fellows Now!
The Odd Fellows is one of the oldest and largest non-political and non-sectarian fraternal organization in the world. It was established because the world wa...
Joining A Fraternal Organization
Joining A Fraternal Organization
Joining A Fraternal Organization
The Odd Fellows, also known as The Three Link Fraternity, is one of the oldest and largest non-political and non-sectarian fraternal and service-oriented org...
Independent Order of Odd Fellows: The Rebekahs
Independent Order of Odd Fellows: The Rebekahs
Independent Order of Odd Fellows: The Rebekahs
The Odd Fellows is one of the oldest and largest non-political, non-sectarian fraternal and service organizations in the world. Because it existed very long ...
Sunrise Stories: Carol Deitz
Sunrise Stories: Carol Deitz
Sunrise Stories: Carol Deitz
Sunrise Senior Living celebrates 30 wonderful years this December. What better way to celebrate such a milestone then to interview members of our extended family and ask what makes Sunrise special to them.
Carol Deitz's father moved into Sunrise of Wayne, NJ earlier this year. In this video testimonial, Carol shares how her family has felt welcomed since they walked through the doors.
The Couch Series: Porch Lights, "Seaside Eyes"
The Couch Series: Porch Lights, "Seaside Eyes"
The Couch Series: Porch Lights, "Seaside Eyes"
Another from Porch Lights - http://youtu.be/Dq29gP6BJIo
Website - http://www.porchlightsmusic.com/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/porchlightsmusic
The Couch Series—Co-founded by us music enthusiasts, Nicolle Okoren and Eden Wen, in November 2013, The Couch Series is a place where creativity comes to rest. We highlight musicians and creative work through weekly music showcases and monthly interviews.
We started The Couch Series ultimately for one reason: music. For us, there is nothing else in this world. It is all about music. We believe there is much to discover and delve into here. Music and creativity untouched by the influ
Steven Spielberg helms his long-in-the-making biopic of Abraham Lincoln for DreamWorks and Touchstone Pictures. Daniel Day-Lewis portrays the former head of state in the Tony Kushner-penned...
sam's bar - copenhagen, denmark - toxic, britney spears
sam's bar - copenhagen, denmark - toxic, britney spears
sam's bar - copenhagen, denmark - toxic, britney spears
we butcher "toxic" at our favorite copenhagen karaoke bar. sorry britney :(
Mir and Jay Chipotle Challenge
Mir and Jay Chipotle Challenge
Mir and Jay Chipotle Challenge
Jay And Mir challenge each other to see who can eat two Chipotle burritos the fastest. Filming and commentary by Aris Sheiner. Eventual champion is Jay in a ...
1st round St. Playoffs Boys Soccer Wayne Hills vs Indian Hills11-4-14
1st round St. Playoffs Boys Soccer Wayne Hills vs Indian Hills11-4-14
1st round St. Playoffs Boys Soccer Wayne Hills vs Indian Hills11-4-14
Produced by the Wayne Hills Video Club
scms talent show
scms talent show
scms talent show
scms talent show.
Railway Post Offices: Men And Mail In Transit 1956 US Post Office
more at http://quickfound.net
"Shows the functions of the railway and the methods of handling, sorting, dispatching and picking up the mail while in transit." ...
more at http://quickfound.net
"Shows the functions of the railway and the methods of handling, sorting, dispatching and picking up the mail while in transit." RPO mail clerks carry loaded while guns on the train. Mail carried includes live baby chicks.
Public domain film from the US Post Office, slightly cropped to remove uneven edges, with the aspect ratio corrected, and mild video noise reduction applied.
The soundtrack was also processed with volume normalization, noise reduction, clipping reduction, and/or equalization (the resulting sound, though not perfect, is far less noisy than the original).
In the United States, a railway post office, commonly abbreviated as RPO, was a railroad car that was normally operated in passenger service as a means to sort mail en route, in order to speed delivery. The RPO was staffed by highly trained Railway Mail Service postal clerks, and was off-limits to the passengers on the train. In the UK, the equivalent term was Travelling Post Office (TPO).
From the middle of the 19th century, many American railroads earned substantial revenues through contracts with the U.S. Post Office Department (USPOD) to carry mail aboard high-speed passenger trains; and the Railway Mail Service enforced various standardized designs on RPOs...
