- published: 30 Jun 2016
- views: 40498
The Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg (German: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg) was founded in 1991 as a publicly funded film school in Ludwigsburg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. The Filmakademie is one of the most internationally renowned film schools and known for its Institute for Animation and Visual Effects. In addition the Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg hosts the Atelier Ludwigsburg/Paris, an inter-university master-class on film production with the notable French film school La Fémis in Paris and in cooperation with the National Film and Television School in London. The Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg also works to expose students to an international network of film-makers by organizing exchange programs with partner institutions worldwide. Every year, the Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg organizes a workshop for selected students at the UCLA, including internships with production companies in Los Angeles.
The project-oriented curriculum triggers learning by doing all the different stages of a film and television production. More than 300 highly qualified experts from the film and media business instruct the students and take care of their projects. About 250 films of all genres and formats with top rankings on international festivals are produced every year by teams of students enrolled in scriptwriting, directing, cinematography, editing, animation, series, film production, film score, sound design and production design. The Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg only admits students who have at least one of year of practical experience in the film business and two years for its producers program.
A film festival is an organized, extended presentation of films in one or more cinemas or screening venues, usually in a single city or region. Increasingly, film festivals show some films outdoors. Films may be of recent date and, depending upon the festival's focus, can include international and domestic releases. Some festivals focus on a specific film-maker or genre (e.g., film noir) or subject matter (e.g., horror film festivals). A number of film festivals specialise in short films of a defined maximum length. Film festivals are typically annual events. Some film historians do not consider Film Festivals as official releases of film, like Jerry Beck. The best known film festivals are the Venice Film Festival, the Cannes Film Festival, the Toronto Film Festival, Sundance Film Festival, and the Berlin International Film Festival, the latter being the largest film festival worldwide, based on attendance. The Venice Film Festival is the oldest major festival. The Melbourne International Film Festival is the largest film festival in the Southern Hemisphere and one of the oldest in the world. A 2013 study found 3,000 active films festivals worldwide—active defined as having held an event in the previous 24 months.
A film, also called a movie, motion picture or photoplay, is a series of still images which, when shown on a screen, creates the illusion of moving images due to the phi phenomenon. This optical illusion causes the audience to perceive continuous motion between separate objects viewed rapidly in succession. A film is created by photographing actual scenes with a motion picture camera; by photographing drawings or miniature models using traditional animation techniques; by means of CGI and computer animation; or by a combination of some or all of these techniques and other visual effects. The word "cinema", short for cinematography, is often used to refer to the industry of films and filmmaking or to the art of filmmaking itself. The contemporary definition of cinema is the art of simulating experiences to communicate ideas, stories, perceptions, feelings, beauty or atmosphere by the means of recorded or programmed moving images along with other sensory stimulations.
The process of filmmaking is both an art and an industry.
A short film is any film not long enough to be considered a feature film. Although no consensus exists as to where that boundary is drawn, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences defines a short film as "an original motion picture that has a running time of 40 minutes or less, including all credits". The term featurette originally applied to a film longer than a short subject, but shorter than a standard feature film.
The increasingly rare term short subject means approximately the same thing. An industry term, it carries more of an assumption that the film is shown as part of a presentation along with a feature film. Short is an abbreviation for either term. Short films are often screened at local, national, or international film festivals and made by independent filmmakers for non profit, either with a low budget or no budget at all. They are usually funded by film grants, non profit organizations, sponsor, or personal funds. Short films are generally used by filmmakers to gain experience and/or prove their talent in order to gain funding for future films from private investors, entertainment companies, or film studios.
A festival is an event ordinarily celebrated by a community and centering on some characteristic aspect of that community and its religion or traditions, often marked as a local or national holiday, mela or eid. Next to religion and folklore, a significant origin is agricultural. Food is such a vital resource that many festivals are associated with harvest time. Religious commemoration and thanksgiving for good harvests are blended in events that take place in autumn, such as Halloween in the northern hemisphere and Easter in the southern.
Festivals often serve to fulfill specific communal purposes, especially in regard to commemoration or thanksgiving. The celebrations offer a sense of belonging for religious, social, or geographical groups, contributing to group cohesiveness. They may also provide entertainment, which was particularly important to local communities before the advent of mass-produced entertainment. Festivals that focus on cultural or ethnic topics also seek to inform community members of their traditions; the involvement of elders sharing stories and experience provides a means for unity among families.
