- published: 02 Aug 2013
- views: 8
Wyk [vɨk] is a village in the administrative district of Gmina Zbójna, within Łomża County, Podlaskie Voivodeship, in north-eastern Poland. It lies approximately 8 kilometres (5 mi) west of Zbójna, 29 km (18 mi) north-west of Łomża, and 101 km (63 mi) west of the regional capital Białystok.
Coordinates: 53°16′N 21°41′E / 53.267°N 21.683°E / 53.267; 21.683
28 7 2013 Dr Gerrie van Wyk
1 09 2013 Dr Gerrie van Wyk (Nagmaal)
16 08 2015 Dr Gerrie van Wyk
24-05-2015 Dr. Gerrie van Wyk
25 08 2013 Dr Gerrie van Wyk
29 - 11 - 2015 Dr. Gerrie van Wyk
10-01-2016 Dr Gerrie van Wyk
11-10-2015 Dr Gerrie van Wyk
27 09 2015 Dr Gerrie van Wyk
11 10 2015 Dr Gerrie van Wyk
13-12-2015 Dr. Gerrie van Wyk
18 10 2015 Dr Gerrie van Wyk
19-04-2015 Dr. Gerrie van Wyk (Video)
28 06 2015 Dr Gerrie van Wyk
14-2-2016 Dr. Gerrie van Wyk
28-2-2016 Dr. Gerrie van Wyk
04 10 2015 Dr Gerrie van Wyk
02 08 2015 Dr. Gerrie van Wyk
01-11-2015 Dr Gerrie van Wyk
17 01 2016 Dr Gerrie van Wyk
Preek Opname van Sondag 1 September 2013
Ps. 145 Heid. Kat. Sondag 52B Ons Loof en aanbid die Here met die allerheerlikste sekerheid!
2 Korintiërs 1 : 1 -11 Gee die aflosstokkie van evangelietroos vir mekaar aan!
Romeine 12: 1-8 HK. Sondag 21:54 + 55 Ons is as gemeente een liggaam
Psalm 146 Loof die Here ons God, want Hy is ons Koning.
Skriflesing: Mt 20:1-19; 21:28-32; 22:1-14. Teks: Mt 20:14 & 15; 21:28-30; 22:8. Hoofgedagte: God se genade is Sy onverdiende guns, goedheid & liefde. Glo dit met jou hele wese!
1 Korintiërs 15: 1-22;32-58 H.K Sondag 17 Ons gaan by die wederkoms defnitief opstaan
Planning to visit Namibia? Check out our Namibia Travel Guide video and see top most Tourist Attractions in Namibia. http://socialbubble.global/videos/ Best Places to visit in Namibia: Kolmanskop, Twyfelfontein, Skeleton Coast, Caprivi Strip, Spitzkoppe, Swakopmund, Cape Cross, Sossusvlei, Etosha National Park, Fish River Canyon Subscribe to Social Bubble: https://www.youtube.com/c/SocialBubbleNashik?sub_confirmation=1 To go to the World Travel Guide playlist go to: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3wNXIKi7sz3IilVSbByNJzEsCmsbIgv1 Follow us on Google+: https://plus.google.com/+SocialBubbleNashik Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/socialbubble Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/@SocialBubbleIn This Video is Created and Marketed by Social Bubble Global. All Ri...
Follow SA Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/SlavicAffairs/ Follow SA Twitter: https://twitter.com/SlavicAffairs Follow our friends channel Slavic Pride: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8PFQqNjN8y0fZW-OfLIObQ People often have no idea of who Slavic people truly are due to the fact nobody really promotes REAL SLAVIC CULTURE. If this video doesn't make you love your country and people, you are not a true Slav. Slava brothers and sisters! ____________________________________________________________________ Source: Slovenia; Video: Aj zelena je vsa gora - črnomaljsko kolo v izvedbi FS Dragatuš Youtube channel: FS Dragatus Video: VELIKA PLANINA – SLOVENIJA Youtube channel: TeDeum Media Video: Slovenija (Europe) Vacation Travel Video Guide Youtube channel: Expoza Travel Video: Invitat...