The Railway post office was introduced in the United States on July 28, 1862, using converted baggage cars on the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad (which also delivered the first letter to the Pony Express). Purpose-built Railway Post Office (RPO) cars entered service on this line a few weeks after the service was initiated. Their purpose was to separate mail for connection with a westbound stagecoach departing soon after the train's arrival at St. Joseph. This service lasted approximately one year. The first permanent Railway Post Office route was established on August 28, 1864, between Chicago, Illinois, and Clinton, Iowa. This service is distinguished from the 1862 operation because mail was sorted to and received from each post office along the route, as well as major post offices beyond the route's end-points.
George B. Armstrong, assistant postmaster at Chicago, originally came up with the idea of having mail processed and distributed while the mail was on board, en route in mail cars. With the assistance of Schuyler Colfax, Speaker of the House at the time, and A. N. Zevely, Third Assistant Postmaster General, he was duly authorized to test his ideas...
At their height, RPO cars were used on over 9,000 train routes covering more than 200,000 route miles in North America. While the majority of this service consisted of one or more cars at the head end of passenger trains, many railways operated solid mail trains between major cities; these solid mail trains would often carry 300 tons of mail daily.
After 1948, the railway post office network began its decline although it remained the principal intercity mail transportation and distribution function within the Post Office Department (POD). There were 794 RPO lines operating over 161,000 miles of railroad in that year. Only 262 RPO routes were still operating by January 1, 1962. In 1942, the POD began experimenting with a highway version of the RPO to serve the same purposes along routes where passenger train service was not available. These highway post office (HPO) vehicles were initially intended to supplement RPO service, but in the 1950s and 1960s, HPOs often replaced railway post office cars after passenger train service was discontinued. The last interurban RPO service was operated by Pacific Electric Railway on its route between Los Angeles and San Bernardino, California. When the post office made a controversial policy change to process mail in large regional "sectional centers," mail was now sorted by large machines, not by people, and the remaining railway post office routes, along with all highway post office routes, were phased out of service. In September 1967 the POD cancelled all "rail by mail" contracts, electing to move all First Class mail via air and other classes by road (truck) transport. This announcement had a devastating effect on passenger train revenues; the Santa Fe, for example, lost $35 million (US) in annual business, and led directly to the ending of many passenger rail routes.
After 113 years of railway post office operation, the last surviving railway post office running on rails between New York and Washington, D.C. was discontinued on June 30, 1977. The last route with a railway post office title was actually a boat run that lasted a year longer. This Boat Railway Post Office was the Lake Winnipesaukee RPO operating between The Weirs, New Hampshire, and Bear Island on Lake Winnipesaukee. The final date it operated with a postmark was September 30, 1978...
wn.com/Railway Post Offices Men And Mail In Transit 1956 US Post Office
more at http://quickfound.net
"Shows the functions of the railway and the methods of handling, sorting, dispatching and picking up the mail while in transit." RPO mail clerks carry loaded while guns on the train. Mail carried includes live baby chicks.
Public domain film from the US Post Office, slightly cropped to remove uneven edges, with the aspect ratio corrected, and mild video noise reduction applied.
The soundtrack was also processed with volume normalization, noise reduction, clipping reduction, and/or equalization (the resulting sound, though not perfect, is far less noisy than the original).
In the United States, a railway post office, commonly abbreviated as RPO, was a railroad car that was normally operated in passenger service as a means to sort mail en route, in order to speed delivery. The RPO was staffed by highly trained Railway Mail Service postal clerks, and was off-limits to the passengers on the train. In the UK, the equivalent term was Travelling Post Office (TPO).
From the middle of the 19th century, many American railroads earned substantial revenues through contracts with the U.S. Post Office Department (USPOD) to carry mail aboard high-speed passenger trains; and the Railway Mail Service enforced various standardized designs on RPOs...
The Railway post office was introduced in the United States on July 28, 1862, using converted baggage cars on the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad (which also delivered the first letter to the Pony Express). Purpose-built Railway Post Office (RPO) cars entered service on this line a few weeks after the service was initiated. Their purpose was to separate mail for connection with a westbound stagecoach departing soon after the train's arrival at St. Joseph. This service lasted approximately one year. The first permanent Railway Post Office route was established on August 28, 1864, between Chicago, Illinois, and Clinton, Iowa. This service is distinguished from the 1862 operation because mail was sorted to and received from each post office along the route, as well as major post offices beyond the route's end-points.
