Dominick Baier


Identity & Access Control

Heidelberg, Germany

已封鎖 @leastprivilege

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  1. Drinking an 12" Winale by -

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  2. Drinking a Say Sun by -

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  3. 已轉推

    I wish I could get Adobe CC or an MSDN sub for JetBrains' prices.

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  4. 已轉推

    Wow, there's a lot of entitled whining to catch up on. £16/month for a full suite of superb x-plat development tools? How dare they!

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  5. Drinking a Wit Or Witout by -

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  6. What happened to “Microsoft.AspNet.Owin” - no beta7 ? Has it been moved?

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  7. 5 Security templates updated to beta7 — // //

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  8. 已轉推

    PSA Q: Why not cookies for Web APIs? A: Because XSRF

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  9. cu there!

  10. Drinking a Spildt Mælk (Boys Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk) by -

    翻譯自 丹麥文

  11. The Architect - A Documentary about Mikkeller

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  12. Drinking a Likeweisse Director's Cut by -

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  13. 已轉推

    presentation from yesterdays meetup is now online:

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  14. Now I understand why is tweeting in the same time zone as me ;) welcome to Germany!

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  15. If you want to make your own memes - the character is called “JakeGin” on ;)

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  16. Here you go,

  17. 已轉推

    Somehow I missed that this OpenID Connect tutorial I gave made it online

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  18. Drinking a Belgian Tripel by -

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