- published: 19 Apr 2016
- views: 1057
Neil Shubin (born December 22, 1960) is an American paleontologist, evolutionary biologist and popular science writer of Russian descent. He is the Robert R. Bensley Professor of Organismal Biology and Anatomy, Associate Dean of Organismal Biology and Anatomy and Professor on the Committee of Evolutionary Biology at the University of Chicago along with being the Provost of the Field Museum of Natural History. He is best known for his discovery of Tiktaalik roseae.
Shubin's family is originally from Russia (Шубин Shubin being a frequent Russian surname).
Shubin earned a Ph.D. in organismic and evolutionary biology from Harvard University in 1987. He also studied at Columbia University and the University of California, Berkeley. He was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 2011.
Shubin was ABC News' "Person of the Week" in April 2006 when Tiktaalik was unveiled, and made appearances on The Colbert Report January 14, 2008 and January 9, 2013.
The Communication Awards of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine awarded a $20,000 prize for excellence in communicating science to the general public to Michael Rosenfeld, David Dugan, and Neil Shubin in Film/Radio/TV on October 14, 2015 for "Your Inner Fish". The awards are given to individuals in four categories: books, film/radio/TV, magazine/newspaper and online, and are supported by the W. M. Keck Foundation. Neil Shubin hosted Your Inner Fish on PBS. The show was produced by Windfall Films and Tangled Bank Studios, a production company for the Howard Hughes Medical Institute that makes materials available for science classroom education.
http://www.ibiology.org/ibioseminars/neil-shubin-part-1.html Neil Shubin is interested in understanding how human limbs evolved from fish fins. To answer this question, Shubin searched for a fossil intermediate between fish and tetrapods. Far in the Canadian arctic, he and his colleagues found Tiktaalik roseae, a 375 million year old fossil of a flat-headed fish with fin bones corresponding to limb and wrist bones. Shubin and his lab then switched gears and used developmental genetics to investigate the evolution of limb development. Specifically, they looked at Hox genes, known to be important in mammalian limb development. Comparing Gar fish and mouse, they found similar patterns of Hox gene expression in fish fins and mouse forelimbs. This combination of fossil and genetic evidence ...
Neil Shubin, Associate Dean of the Biological Sciences Division at the University of Chicago describes how his diverse fossil findings allow him to devise hypotheses on how anatomical transformations occurred by way of genetic and morphogenetic processes. Series: UC Berkeley Graduate Council Lectures [5/2009] [Science] [Show ID: 16420]
Professor Neil Shubin talks about the discovery of Tiktaalik and one of the greatest evolutionary events in Earth's history: when the very first fish ventured out onto land. Widely known as the "fishapod", Tiktaalik roseae is a 375 million year old fossil fish discovered by a team of six palaeontologists in the Canadian Arctic in 2004. Tiktaalik looks like a cross between the primitive fish it lived amongst and the first four-legged animals, a group called "tetrapods". Derived from "tetra-", meaning four, and "-pod", meaning foot, all animals that descended from these pioneer amphibians, including us, can be called tetrapods. Tiktaalik lived about 12 million years before the first tetrapods (which are approximately 363 million years old). With the earliest appearance in the fossil rec...
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What do fish fossils tell us about the human body? Ancient fossils, like the Tiktaalik roseae that Dr. Shubin discovered, illustrate the transitional form between fish and land animals. They teach scientists about how our limbs came into being, among other things. But how can scientists predict where to find such transitional fossils? Dr. Shubin will take us from the anatomy laboratory to the Canadian Arctic in search of answers. For more lectures from the Carnegie Institution for Science visit: http://f4a.tv/1piEhnf
Pioneering palaeontologist Neil Shubin reveals the deep connections between the cosmos and the human body -- from today right back to the Big Bang. Listen to the podcast of the full event including audience Q&A;: www.thersa.org/events/audio-and-past-events/2013/the-universe-within Follow the RSA on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/thersaorg Like the RSA on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thersaorg Our events are made possible with the support of our Fellowship. Support us by donating or applying to become a Fellow. Donate: http://www.thersa.org/support-the-rsa Become a Fellow: http://www.thersa.org/fellowship/apply
Neil Shubin, Associate Dean of the Biological Sciences Division at the University of Chicago researches the evolutionary origin of anatomical features of animals. He describes how new organs arise through evolutionary processes. Series: UC Berkeley Graduate Council Lectures [5/2009] [Science] [Show ID: 16421]
SA blogger and biology lecturer +Joanne Manaster along with her cohost from the Read Science! program Jeff Shaumeyer will host a live chat at noon EDT on Tuesday, April 22, with paleontologist Neil Shubin and his illustrator Kalliope Monoyios (who also blogs for SA). The discussion will focus on , "Your Inner Fish," a 3-part series currently airing on PBS based on Shubin's best-selling 2009 book by the same name.
