The new (
New Zealand) "Alps 2
300+ km CYCLEWAY, is (just another segment of):
NZ Government's "plan" to create hundreds of kilometres of (near useless) "cycling" pathways
Which are being
DUG, RIPPED & TORN (bulldozed) "out" of our naturally beautiful "NZ
On the assumption that (just) a "few" hardy souls will then use "push bikes" (instead of motorised transport)
To then TRAVEL
VAST DISTANCES through some of our more innaccessible, desolate & isolated "backarea locations"
Please read as: "NO HUMANS LIVING NEARBY" ..!!! (Thus little, to no, QUICK - "immediate help" available - if required).
These are being constructed (around NZ) on the "premise" that this blatant scarring of our scenic areas..
Shall in some way "enhance" everyone's enjoyment -- of our natural "outstanding" landscape..?
Huh .. you could have fooled me.. as I (for one) will NEVER cycle "any of" these..
I would hazard a good guess that MOST of the "other"
New Zealander's around here..
ALSO -- "will not cycle" this (new) 300+km "
Alps 2 Ocean" cycleway.
Why not.?
Because - Immediately upon "starting" this so-called
FREEDOM travelling mode..!
A 90 sec $NZ300+ "Heli-lift" is required.. to just GET YOU across the
Lake Pukaki headwaters
Not something that most New Zealander's (or some cycling tourists) will be likely to have - as "spare cash"
Thereafter; most of the next 300km's is undertaken many km's away from any "service towns or communities".
IT"S OWN (the rest is ridden along the MAIN HIGHWAY
Not something that MOST people will "ever" contemplate undertaking when that (pre-existing) "tarsealed road" is:
Not "only" already available (and has been for many years)
But.. (and this is a major safety issue)
You will be ridding downhill along one of the busiest
100 kph + stretches of NZ
And.. you will be "intermixed" (with &) alongside all other "high speed" (100 kmph+) normally motorised traffic
Most of which will be "driven" by Oversea's Tourists whom themselves are (often) more interested in looking at scenery .!!!
(than where they are at doing any driving, or as to whichever "side of these roads".. that they thus even "do that" - upon).
Cycle Riders "beware" .. as for almost the entire "Alps 2 Ocean" cycleway trip
You will be taking your own life.. into your hands ..AND "tossing this" - over to (often dangerous) motor vehicle drivers.
(And at other times.. you will be riding, many miles distant & thus often "far too far away" .. from instant emergency help).
P.s.. As I only had the cellphone video running..
This (3rd part) "part 3" .. trails off
ONLY about partway down the
Waitaki Valley
Thus .. sometime in the (near) future ..
I will do a similar filming - of the "lower half" (distance) of this 300+ km cycleway "trip".
ie: "parts
4, 5 & 6" ...
- published: 27 Sep 2012
- views: 143