

Cities ask residents to snitch on illegal Airbnb rentals

Berlin has a website that enables people to anonymously inform on law-breaking landlords, and Munich might follow suit.

Climate & Energy

The ExxonMobil refinery that exploded in L.A. last year is up and running again

The plant whose explosion injured four workers, rained chemical ash, and registered on the Richter scale restarted its refinery this week.

Climate & Energy

Amid fire evacuations, Alberta oil production restarts

Companies are flying in workers to staff oil operations — because thousands of local workers have had to leave their homes.


Will Uber and Lyft learn anything from their defeat in Austin?

If the ride-hailing companies are smart, they'll start to work with local governments instead of trying to bully them into submission.


The Bay Area could get a whole new kind of climate tax

Voters will soon decide whether to impose a property tax that would generate revenue to restore key wetlands.


Cities and companies have pledged to fight climate change. Now what?

They’re making a lot of climate pledges, but they aren't being held accountable.


Why’s the rent so damn high? It could be Airbnb.

Critics blame the service for gentrification, displacement, and the rising cost of housing.

Climate & Energy

The Keystone movement goes global

No new fossil fuel proposal is safe.

Climate & Energy

The United Arab Emirates has a plan to make it rain: Build a mountain

If you have more money than water, why NOT build yourself a nice mountain?