Dr. Neil Shubin, an Univeristy of Chicago Evolutionary Paleontologist explains how we all contain over 3.5 million years of history in every part of our human bodies. Learn how this fascinating history unfolded in this installment of the Darwin Evolves series from UCLA. Series: Darwin Evolving [10/2009] [Science] [Show ID: 16924]
Professor Neil Shubin, evolutionary biologist and author of the bestselling "Your Inner Fish," uses a toy to describe a common misconception about evoution.
In The Universe Within, Neil Shubin reveals the connection between the evolution of the cosmos and the evolution of the human body. Just as the history of the earth is written in the rocks, so too is the universe’s 14-billion-year history written in the human body. Starting at the smallest level, with our very molecular composition, Shubin explores the question of why we are the way we are, tracing the formation of the planets, the moon, and the globe of Earth through the development of the organs, cells, and genes that make up human life.
Scientist Neil Shubin had a big hit with his first book "Your Inner Fish". His follow-up "The Universe Within" is an equally fascinating look at just how interconnected everything is from the sub-atomic to the galactic to our own bodies.
Conversations host Harry Kreisler welcomes University of Chicago Professor Neil Shubin for a discussion of his book, Your Inner Fish, A Journey into the 3.5 Billion-year History of the Human Body. Shubin talks about his career, the interdisciplinary nature of the work of a paleontologist, and the unique skill set, scientific and personal, that is required. He also chronicles his team's discovery of the fossil Tiktaalik, the transition between fish and four-legged mammals that occurred over 350 million years ago. Series: Conversations with History [5/2009] [Public Affairs] [Show ID: 16412]
Neil Shubin, Ph.D. University of Chicago October 14, 2008 Cleveland Museuem of Natural History Professor Shubin (University of Chicago) is a well-known paleontologist who studies the morphological and developmental origins of the tetrapod limb. He recently discovered Tiktaalik, a species linking aquatic "lobe-finned" fishes with early terrestrial tetrapods. Held in conjunction with the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology's annual meeting in downtown Cleveland.
If you experience any technical difficulties with this video or would like to make an accessibility-related request, please send a message to digicomm@uchicago.edu. Neil Shubin talks about evolutionary biology and his upcoming book.
An insight into the mind of the evolutionist. Their outrageous and very far-fetched assumption show just how deluded and how unscientific they are. http://nephilimfree.blogspot.com/search?updated-min=2013-01-01T00:00:00-08:00&updated-max;=2014-01-01T00:00:00-08:00&max-results;=4
A teoria da evolução preveu a descoberta de um peixe de 375 milhões de anos de idade. Tiktaalik, lança luz sobre uma grande transição na história da vida : o movimento dos vertebrados para a terra. O paleontólogo e anatomista Neil Shubin descreve a descoberta de sua equipe de que fósseis. Neil Shubin também escreveu o livro "A história de quando éramos peixes" ele mostra como a teoria da Evolução é capaz de fazer predições testáveis, ele mostra como o fóssil foi encontrado justamente onde se esperava, este trecho do livro mostra quando ele levou uma réplica do fóssil á pré-escola do filho para demonstrar com o que trabalhava: “As vinte crianças de 4 e 5 anos estavam se comportando surpreendentemente bem enquanto eu descrevia como tinhamos trabalhado no Ártico para encontrar o fóssil, e ...
"The breakthroughs that will ultimately enrich and extend our lives will in some way be based on flies, worms, mice...and even fish," says University of Chicago paleontologist Neil Shubin. Watch the full talk at Carnegie Institution for Science. http://f4a.tv/1TkG3Nm
http://www.ibiology.org/ibiomagazine/neil-shubin-finding-tiktaalik.html Ever since he was a graduate student, Neil Shubin has been obsessed with finding fossils of the creature that marked the transition from fish to land dwelling animals. He explains how he scoured maps to find rocks of the right age and type that were accessible at the earth’s surface. This led him to the Canadian arctic where, in 2004, Shubin and his colleagues found Tiktaalik, a fossil of a creature with features found in both fish and tetrapods. Tiktaalik was the link between fish and land animals. Speaker Biography: Dr. Neil Shubin is an author and Professor in the Department of Organismal Biology and Anatomy and the Committee on Evolutionary Biology at the University of Chicago. Shubin’s research focuses on under...
Neil Shubin will forever go down in history as the single greatest mind. Ever. He is so well liked that people have actually created a religion based off his beliefs. The Shubinittes are often in disagreement with the followers of Sean Carroll.