George B. Armstrong, assistant postmaster at Chicago, originally came up with the idea of having mail processed and distributed while the mail was on board, en route in mail cars. With the assistance of Schuyler Colfax, Speaker of the House at the time, and A. N. Zevely, Third Assistant Postmaster General, he was duly authorized to test his ideas...
At their height, RPO cars were used on over 9,000 train routes covering more than 200,000 route miles in North America. While the majority of this service consisted of one or more cars at the head end of passenger trains, many railways operated solid mail trains between major cities; these solid mail trains would often carry 300 tons of mail daily.
After 1948, the railway post office network began its decline although it remained the principal intercity mail transportation and distribution function within the Post Office Department (POD). There were 794 RPO lines operating over 161,000 miles of railroad in that year. Only 262 RPO routes were still operating by January 1, 1962. In 1942, the POD began experimenting with a highway version of the RPO to serve the same purposes along routes where passenger train service was not available. These highway post office (HPO) vehicles were initially intended to supplement RPO service, but in the 1950s and 1960s, HPOs often replaced railway post office cars after passenger train service was discontinued. The last interurban RPO service was operated by Pacific Electric Railway on its route between Los Angeles and San Bernardino, California. When the post office made a controversial policy change to process mail in large regional "sectional centers," mail was now sorted by large machines, not by people, and the remaining railway post office routes, along with all highway post office routes, were phased out of service. In September 1967 the POD cancelled all "rail by mail" contracts, electing to move all First Class mail via air and other classes by road (truck) transport. This announcement had a devastating effect on passenger train revenues; the Santa Fe, for example, lost $35 million (US) in annual business, and led directly to the ending of many passenger rail routes.
After 113 years of railway post office operation, the last surviving railway post office running on rails between New York and Washington, D.C. was discontinued on June 30, 1977. The last route with a railway post office title was actually a boat run that lasted a year longer. This Boat Railway Post Office was the Lake Winnipesaukee RPO operating between The Weirs, New Hampshire, and Bear Island on Lake Winnipesaukee. The final date it operated with a postmark was September 30, 1978...
- published: 24 Aug 2015
- views: 62
Colfax Motels
A brief history of the many motels located on Denver's Colfax Avenue from the 1994 9News documentary "On Colfax."...
A brief history of the many motels located on Denver's Colfax Avenue from the 1994 9News documentary "On Colfax."
wn.com/Colfax Motels
A brief history of the many motels located on Denver's Colfax Avenue from the 1994 9News documentary "On Colfax."
- published: 21 Dec 2014
- views: 84
Odd Fellows Worldwide: JOIN NOW!
There are millions of reasons why we should be PROUD to be members of the Odd Fellows! Hope this short video will say it all and make you a dedicated member ......
There are millions of reasons why we should be PROUD to be members of the Odd Fellows! Hope this short video will say it all and make you a dedicated member ...
wn.com/Odd Fellows Worldwide Join Now
There are millions of reasons why we should be PROUD to be members of the Odd Fellows! Hope this short video will say it all and make you a dedicated member ...
Join I.O.O.F (Independent Order of Odd Fellows)
To improve and elevate the character of man. In 17th century England, it was odd to find people organized for the purpose of giving aid to those in need and ......
To improve and elevate the character of man. In 17th century England, it was odd to find people organized for the purpose of giving aid to those in need and ...
wn.com/Join I.O.O.F (Independent Order Of Odd Fellows)
To improve and elevate the character of man. In 17th century England, it was odd to find people organized for the purpose of giving aid to those in need and ...
Odd Fellows Fraternity Worldwide
The history of the Odd Fellows, also known as the Three Link Fraternity, go beyond other fraternities that we know today. It is one of the oldest Fraternity ......
The history of the Odd Fellows, also known as the Three Link Fraternity, go beyond other fraternities that we know today. It is one of the oldest Fraternity ...
wn.com/Odd Fellows Fraternity Worldwide
The history of the Odd Fellows, also known as the Three Link Fraternity, go beyond other fraternities that we know today. It is one of the oldest Fraternity ...
Independent Order of Odd Fellows: An Overview
To improve and elevate the character of man. In 17th Century England, people were facing a lot of challenges. Life was tough, often lawless and desperate. Me......
To improve and elevate the character of man. In 17th Century England, people were facing a lot of challenges. Life was tough, often lawless and desperate. Me...
wn.com/Independent Order Of Odd Fellows An Overview
To improve and elevate the character of man. In 17th Century England, people were facing a lot of challenges. Life was tough, often lawless and desperate. Me...
