- published: 26 Nov 2013
- views: 5413
Miss Universe is an annual international beauty pageant that is run by the Miss Universe Organization. Along with its rival contests, Miss World and Miss Earth, this pageant is one of the most publicized beauty contests in the world. The pageant was founded in 1952 by the California clothing company Pacific Mills, and is owned, along with Miss USA, by WME/IMG.
In 1998, Miss Universe, Inc. changed its name to Miss Universe Organization, and moved its headquarters from Los Angeles to New York City.
In 1998, the logo of Miss Universe – "the woman with stars" – was created, representing the beauty and responsibility of women around the world. The same logo is used in present-day pageants.
In 2015, after Donald Trump made statements about immigrants from Mexico in his presidential campaign kickoff speech, NBC decided to end their business relationship and stated that they will no longer air the pageant, or the Miss USA pageant, on their networks. In September 2015, Trump bought the entire stock of the Miss Universe Organization from NBC, becoming its sole owner for three days until selling the entire stock to WME/IMG.
Herman Potočnik (pseudonym Hermann Noordung; 22 December 1892 – 27 August 1929) was a Slovene rocket engineer and pioneer of cosmonautics (astronautics). He is chiefly remembered for his work addressing the long-term human habitation of space.
Potočnik was born in the Austria-Hungarian port of Pula in southern Istria (now in Croatia). His family was of Slovene ethnicity and originated from Lower Styria in Austria-Hungary (now Slovenia).
Both of Potočnik's parents were Slovene. His father Jožef was born in 1841 in Zgornji Razbor near Slovenj Gradec and at the time of Herman's birth he served as a doctor and high navy officer in the Austro-Hungarian Navy harbour of Pula. His mother Minka was born February 7, 1854; she was a descendant of Czech immigrants, manufacturers of crucibles for glass-making, and a daughter of a well known wine merchant and local councillor Jožef Kokošinek from Maribor (born in Vitanje). In 1866, Herman's father Jožef participated in the second Battle of Vis, where the Austrian Navy under command of von Tegetthoff defeated the Royal Italian Navy. Jožef was later a general in the Austro-Hungarian Army.
Watch the latest DoodleShow: http://doodleshow.org/latest Google celebrates the Austro-Hungarians rocket engineer Herman Potočnik on his 120th birthday. Potočnik was an pioneer of cosmonautics of Slovene. He is chiefly remembered for his work addressing the long-term human habitation of space. After his school and and study at Austrian military schools, he served in World War I and was promoted as First Lieutnant. Later he was awarded a doctorate in engineering. He specialised in rocketry, and from 1925 he devoted himself entirely to the problems of a rocket science and space technology. Potočnik died of pneumonia at the age of 36 in great poverty in Vienna, Austria, and was buried there. An obituary notice about his death was printed in one Maribor daily newspaper, mentioning his ran...
The cold war, the space race, and NASA’s moon landing are landmark events that defined an era. But they are also fodder for conspiracy theories. In Houston, We Have a Problem! filmmaker Žiga Virc adds new material to the discussion on both fronts. This intriguing docu-fiction explores the myth of the secret multi-billion-dollar deal behind America’s purchase of Yugoslavia’s clandestine space program in the early 1960s. Tribeca Film Festival 2016, New York, Official Selection In cinemas in May 2016 http://www.houstonfilm.net/ FB: https://www.facebook.com/HoustonWeHaveAProblemTheMovie/
Iz tehnične sanjarije v tehnično vprašanje in nazaj »Ali bomo kdaj dosegli stalnice?« * https://www.google.si/maps/@46.51066,15.083736,3a,75y,15.66h,84.19t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1skYwIbYEyV22vTrK36LLTcw!2e0!6m1!1e1?hl=sl Kratek opis idejne zamisli in sporočilo predloga ureditve krožišča na slovenjgraški obvoznici s tehničnim opisom uporabljenih materialov, okvirno specifikacijo predvidenih stroškov realizacije, predvidenim časom trajanja izdelave, montaže ter ureditve okolice. • Predlagana in na priloženem CD-ju predstavljena rešitev je zasnovana kot obeležje življenja in dela Hermana Potočnika-Noordunga in hkrati kot vzpodbuda mimoidočim za nove vizionarske presežke. (priložen CD je označen z 888888. Prostorska računalniška animacija se lahko ogleda v programu Windows Media...
Hill je zanimiv blues kitarist z ajdovskega konca; nastopa sam in v skupini Sheshur, kjer igra na kontrabas. Njegova najnovejša strast in tudi hobi, ki bi lahko prerasel v kaj več pa je izdelovanje kitar. Reportaža je nastala v njegovi delavnici v Vipavi, objavljena je bila v Primorski kroniki TV Koper.