Das Phänomen “hysterical strength” beschreibt die Fähigkeit von Menschen, in Extremsituationen eine fast schon übermenschliche Kraft zu entwickeln, die jenseits des allgemein Möglichen liegt. Dabei begleiten wir eine Mutter bei der Geburt ihres Kindes. Wir verfolgen das Geschehen aber nicht auf der realen, sondern auf einer metaphorischen Ebene. Im Fokus der Handlung steht dabei die Herausforderung der Geburt, die sich wie eine Extremsituation darstellt, in der es sprichwörtlich um Leben und Tod geht. STAB / CREDITS: REGIE: Martin Lapp KAMERA: Christopher McKissick PRODUCER: Anica Maruhn, Tobias Gerginov VFX PRODUCER: Francesco Faranna FILMMUSIK: Petteri Sainio SOUNDDESIGN: Tobias Scherer VFX SUPERVISOR: Martin Lapp LEAD TECHNICAL DIRECTOR: Johannes Franz SCHNITT: Raquel Caro Nuñez SZENEN...
Kino made in Baden-Württemberg? Vor 25 Jahren war der Filmstandort im Südwesten fast bedeutungslos: keine großen Studios, keine Filmhochschule, wenig Glamour. Dann kam der Trickfilmspezialist Albrecht Ade, der die Landesregierung unter Lothar Späth überzeugte, das Hightech-Ländle kreativ aufzurüsten. Die Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg war geboren. Die Bilanz nach 25 Jahren erzählt von Erfolgen: Vier Studenten-Oscars, 1.558 Absolventen, 2.064 Preise, 28.568 produzierte Filmminuten und viel Leidenschaft. Mehr Made in Südwest: SWR-Kanal abonnieren unter: http://bit.ly/ySWR Offizielle Homepage: http://www.swrfernsehen.de/madeinsuedwest Google+: http://plus.google.com/+SWR/ SWR-Mediathek: http://swrmediathek.de/tvshow.htm?show=34cf1af0-ba8d-11e3-a0eb-0026b975f2e6SWR-Kanal abonnieren unter ht...
Jake spielt seit Tagen Computerspiele bis seine Mutter beschließt ihn zu überraschen. Wie wirkt sich dieses Geschenk auf seine Zukunft aus? www.facebook.com/thepresentshort www.jacobfrey.de www.mentirinhas.com.br After a very successful festival circuit, running on over 180 film festivals and winning more than 50 awards, we’ve decided that it’s finally time to share “The Present” with the rest of the world. “The Present” is a thesis short from the Institute of Animation, Visual Effects and Digital Postproduction at the Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg in Ludwigsburg, Germany. We really hope you enjoy the result of our hard work. Thanks to everyone who help creating this film and everyone who supported us during the festivals. Thanks a lot for making this such an incredible journey. “The ...
"Face the Darkness" tells the story of a businessman who has only one goal in mind - He wants his well-deserved beer! STAB / CREDITS: Director: Andreas Bruns, Carl Schröter, Emanuel Fuchs Cinematography: Roland Stuprich Technical Directing: Vincent Ullmann, Timothy Stam Sounddesign: Marvin Keil Animation: Manolya Külköylü, Jessica Tegethoff Producer: Francesco Faranna, Philipp Walz Speaker: Erik Hansen Actor/ Protagonist: Robert Kuchenbuch, Richard Keep Production Company: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH
Ein kleines Mädchen entdeckt die Welt in einem Blatt. STAB / CREDITS: Drehbuch: Angela Steffen Regie: Angela Steffen Kamera: Angela Steffen Filmmusik: Clangoin.com Ton: Andreas Mühlschlegel Schnitt: Dominique Geißler Animation: Angela Steffen Producer: Sinje Gebauer, Claudia Krüger Produktion: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH
Aufgabe C: 3 Comic-Bilder waren vorgegeben, auf welchen ein wütender Cowboy auf einer Spinne herumtrampelte. An diesen Bildern sollte man sich orientieren und ein kleines Video kreieren, welches auf glaubhafte Weise die Gefühle und Absichten von Cowboy und Spinne vermittelt. Meine Absicht war es, Opfer- und Täter-Rolle umzudrehen und die Spinne hier eben nicht als das Opfer, sondern als ein freches, aber sympathisches Wesen darzustellen, welches den ruhigen Cowboy mit ihrer Art so richtig aus der Reserve lockt.