News 5 at 11:30 - Suspect Killed After Colfax County Police Chase / June 20, 2014
One man is dead after shooting at a Nebraska State Patrol Trooper and then leading authorities on a police chase. Just before 1:30 this morning in Columbus, ......
One man is dead after shooting at a Nebraska State Patrol Trooper and then leading authorities on a police chase. Just before 1:30 this morning in Columbus, ...
wn.com/News 5 At 11 30 Suspect Killed After Colfax County Police Chase June 20, 2014
One man is dead after shooting at a Nebraska State Patrol Trooper and then leading authorities on a police chase. Just before 1:30 this morning in Columbus, ...
- published: 20 Jun 2014
- views: 99
author: News 5
Republican Party Nominee Running Mates
William L. Dayton Hannibal Hamlin Andrew Johnson Schuyler Colfax Henry Wilson William A. Wheeler Chester A. Arthur John A. Logan Levi P. Morton Whitelaw Reid......
William L. Dayton Hannibal Hamlin Andrew Johnson Schuyler Colfax Henry Wilson William A. Wheeler Chester A. Arthur John A. Logan Levi P. Morton Whitelaw Reid...
wn.com/Republican Party Nominee Running Mates
William L. Dayton Hannibal Hamlin Andrew Johnson Schuyler Colfax Henry Wilson William A. Wheeler Chester A. Arthur John A. Logan Levi P. Morton Whitelaw Reid...
Odd Fellows Fraternity through the years
The Independent Order of Odd fellows, also known as the Three Link Fraternity, is a worldwide altruistic and benevolent fraternal organization by which men a......
The Independent Order of Odd fellows, also known as the Three Link Fraternity, is a worldwide altruistic and benevolent fraternal organization by which men a...
wn.com/Odd Fellows Fraternity Through The Years
The Independent Order of Odd fellows, also known as the Three Link Fraternity, is a worldwide altruistic and benevolent fraternal organization by which men a...
Join the Odd Fellows: The Three Link Fraternity
The Odd Fellows, also known as The Three Link Fraternity, is one of the oldest and largest non-political and non-sectarian fraternal and service-oriented org......
The Odd Fellows, also known as The Three Link Fraternity, is one of the oldest and largest non-political and non-sectarian fraternal and service-oriented org...
wn.com/Join The Odd Fellows The Three Link Fraternity
The Odd Fellows, also known as The Three Link Fraternity, is one of the oldest and largest non-political and non-sectarian fraternal and service-oriented org...
Join the Odd Fellows Now!
The Odd Fellows is one of the oldest and largest non-political and non-sectarian fraternal organization in the world. It was established because the world wa......
The Odd Fellows is one of the oldest and largest non-political and non-sectarian fraternal organization in the world. It was established because the world wa...
wn.com/Join The Odd Fellows Now
The Odd Fellows is one of the oldest and largest non-political and non-sectarian fraternal organization in the world. It was established because the world wa...
Joining A Fraternal Organization
The Odd Fellows, also known as The Three Link Fraternity, is one of the oldest and largest non-political and non-sectarian fraternal and service-oriented org......
The Odd Fellows, also known as The Three Link Fraternity, is one of the oldest and largest non-political and non-sectarian fraternal and service-oriented org...
wn.com/Joining A Fraternal Organization
The Odd Fellows, also known as The Three Link Fraternity, is one of the oldest and largest non-political and non-sectarian fraternal and service-oriented org...
Independent Order of Odd Fellows: The Rebekahs
The Odd Fellows is one of the oldest and largest non-political, non-sectarian fraternal and service organizations in the world. Because it existed very long ......
The Odd Fellows is one of the oldest and largest non-political, non-sectarian fraternal and service organizations in the world. Because it existed very long ...
wn.com/Independent Order Of Odd Fellows The Rebekahs
The Odd Fellows is one of the oldest and largest non-political, non-sectarian fraternal and service organizations in the world. Because it existed very long ...
Sunrise Stories: Carol Deitz
Sunrise Senior Living celebrates 30 wonderful years this December. What better way to celebrate such a milestone then to interview members of our extended famil...
Sunrise Senior Living celebrates 30 wonderful years this December. What better way to celebrate such a milestone then to interview members of our extended family and ask what makes Sunrise special to them.