Miss Universe is an annual international beauty pageant that is run by the Miss Universe Organization. Along with its rival contests, Miss World and Miss Earth, this pageant is one of the most important and publicized beauty pageants in the world. It is held in more than 190 countries worldwide and seen by more than half a billion people annually. The pageant was founded in 1952 by the California-based clothing company Pacific Knitting Mills, and the Miss Universe Organization and the brand is currently owned, along with Miss USA and Miss Teen USA, by WME/IMG.Miss Universe Organization licenses local organizations that wish to select the Miss Universe contestant for their country, and approves the selection method for national delegates. The current Miss Universe logo – "the woman with sta...
Slovenia through time. ► Subscribe to My Channel Here https://www.youtube.com/c/whereisslovenia?sub_confirmation=1 Produced by Luka Maček. Kronološko zaporedje: Big bang, Celice, Rastline, Živali, Prazgodovina, Jamski človek, Paleolitska piščal, Mostiščarji/Koliščarji, Vaška situla (železna doba), Kelti, Rimljani, Jezus, gradnja rimskih cest, Ad Pirum - rimska utrdba, Mark Avrelij, propad Rimskega cesarstva, Slovani, Kralj Samo, Knežji kamen, pokristjanjevanje, fevdalizem, Ciril in Metod, gradnja cerkva, Brižinski spomeniki, gradovi, Celjski grofje, Turški napadi, Kmečki upori, Primož Trubar, prevod Biblije, Marija Terezija, Napoleon, France Prešeren, železnice, mestni upori, pogreb Franca Ferdinanda, povod za prvo sv. vojno, "do božiča doma", Soška fronta, Majniška deklaracija, Rudol...
Hey guys! This is my second video and medley on ma channel. I hope you like it, give a thumb up, make sure you subscribe to my channel. If you would like to see specific video, comment down below. Thank you for watching! P.S.: happy holidays everyone xoxo Lana Contact: lanapotocnik@gmail.com
Watch the latest DoodleShow: http://doodleshow.org/latest Google celebrates the Austro-Hungarians rocket engineer Herman Potočnik on his 120th birthday. Potočnik was an pioneer of cosmonautics of Slovene. He is chiefly remembered for his work addressing the long-term human habitation of space. After his school and and study at Austrian military schools, he served in World War I and was promoted as First Lieutnant. Later he was awarded a doctorate in engineering. He specialised in rocketry, and from 1925 he devoted himself entirely to the problems of a rocket science and space technology. Potočnik died of pneumonia at the age of 36 in great poverty in Vienna, Austria, and was buried there. An obituary notice about his death was printed in one Maribor daily newspaper, mentioning his ran...
The cold war, the space race, and NASA’s moon landing are landmark events that defined an era. But they are also fodder for conspiracy theories. In Houston, We Have a Problem! filmmaker Žiga Virc adds new material to the discussion on both fronts. This intriguing docu-fiction explores the myth of the secret multi-billion-dollar deal behind America’s purchase of Yugoslavia’s clandestine space program in the early 1960s. Tribeca Film Festival 2016, New York, Official Selection In cinemas in May 2016 http://www.houstonfilm.net/ FB: https://www.facebook.com/HoustonWeHaveAProblemTheMovie/
Iz tehnične sanjarije v tehnično vprašanje in nazaj »Ali bomo kdaj dosegli stalnice?« * https://www.google.si/maps/@46.51066,15.083736,3a,75y,15.66h,84.19t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1skYwIbYEyV22vTrK36LLTcw!2e0!6m1!1e1?hl=sl Kratek opis idejne zamisli in sporočilo predloga ureditve krožišča na slovenjgraški obvoznici s tehničnim opisom uporabljenih materialov, okvirno specifikacijo predvidenih stroškov realizacije, predvidenim časom trajanja izdelave, montaže ter ureditve okolice. • Predlagana in na priloženem CD-ju predstavljena rešitev je zasnovana kot obeležje življenja in dela Hermana Potočnika-Noordunga in hkrati kot vzpodbuda mimoidočim za nove vizionarske presežke. (priložen CD je označen z 888888. Prostorska računalniška animacija se lahko ogleda v programu Windows Media...
Hill je zanimiv blues kitarist z ajdovskega konca; nastopa sam in v skupini Sheshur, kjer igra na kontrabas. Njegova najnovejša strast in tudi hobi, ki bi lahko prerasel v kaj več pa je izdelovanje kitar. Reportaža je nastala v njegovi delavnici v Vipavi, objavljena je bila v Primorski kroniki TV Koper.