An old hunter finds the lost rosary of a mysterious saracen princess, which keeps an old secret power. _______________ DIRECTOR: Murat Eyüp Gönültas PRODUCER: Hannes Höhn & Johannes Kunkel DP: Tony Kopec EDITOR: Fabian Gustus VFX SUPERVISOR: Julian Weiss VFX PRODUCER: Tobias Müller LEAD TD: Yafes Sahin CG SUPERVISOR: Fabian Fricke MUSIC: Onur Tarcin SOUND DESIGN: Stephan D. Wehrle PRODUCTION MANAGER: Veith Unger CAST: Halit Dajdzo, Mustafa A. Kuzu, Lin Gothoni PRODUCTION COMPANY: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH COPRODUCTION: Südwestrundfunk (SWR) _______________ www.filmakademie.de www.facebook.com/jagonthemovie
Der Verfall des einen ist die Grundlage für das Leben des anderen. Die Welt mit ihrem unendlichen Wechselspiel von fressen und gefressen werden, nimmt eine neue Dimension an, wenn die unerwartete Kraft der Natur auf die bestehenden Strukturen unserer Gesellschaft trifft. Was für ewig geglaubt wird, zerrinnt im Zuge der Zeit. The only constant is change. STAB / CREDITS: Regie: Roman Kälin, Falko Paeper, Florian Wittmann Kamera: Roman Kaelin, Falko Paeper, Florian Wittmann Filmmusik: Stefan Wiedmer Sounddesign: Philip von During Schnitt: Alexander Scholz Animation: Jacob Frey Producer: Catherine Ackermann, Paolo Tamburrino Edit: Roman Kälin, Falko Paeper, Florian Wittmann FMX Trailer Edit: Ewa Wojakowska Grading: Ben Dittrich Produktion: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH
Das lnstitut für Animation, Visual Effects und digitale Postproduktion der Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg ist zuständig für die Lehre in den Studienschwerpunkten Animation und lnteraktive Medien, ist aktiv im Bereich anwendungsnaher Forschung und Entwicklung und veranstaltet die FMX Conference on Animation, Effects, Games and Transmedia, die wichtigste europäische Konferenz zur Kreation, Produktion und Distribution von Digital Entertainment. Weitere Infos unter: www.animationsinstitut.de
Schauspieler: Vater: Michael Hornig Emilio: David Steffen Gangster: Hassan Lazouane, Andrea Ferracane Team: Regie: Mario Dahl Produktion: René Colling, Marco Grönwoldt Kamera: Valentin Lilgenau Maske: Charlotte Fleck Kostümbild: Nelly Hohmann Set-Ton: Robin Harff, Marco Dahl Sounddesign: Robin Harff, Floyd Fürstenau Musik: Alexander David Schnitt: Elena Schmidt Colorist: Daniel Hollerweger 1. AD: Hanna Seidel 2. AD: Nicolas Ivan Bori 1. Kameraassistenz: Leo Sikstel 2. Kameraassistenz: Tim Krumbügel Oberbeleuchter: Nick Szymczak Beleuchterin: Bianca Büdenbender Beleuchter: Philip Henze Beleuchter: Timon Dangel Grip: Linus Meyer Storyboard: Sarah Schulz Mastering: Kasper Zoth Innenrequisite: Simona Weber Catering: Arne Hain, Barbara Dahl Eine Produktion der Filmakademie Baden-Württemb...
http://www.eclipse-fx.net I already had this vid uploaded a year ago once, but took it down due to some minor issues, - re-uploaded it again just for those to enjoy who want... :) This movie was a first-year project done at the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg as part of the Filmgestaltung 1 class, lectured by Prof. Jochen Kuhn. The entire project (from early story concept to final render) had to be completed within less than a month. A homeless man's poor situation is enlightened when he is revealed to be housekeeping a giant spotlight, representing a single star on the night sky. But then he sucumbs to a tragic accident, which has some dire consequences.
The result of a VFX quick & dirty workshop in our 2nd year of studying at the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg. We shot the footage within 1 hour followed by 1 day of vfx & postproduction Despite being stressful, we surely had alot of fun on this project The SWR even came along & documented our shooting :) Credits: 3D & Compositing: Andreas Feix Constantin Päplow Rotoscoping: Jonas Kirchner Kim Nguyen Andy Red The music snippets belong to "Terminator" & "Pirates of the Caribbean" ...
