Buried beneath the Antarctic ice are an assortment of unexplored fossils, canyons and meteorites dating back to the beginning of the Solar System.While scientists appear interested in these items, what appears to interest them most, however, is the liquid freshwater lakes hidden beneath the icy surface, according to IFLScience. Lake Vostok is probably the most well-known ... However, this possibility isn’t a particularly unlikely one....
Normally, news of this sort would cause a panic in the social media world, but news of Facebook being hacked and usernames and passwords stolen has raised little notice, according to a report Tuesday on Digital Spy.Instead of targeting the social media site with malicious intent, hacker Orange Tsai was able to use his skills to find a weakness in the social media network’s internal server systems and earn money for his work....
A day after a group of assailants fatally stabbed two men – including a gay rights activist who worked for the U.S ...Embassy protocol officer, and his friend, theater actor Tanay Majumder.Mannan served as editor of Bangladesh’s first gay rights magazine, Roopbaan. Majumder sometimes helped with the publishing, local media said ... with the help of their masters, the U.S ... The national police chief, A.K.M....
NEW DELHI. The earth is getting greener because of higher carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in the atmosphere, new research shows. Observations by Nasa satellites over the past 33 years show that there has been a steady increase in leaves on plants and trees, which scientists think is because of the higher CO2 levels. Leaves absorb CO2 and combine it with water to produce food for the plants ... It is the chief culprit of climate change ... ....
NEW YORK (AP) -- Donald Trump rolled up victories in five more states on Tuesday, giving the Republican front-runner fresh momentum in his push for the nomination even if his pathway has little room for error... "This is really something special. It's a movement," Trump said on Fox News before polls closed ... John Kasich are fighting to deny Trump the delegate majority and force a contested national convention this summer ... ....
The Clean Air Act's RegionalHaze program sets a national goal of clear, natural views in nationalparks and wilderness areas so visitors may take in the magnificent vistas as they breathe in clean air ... A recent report from the NationalParksConservationAssociation reveals 48 NationalParks that are supposed to be protected by the rule are currently plagued by significant air pollution....
A new NationalParkService (NPS) report shows that 4.1 million visits to YellowstoneNationalPark in 2015 totaled $493.6 million in spending in communities near the park... To learn more about nationalparks in Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho and how the NationalPark Service works with communities in these states to help preserve local history, ......
Frost case pitted Alaska moose hunter JohnSturgeon against the NationalParkService... Sturgeon didn't have a connection with CIRI and the hovercraft incident happened far from CIRI land, but CIRI's interests became involved when the potentially precedent-setting decision, had it survived, would have authorized the NationalPark Service to regulate private lands within conservation units....
ANPA - Association of NationalPark Authorities) ...The Lake DistrictNationalPark is keen to share the message 'Cumbria is open', in support of our communities and businesses following the Cumbria floods. It's important that people who are thinking of visiting know that the majority of places are still open and accessible throughout the nationalpark ... Current status of Lake DistrictNationalPark car parks....
HopewellCultureNational Historical Park) Date. ... -Tuesday April 26 Mount RushmoreNationalMemorial will implement a prescribed burn to reduce accumulated slash piles ... Hopewell Culture National Historical Park issued this content on 26 April 2016 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein....
HopewellCultureNational Historical Park) Date. ... MOOSE, WY - Opening dates for seasonally operated facilities and roads in Grand TetonNationalPark and the John D ... Other Information For additional information about activities and services within Grand Teton NationalPark or the John D ... Hopewell Culture National Historical Park issued this content on 26 April 2016 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein....
The site was chosen for the visitor centre to capitalise on views across Lake Burley Griffin and for proximity to major attractions including Parliament House, the national institutions and CommonwealthPark...Parking will be altered at the site to accommodate trailers, buses and caravans and visitors are expected to have free parking for a specified period....
The animals were central to many Native American cultures and were on the verge of extinction before revival efforts established herds on national refuges and parks....
MOUNT DESERT ISLAND, Maine (AP) - Members of Maine's congressional delegation are working to authorize Acadia NationalPark to acquire more than 1,400 acres of land on the Schoodic Peninsula. WCSH-TV reports (http.//on.wlbz2.com/1TchzW8 ) park officials say the land is theirs due to a 1929 law that allows donations of ... ....