Carol Deitz's father moved into Sunrise of Wayne, NJ earlier this year. In this video testimonial, Carol shares how her family has felt welcomed since they walked through the doors.
wn.com/Sunrise Stories Carol Deitz
Sunrise Senior Living celebrates 30 wonderful years this December. What better way to celebrate such a milestone then to interview members of our extended family and ask what makes Sunrise special to them.
Carol Deitz's father moved into Sunrise of Wayne, NJ earlier this year. In this video testimonial, Carol shares how her family has felt welcomed since they walked through the doors.
- published: 28 Nov 2011
- views: 90
The Couch Series: Porch Lights, "Seaside Eyes"
Another from Porch Lights - http://youtu.be/Dq29gP6BJIo
Website - http://www.porchlightsmusic.com/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/porchlightsmusic
Another from Porch Lights - http://youtu.be/Dq29gP6BJIo
Website - http://www.porchlightsmusic.com/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/porchlightsmusic
The Couch Series—Co-founded by us music enthusiasts, Nicolle Okoren and Eden Wen, in November 2013, The Couch Series is a place where creativity comes to rest. We highlight musicians and creative work through weekly music showcases and monthly interviews.
We started The Couch Series ultimately for one reason: music. For us, there is nothing else in this world. It is all about music. We believe there is much to discover and delve into here. Music and creativity untouched by the influence of the world surrounds us everyday and we want to share their very souls with the universe.
Blog - http://www.thecouchseries.com/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/thecouchseries
Twitter - https://twitter.com/thecouchseries | #thecouchseries
Subscribe - http://www.youtube.com/user/thecouchseries
wn.com/The Couch Series Porch Lights, Seaside Eyes
Another from Porch Lights - http://youtu.be/Dq29gP6BJIo
Website - http://www.porchlightsmusic.com/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/porchlightsmusic
The Couch Series—Co-founded by us music enthusiasts, Nicolle Okoren and Eden Wen, in November 2013, The Couch Series is a place where creativity comes to rest. We highlight musicians and creative work through weekly music showcases and monthly interviews.
We started The Couch Series ultimately for one reason: music. For us, there is nothing else in this world. It is all about music. We believe there is much to discover and delve into here. Music and creativity untouched by the influence of the world surrounds us everyday and we want to share their very souls with the universe.
Blog - http://www.thecouchseries.com/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/thecouchseries
Twitter - https://twitter.com/thecouchseries | #thecouchseries
Subscribe - http://www.youtube.com/user/thecouchseries
- published: 24 Sep 2014
- views: 37
Steven Spielberg helms his long-in-the-making biopic of Abraham Lincoln for DreamWorks and Touchstone Pictures. Daniel Day-Lewis portrays the former head of sta...
Steven Spielberg helms his long-in-the-making biopic of Abraham Lincoln for DreamWorks and Touchstone Pictures. Daniel Day-Lewis portrays the former head of state in the Tony Kushner-penned...
Steven Spielberg helms his long-in-the-making biopic of Abraham Lincoln for DreamWorks and Touchstone Pictures. Daniel Day-Lewis portrays the former head of state in the Tony Kushner-penned...
sam's bar - copenhagen, denmark - toxic, britney spears
we butcher "toxic" at our favorite copenhagen karaoke bar. sorry britney :(...
we butcher "toxic" at our favorite copenhagen karaoke bar. sorry britney :(
wn.com/Sam's Bar Copenhagen, Denmark Toxic, Britney Spears
we butcher "toxic" at our favorite copenhagen karaoke bar. sorry britney :(
Mir and Jay Chipotle Challenge
Jay And Mir challenge each other to see who can eat two Chipotle burritos the fastest. Filming and commentary by Aris Sheiner. Eventual champion is Jay in a ......
Jay And Mir challenge each other to see who can eat two Chipotle burritos the fastest. Filming and commentary by Aris Sheiner. Eventual champion is Jay in a ...
wn.com/Mir And Jay Chipotle Challenge
Jay And Mir challenge each other to see who can eat two Chipotle burritos the fastest. Filming and commentary by Aris Sheiner. Eventual champion is Jay in a ...
- published: 30 Mar 2012
- views: 1655
author: jaynog11
scms talent show
scms talent show....
scms talent show.
wn.com/Scms Talent Show
scms talent show.
- published: 10 May 2013
- views: 340
author: Dana P