Sandalwood industry restructure: Aboriginal groups feel left out, but FCP says opportunities exist

Posted May 12, 2016 09:10:02

The Western Australian government is reforming the wild sandalwood industry and recently held a briefing in Kalgoorlie-Boulder for parties interested in tendering for harvesting contracts.

However, some Aboriginal groups said they still felt locked out, although the government said there were avenues for smaller operators to enter the industry.

Current contracts for the harvesting, processing, marketing and sale of wild sandalwood are due to expire at the end of June 2016.

In 2014-15, WA's wild sandalwood generated more than $25 million in revenue for the Forest Products Commission and is, on average, worth $11,000 per tonne.

Taking the opportunity to review past practices, the State Government is attempting to make the industry more sustainable and reign in illegal operators through a restructure.

The Forest Products Commission (FCP) is the agency responsible for the harvesting and sale of WA sandalwood from Crown land, including land under pastoral lease.

As part of the process, parties interested in tendering for contracts were invited to attend compulsory briefings, one of which was held in Kalgoorlie-Boulder this week.

Industry aims to create economic opportunities for all

Ben Sawyer, sandalwood manager for the FCP, said that among the aims of the industry restructure was the desire to create economic opportunities in regional Australia and have greater involvement from Aboriginal groups.

"The main aspects are improving our utilisation, which means getting more wood out of every tree that we harvest but also working towards the improvement of our environmental footprint," he said.

"It's about encouraging employment in regional communities, so having people who live in the Goldfields or in the towns surrounding, and all the way across to Carnarvon for that matter, promoting business to get involved with sandalwood, and pulling people from those local areas."

But some Aboriginal groups who attended the briefing said they still felt at a disadvantage in terms of access to the resources they would need to compete with other potential contractors.

Gina Sambo was at the briefing on behalf of her family.

"Aboriginal people have been trying to get into this industry for a long time, and myself, for the last five to six years," she said.

Ms Sambo said the cost of insurance and hiring or borrowing money to buy the machinery was prohibitive for some people in her community and a lot of people simply could not afford it.

"There has to be something set up for the local Aboriginal people to be able to get into this industry because it's just the pastoralists or the people who have got the money to do it," she said.

"As far as I can see, there's not a lot of Aboriginal people that can actually do that because they just haven't got the money."

Alternatives for smaller players to get foot in door

Having said this, Ms Sambo was happy to see that FCP was specifically trying to boost Aboriginal involvement, particularly around the salvage of sandalwood.

The salvage scenario is when a patch of land needs to be cleared for something like a mining operation or the extension of a main road.

In this situation, there may be scope for operators like Aboriginal groups, who may also be working with companies as part of heritage surveys, to be able to salvage sandalwood that is cleared in the process, avoiding the need to have the larger machinery needed to harvest sandalwood on its own.

Mr Sawyer said there were other ways for smaller parties, like the Sambo family, to enter the sandalwood industry outside this round of harvesting contracts.

"Following this process, we'll have determined how much green wood we can harvest and how much dead wood we can harvest," he said.

"In the ratios in the bush, the dead wood is always lower than the green wood, so there's an amount of dead wood that will be left after these contracts are awarded.

"What we hope to do with that is go to small Aboriginal communities and pastoralists and allow them the capacity to harvest that dead wood which is a much simpler operation."

Topics: forestry, aboriginal, community-development, kalgoorlie-6430