Unsere Alumni Jacob Frey, Angela Steffen und Verena Fels entwickelten am Animationsinstitut als Animatoren ihre ganz eigene Handschrift und sind heutzutage überaus erfolgreich unterwegs. Lass auch du deiner Kreativität freien Lauf und bewirb dich bis zum 15. Februar für ein Studium im Schwerpunkt Animation. Studienschwerpunkt Animation http://bit.ly/2qYQlvA Studienvertiefung Animation Artist (Teil des Schwerpunkts Animation) http://bit.ly/2mV9IWF Alle Infos zur Bewerbung http://bit.ly/2zTeRDm ___ BESUCH UNS AUF UNSEREN VERSCHIEDENEN KANÄLEN: Animationsinstitut https://animationsinstitut.de/de/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Animationsinstitut/ Twitter https://twitter.com/AI_Animation LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/9747577/
Ostern steht vor der Tür und wir haben ein YOUTUBE-Special auf unserem Channel: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhA9CrAC5DTAfyqeYWWwmGEY71-0AwW-S Für alle, die sich schon mal auf die Ostereiersuche einstimmen wollen, haben wir eine Easter-Special-Playlist vorbereitet: 7 Filme unserer Studierenden rund ums Thema Hase, Eier und Co. – ein bunter Mix durch die verschiedenen Genres. Gute Unterhaltung und HAPPY EASTER!
Eine tragisch-komische Geschichte über eine alte Frau, die mitten in der Nacht sehr zum Entsetzen des herbeigerufenen Sohnes für ihre längst verstorbenen Freunde kocht.Phantasie, Traum oder Wirklichkeit? Ist der Unterschied wichtig? Wenn Menschen alt werden… Stab Drehbuch: Conrad Tambour Regie: Conrad Tambour Kamera: Conrad Tambour Filmmusik: Axel Tenner Sounddesign: Alexander Moyerer Schnitt: Hofmann Wiebke Animation: Conrad Tambour, Johannes Schiehsl, Jan Lachauer Producer: Nicolas Palme Sprecher: Erni Mangold, Erwin Steinhauer, Ingrid Burkhard, Klaus Ofczarek Produktion: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH www.trickfilmer.at
Sound-Designerin Nami Strack, Filmemacher Sascha Geddert und Mischtonmeister Florian Dittrich präsentieren die ersten beiden Diplomfilme der Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg, die im neuen Tonsystem "Dolby Atmos" gemischt wurden: GLOBOSOME und WRAPPED. Die drei Profis erklären den Unterschied zu den bisherigen Tonformaten 5.1 und 7.1, erzählen über ihre Arbeit und sprechen über die richtige Lautstärke bei der Filmvorführung.
FILM SCHOOL - EUROPE Face The Darkness / Andreas Bruns / Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg
FILM SCHOOL - EUROPE Dear Brother / Dorian & Daniel / Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg
Another common wildlife scene in the world of "Rollin`Wild". Visit our inflated animals on www.rollinwild.com Shop: http://www.rollinwild.com/shop.php Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RollinWild Created by: Kyra Buschor & Constantin Päplow Sound-Design/Mixing Nami Strack https://de.linkedin.com/in/nami-strack-248a47a4/de Produced by Passion Pictures London www.passion-pictures.com Based on project at the Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg www.Filmakademie.de
Directiors: Iring Freytag, Florian Werzinski Poducer: Chan Zehetmaier Copyright Filmakademie Baden Wuerttemberg 2013 My Roles, CoDirection, Lighting, Shading, Rendering, Compositing
Wir starten in der Eberhardstrasse von Ludwigsburg und gehen auf die Stadtkirche zu. Nach einem Rundgang über den Marktplatz gehen wir über die obere Marktstrasse in die Wilhelmstrasse. Von dort geht es über die Arsenalstrasse bis zum Schillerplatz. Anschließend geht es über die Mathildenstrasse vorbei an der Filmakademie Baden Württemberg. Über die Stuttgarter Strasse geht es dann zum Residenzschloss Ludwigsburg und von dort aus zum Holzmarkt. Auf dem Holzmarkt endet der Rundgang. Ludwigsburg is a beautiful city in the southwest of Germany with a big chateau and the film academy of Baden Württemberg.
Innovative, authentic, diverse: Karlsruhe's new image film, which was produced by Rosebud Productions and Fett&Zucker, depicts the city's strengths and presents Karlsruhe as a city on the move which is in a continuous process of development.