Miss Universe is an annual international beauty pageant that is run by the Miss Universe Organization. Along with its rival contests, Miss World and Miss Earth, this pageant is one of the most important and publicized beauty pageants in the world. It is held in more than 190 countries worldwide and seen by more than half a billion people annually. The pageant was founded in 1952 by the California-based clothing company Pacific Knitting Mills, and the Miss Universe Organization and the brand is currently owned, along with Miss USA and Miss Teen USA, by WME/IMG.Miss Universe Organization licenses local organizations that wish to select the Miss Universe contestant for their country, and approves the selection method for national delegates. The current Miss Universe logo – "the woman with sta...
Slovenia through time. ► Subscribe to My Channel Here https://www.youtube.com/c/whereisslovenia?sub_confirmation=1 Produced by Luka Maček. Kronološko zaporedje: Big bang, Celice, Rastline, Živali, Prazgodovina, Jamski človek, Paleolitska piščal, Mostiščarji/Koliščarji, Vaška situla (železna doba), Kelti, Rimljani, Jezus, gradnja rimskih cest, Ad Pirum - rimska utrdba, Mark Avrelij, propad Rimskega cesarstva, Slovani, Kralj Samo, Knežji kamen, pokristjanjevanje, fevdalizem, Ciril in Metod, gradnja cerkva, Brižinski spomeniki, gradovi, Celjski grofje, Turški napadi, Kmečki upori, Primož Trubar, prevod Biblije, Marija Terezija, Napoleon, France Prešeren, železnice, mestni upori, pogreb Franca Ferdinanda, povod za prvo sv. vojno, "do božiča doma", Soška fronta, Majniška deklaracija, Rudol...
Hey guys! This is my second video and medley on ma channel. I hope you like it, give a thumb up, make sure you subscribe to my channel. If you would like to see specific video, comment down below. Thank you for watching! P.S.: happy holidays everyone xoxo Lana Contact: lanapotocnik@gmail.com
Letos mineva 50 let od poleta ruskega kozmonavta Jurija Gagarina v vesolje. Častni gost na odprtju razstave Gagarin - Nebo je črno, zemlja je modra v prostorih Ruskega centra znanosti in kulture je ruski kozmonavt Jurij Ivanovič Malenčenko.
Dragan Živadinov ob 120. obletnici rojstva slovenskega pionirja vesoljskih poletov Hermana Potočnika Noordunga. Knjigarna Konzorcij, LJUBLJANA, 18. december 2012 http://www.ksevt.eu/index_problemvoznjepovesolju.html
Emisija emitirana 15. travnja u 18:15 na Radio Studentu (100.5MHz) Teme koje se obrađuju u emisiji su: - posveta Berislavu Bračunu - Možda je pronađen lander Mars 3 - Utjecaj Sunca na Zemlju (klima i potresi) - NASA želi uloviti asteroid - najava predavanja na Zvjezdarnici - Noć pod zvijezdama na Ruđeru Tema emisije: Pioniri astronautike - Hermann Oberth - Robert Goddard - Herman Potočnik - Wernher von Braun
U Ljubljani je održana konferencija o izmjenjenim stanjima svijesti.Izmjenjena stanja svijesti obuhvaćaju različita iskustva,od transa preko hipnoze ,regresije,lucidnog sanjanja sve do stanja izazvanim halucigenim tvarima...
Dokumentarni serijal Zakleti na cutanje
Podsvijest je bunar iz kojeg izviru naši doživljaji svijeta i samih sebe, a to znači i sreća, problemi, bolesti, ali i rješenja. Podsvijest je to ogledalo u koje je potrebno zaviriti da bismo vidjeli prave sebe. Ali kako to učiniti uz toliko buke koju stvaraju naši umovi? Umjetnost je oduvijek bila kanal komunikacije s podsvjesnim sadržajima, a ta spoznaja predstavlja temelj metodama art-terapija. Jednom vidu art-terapije autori su klinički psiholozi i obiteljski terapeuti Polujahtova i Komov, a nazvali su je crtanjem fraktala. Bit fraktalne metode - koja se odnosi na područje medicine, psihologije i pedagogije - jest povezanost između motorike ruku i čovjekovih psihičkih, psihofizioloških stanja, jer su doživljavanje i odabir boja usko povezani s čovjekovim psihofizičkim stanjem. Tako se ...
Bok Kako svakim danom sve manje i manje ima moje omiljene serije na rubu znanosti, odlučila sam otvoriti kanal posebno za njih, a i da ostala ekipa može gledati :) Ne posjedujem nikakva prava za objavu, tako da molim ukoliko netko želi ukloniti video neka mi se slobodno obrati. No sumnjam da će se to desiti jer svi mi volimo našu emisiju :)