Cheeky Biologists Tweet Photos Of Animals’ Butts With Hashtag #WildBum

Edit Huffington Post 18 Feb 2016
Who knew biologists get so much booty?. Apparently one of the problems that scientists encounter while trying to study wildlife is the occasional photo of an animal’s butt ... Elephant bum— Anne Hilborn (@AnneWHilborn) February 11, 2016. More elephant bum ... Glorious ... Here's my addition to #wildbum Red shafted Northern Flicker— sue (@dancingmonkey11) February 11, 2016 ... ....

The Outlook from February 12 (Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve)

Edit Public Technologies 13 Feb 2016
(Source. Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve). Happy Birthday, Charles. 'All living creatures' includes marine iguanas, yes?. Things to Do This Week ... northern shrike perched near the barn, ruby-crowned kinglet with chickadees along the Pilger Trail, and a pair of ruffed grouse beside the Laird-Norton Trail. eBirders report waxwings, robins, and an out-of-season northern flicker in the Wells Harbor / Harbor Road area ... (noodl....

Children gain environmental respect, bird-watching basics

Edit Sacramento Bee 16 Jan 2016
Jack Loverich didn’t want to watch wild turkeys at the Effie Yeaw Nature Center in Carmichael. He wanted to join them. Clad in a khaki explorer vest with binoculars in hand, the 5-year-old lurched off a trail during a Saturday morning birding tour to get a close look ... This month, visitors have the chance to spot winter-specific birds, such as northern flickers and cedar waxwings that migrate from Alaska and Canada, respectively....

Huge, prehistoric shark teeth found; dog shoots hunter: Outdoors Oddities

Edit Syracuse 02 Nov 2015
*A northern Indiana woman recently suffered a gunshot wound while hunting when her dog, who is named Trigger, managed to fire her 12-gauge shotgun ... *After finding the remains of a northern flicker last week in downtown Syracuse that apparently was killed and eaten by a peregrine falcon, I've been reading up on these birds ... Flickers often go ......

Mysterious bird eaten by peregrine falcon in downtown Syracuse identified

Edit Syracuse 27 Oct 2015
"Northern flicker," she said. "The eastern form of the species is called a yellow-shafted flicker for obvious reasons--obvious as shown in the photos, at least." ... "The northern flicker is one of the few North American woodpeckers that is strongly migratory. Flickers in the northern parts of their range move south for the winter, although a few individuals often stay rather far north."....

Rain is no match for youthful, gung-ho birders

Edit The Charlotte Observer 14 Oct 2015
If you remember last Saturday, the weather was pretty lousy for outside activity, or so I thought. I was scheduled to lead a bird walk at Four-mile Creek Greenway ... Despite the steady rain and my bargaining attempts to reschedule, the group was gung-ho to do some birding ... Woodpeckers put on a good show with multiple individuals of red-bellied and downy seen, with an individual hairy woodpecker and Northern flicker to boot....

Building better birdhouses (University of California - Berkeley)

Edit Public Technologies 30 Jul 2015
(Source. University of California - Berkeley). Sawdust, the smell of success ... Their primary clients. the American kestrel, the smallest falcon in North America, whose numbers are declining everywhere but the deep South largely because of encroachment by increasing urbanization, and the Northern flicker, whose population is dwindling in the U.S. outside of California and Nevada ... 'What would we need if we were a bird?' ... on Friday (Aug ... (noodl....

Building better bird houses (University of California - Berkeley)

Edit Public Technologies 30 Jul 2015
(Source. University of California - Berkeley). Sawdust, the smell of success ... Their primary clients. the American kestrel, the smallest falcon in North America, whose numbers are declining everywhere but the deep South largely because of encroachment by increasing urbanization, and the Northern flicker, whose population is dwindling in the U.S. outside of California and Nevada ... 'What would we need if we were a bird?' ... on Friday (Aug ... (noodl....

One flasher you wouldn't mind being startled by

Edit New Scientist 30 Jun 2015
NORTHERN flicker sounds like something that might go wrong with your TV set in Manchester ... In the west you would see a red-shafted flicker ... An urban legend claims that the flicker can use its monster tongue to catch bats as they leave their roost – but given that it mostly forages on the ground for ......

Nebraska Wildlife Rehab's ark is bursting at the seams

Edit Seattle Post 27 Jun 2015
LOUISVILLE, Neb. (AP) — Tucked away in a bathroom strewn with branches from a downed cottonwood is the current star of the Nebraska Wildlife Rehab Inc. rescue operations. It's an albino porcupine — a rarity for the group ... Her coloring also is unusual, the result of a genetic anomaly ... To teach the juvenile northern flickers to pick insects out of trees, handlers will smear peanut butter on a surface and stick mealworms on it ... ___....

I’ll be straight with you: over-politeness is just rude

Edit The Daily Telegraph 26 Jun 2015
We should all take some tips from the Queen, and be a bit more blunt. Division is dangerous, says Queen Elizabeth II Photo. PA Wire. By Edwina Currie. 6.05AM BST 26 Jun 2015. Comments. I love it! The Queen takes aim at the Eurosceptics and in three words, “division is dangerous”, makes her views clear ... “Oh dear, I hope it wasn't anyone important.” ... A northern flicker, a baby giraffe and a pair of witches ... ....

Mother raccoon teaches baby to climb tree

Edit The Daily Telegraph 25 Jun 2015
Watch this adorable video of a raccoon teaching her baby how to climb a tree. 8.28PM BST 25 Jun 2015. An adorable video has emerged of a raccoon teaching her baby how to climb a tree. Mother helps push the baby raccoon up the tree (Newsflare / reidvision) ... Raccoon stands on its back legs (Newsflare / reidvision). The filmer said ... Follow @telegraphnews. Top news galleries ...   ... Today ... A northern flicker, a baby giraffe and a pair of witches....

Python chokes to death after eating porcupine

Edit The Daily Telegraph 25 Jun 2015
Body of rock python found with dozens of quills piercing its digestive tract. The African Rock Python with a porcupine in it's stomach Photo. Caters. By David Millward. 1.11AM BST 25 Jun 2015 Follow. A tasty porcupine seemed like an ideal meal for a peckish African rock python, but it proved to be a case of the snake biting off considerably more than it could chew ... in pictures ... A northern flicker, a baby giraffe and a pair of witches ... ....