The Institute of Animation offers a 30-month training program for computer science graduates who are aiming to become Technical Directors (TD). The program combines students’ previous technical knowledge with actual film projects. Working in a production team, they learn how to solve real-world problems. They design setups and rigs, acquire experience in lighting, shading, rendering, textures and effects, learn how to work with expressions and scripts, to program tools and plug-ins, to automate animation and other processes as well as to set up workflows and production pipelines. As part of the curriculum, students can actively participate in the Institute's research and development projects. Speakers are TD students in their fourth year of studies: Anno Schachner Mahmoud Hesham Lisa E...
ГЕРМАНИЯ#ОЧЕНЬ КРАСИВЫЙ ДВОРЕЦ #SCHLOSS SALEM В этом видео мы побываем с вами в очень красивом месте Германии недалеко от Бодензее и совсем рядом с Аффенбергом,где много -много диких обезьян. Если вы ещё не видели,то посмотрите ГДЕ МНОГО МНОГО ДИКИХ ОБЕЗЬЯН#ГДЕ ОТДОХНУТЬ в ГЕРМАНИИ#TEFI ГЕРМАНИЯ https://www.youtube.com/edit?video_id=s-kDx-hQgf0 #v-sch #bodensee #путешествия #affenberg#обезьяны#дикие#германия#meersburg #меерсбург #баден_вюртемберг ГДЕ МНОГО МНОГО ДИКИХ ОБЕЗЬЯН#ГДЕ ОТДОХНУТЬ в ГЕРМАНИИ#TEFI ГЕРМАНИЯ MALTA Island GOZO МАЛЬТА ГРОТЫ и ПЕЩЕРЫ остров ГОЗО.Как сэкономить в отпуске https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OG0MVlB3CBk МАЛЬТА .Бесподобное МАЛЬТИЙСКОЕ СТЕКЛО.Как производят ШЕДЕВРЫ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEz5IKADauU Отдых на МАЛЬТЕ. День второй. г МДИНА.Как ...
MT Aerospace AG Imagefilm
Der Film war ein Willkommensgeschenk für eine gute Freundin, die fast ein ganzes Jahr in Neuseeland verbracht hat. Fehlerkorrektur: Neuseeland ist NICHT das Mutterland des Rugby! England darf sich mit diesem Titel schmücken.
The city of Ulm, in the German state of Baden-Württemberg, was heavily bombed during the closing months of World War II.The first and heaviest raid, on 17 December 1944, left 707 people dead, 613 injured, and 25,000 homeless.Two large truck factories, Magirus-Deutz and Kässbohrer, were the primary targets.There were several other important industries and some Wehrmacht barracks and depots. This channel is dedicated to make Wikipedia, one of the biggest knowledge databases in the world available to people with limited vision. Article available under a Creative Commons license Image source in video
Kosovo in 8 Days Sieben junge Deutsch-Kosovoalbaner/innen reisten mit den Filmemacher/innen in den Kosovo, um das Herkunftsland ihrer Familien zu portraitieren.Die gemeinsame Arbeit von Autor/innen und Teilnehmer/innen am Filmprojekt bedeutete einen Prozess intensiver Realitätsaneignung und gibt de Zuschauenden die Möglichkeit, an bedeutsamen Punkten der Lebensgeschichte der Protagonist/innen dabei zu sein. Die Kamera fungierte hier nicht nur als Instrument der Beobachtung und Dokumentation, sondern wurde als Katalysator für neue Erfahrungen und Perspektiven der Akteure eingesetzt. Dieser Prozess der Identitätsarbeit wird dem Publikum vor allem durch die Perspektivenverschränkungen in der Montage nahe gebracht. Ein Film von Mervete Bobaj und Boris Friele sowie Albulena Brahimi, Gezime Da...
Liliam comes from Guatemala and is vacationing in Ludwigsburg. In addition to Ludwigsburg Palace, she visits the fairy tale garden and the film academy. Read more on: http://www.dw.de/discover-germany-the-travel-guide-2013-06-08/e-16815945-9798?maca=en-podcast_discover-germany-en-4493-xml-mrss#16865051
Zum vierten Mal haben sich Studierende aus ganz Deutschland beim Anlagen- und Maschinenbauer Dürr um die Teilnahme am Filmwettbewerb „Dürr Challenge“ beworben. Unter dem Motto „WORLD OF TOMORROW“ haben schließlich 15 Finalisten die Weltstädte Buenos Aires, Dubai und Kuala Lumpur mit der Filmkamera portraitiert. Dabei standen ihnen wieder Nachwuchsregisseure der Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg als Coach zur Seite. For the fourth time, students from all over Germany applied to take part in the "Dürr Challenge" film competition hosted by the mechanical and plant engineering firm. Guided by the motto „WORLD OF TOMORROW“, the 15 finalists created film portraits of the cities of Buenos Aires, Dubai and Kuala Lumpur. They were once again coached by young directors from the Baden-Württemberg film ...
A visit to Moscow International Film school part1 by yurian
Study Abroad at Duale Hochschule Baden-Wuerttemberg Mannheim and make the experience of your lifetime! Or as one of our students once stated: "I met great people and l loved travelling to the different regions in Germany and Europe with the people I met. The experience of being in Mannheim has changed me forever, and l loved every minute of it!" This movie was made by some of our exchange students from East Carolina University and the University of Tennessee in Spring 2012. For more information, please visit: http://www.dhbw-mannheim.de/en/international-students/ Come along DHBW Mannheim's international adventure! You will see things and meet people and there is much to learn from them!
This short animation film is part of a free project at our university (DHBW Mannheim) within the topic "minimal". The result of our interpretation of this term was this film about sounds that get more annoying the quieter they are... at least drive you to madness. It´s all packed into a little guide about what you should omit while travelling. If you like it post it on twitter, facebook or anyhere else. If you´re lovin it, post on your body - the necessary clothes are available here: http://tysawt.spreadshirt.de Audiovisuelle Animation von Studenten des Studienganges Digitale Medien der DHBW Mannheim im Rahmen des Projektes mnml. Ich sehe was, was Du nicht siehst http://www.siehst-du-es.de
❤ Definitely check out Andreas Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1n65gK-gVvzCBxtt5jmqrQ?spfreload=10 ❤ SUBSCRIBE to my channel: Travel & Mindfulness Advice → http://travelrunplay.de/youtubesub "Und was sagt Dein Freund dazu?" Reisen trotz Partner Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofJPJB25ZSo Get a 35 Euro voucher for your first stay with Airbnb: * http://travelrunplay.de/airbnb LEARN ENGLISH or SPANISH How I learn Spanish on the road: * http://travelrunplay.de/babbel AUDIBLE Get a free month with Audible: * http://travelrunplay.de/audible EQUIPMENT Carry on backpack: * http://travelrunplay.de/osprey Canon 60D: * http://travelrunplay.de/canon60d Go Pro 5: * http://amzn.to/2g2V3Yb Macbook Pro: * http://travelrunplay.de/macbookpro Hard drive: * http://travelrunplay.de/fe...
In this episode we explore a route through Germany, taking in lakes, amazing castles, mountains, and towns. We hope you enjoy it, whether you plan to visit or just want to learn more about Germany! The journey is Lindau on Lake Constance, Baden Baden, Ulm, Fussen, Bavarian Alps and fantasy castles, Oberammergau, Lake Chiemsee, and Berchtesgaden. Subscribe at http://www.youtube.com/user/worldfromaboveHD?sub_confirmation=1
Journey to the Heart of Europe Germany By Sue K Many European tourists come to Thailand for the nice warm climate, great variety of foods, and good hospitality. Likewise, Europe is also a favorite destination for many Thais. The top hit countries are France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and other nearby countries. Asian tourists usually travel to Europe for a change of climate, cooler air, good cheese and wine, sightseeing and to experience different cultures. But besides the usual tourist spots, there are still a lot of places out there, not known to many people. So join me on this little tour as we take you around to discover a thing or two in Europe. In the four part series, well take you to Baden Württemberg in Germany to stay at luxury hotels with gourmet dining and fine...
arbeitsfrei (workfree) - English Subtitles. A Short Film made in conjunction with the Film Academy Kelle, Berlin, Germany. www.filmakademie-kelle.de Was awarded: "Best International Shortfilm" at the Columbia Gorge International Film Festival. www.angaelica.com/festivals/history/2012cgiff/ "Like an unemployed guide to Berlin" - anonymous ar•beits•frei [ˈaʁbaɪ̯ʦfʀaɪ] adj. from German arbeit - "work" (or Job, also arbeiten - "to work") and frei - "free" (free of or from) 1. Freedom from work. 2. arbeitsfreie Zeit: time off work 3. arbeitsfrei sein: to be off work
Mark Travis is the world's leading authority on the art & craft of film directing. In just 3 days, professional filmmakers will be exposed to a multitude of directing skills; gain a solid step-by-step foundation of the directing process using the TRAVIS TECHNIQUE, THE POWER OF STAGING and DIRECTING THE CAMERA.