8 French students, 6000km, 14 days, 2 Toyota Hilux From 17/11/2015 to 01/12/2015 ---- GoPro Hero4 Silver : https://goo.gl/ohICMR Samsung Micro SD 32Go : https://goo.gl/pnHily Xcsource Selfie Stick : https://goo.gl/x6JhgI Extra Batteries : https://goo.gl/uDmYxU ---- Edited on Final Cut Pro X ---- Music Credits : 4th Dimension - Nazali Mabe
Michael Schellberg reist mit ASH Stiebel und SUE Brandt durch Südafrika und dreht Flugvideos mit Flugzeug und Drone mehr Videos hier : http://gardenroute-knysna.de/html/knysna_top_20.html Ein Ausflug nach Kranshoeck an der Küste der Gardenroute im Western Cape Südafrika und ein kurzer Film über die Lagune von Knysna, dem kleinen Touristen Ort, der das Zentrum der Garden Route bildet. ( Musik von beatz@aries-4rce-beatz.com ) Lage ( Location ) Knysna liegt an einer rund 20 Quadratkilometer großen Lagune, die nur durch eine schmale felsige Einfahrt – die Knysna Heads – mit dem Indischen Ozean verbunden ist. Im Hinterland der Stadt steigen die Outeniqua-Berge auf, die wie die gesamte Umgebung dank eines ausgeglichenen Klimas und über das ganze Jahr verteilter Niederschläge eine dauerhaft...
Nouela - The Sound of Silence (Cover of Simon & Garfunkel's song) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 🎶MUSIC&TRIPS✈️🌍💯 ➤ In partnership with Airbnb, you now earn up to $100 to travel. It's FREE and simple. Just sign up through our promotional link here: http://www.airbnb.com/c/emorais20 Start your adventure! Explore amazing destinations, all around the world! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ➤ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vmusicforlife/ Lyrics: Hello darkness, my old friend I've come to talk with you again Because a vision softly creeping Left its seeds while I was sleeping And the vision that was planted in my brain Still remains with...
The first Episode from our "Back to the Beach Tour" of Summer 2013 with None But Foolz. From the flight to Germany to the last show on Wyk auf Föhr Island, here's some insight into the Touring life on the road and what goes on behind the scenes/off-stage. Stay tuned for Episode 2 on March 27, 2014, 7:30am! -EnThéos- facebook.com/EnTheosMusic Twitter: @EnTheosYYZ Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/enth-os Reverbnation: EnThéos -None But Foolz- facebook.com/NoneButFoolz Twitter: @MrFoolz Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/none-but-foolz
Family holiday to Namibia, booked with Audley Travel, lots of accommodation and flights with Wilderness. Mostly shot on Go Pro and Canon video camera. Edited with iMovie. Music: Clocks by Coldplay, Rhythms Del Mundo
As the Passover vacation nears and Israelis make plans to travel abroad, Jerusalem's Counter Terrorism Bureau has warned prospective holidaymakers to stay away from some tourist destinations.
www.gogated.com. Let's go shopping on video at the Tanger One Outlet Mall in Bluffton, SC with Buyer's Real Estate Agent Richard Kadesch, the Gated Community Specialist® with 41 years of Hilton Head and Bluffton real estate experience, Owner-Broker of Go Gated Realty®, also a former SC licensed home builder. It costs nothing more to have a Buyer's Agent on your side; my fee is already in the price of every listed property. Please call or email about your real estate needs today! My cell number is 843-684-2933, email rich@gogated.com. Thank you for watching this video. Please subscribe. I look forward to meeting you and working as your Buyer's Agent in Bluffton SC or on Hilton Head Island.
Instrumental music Wyk.Jacek Darabasz (cover)Spanish guitar
Brewmaster Matt Van Wyk of Oakshire Brewing defines why Eugene Oregon is a great craft brew destination. To sum up: In Eugene, people drink good beer! This community is known for its craft beer palate so it's a logical place to brew beer. There are more and more start up breweries in Eugene everyday and the brewery scene is thriving. For a list of Eugene brew pubs http://www.eugenecascadescoast.org/brewpubs
8 planes, 4 taxis, 28 metros, 22 days, 3 countries, 5 best friends, and countless memories. We do not claim to own any of the music used in this video. Feels Like Home - The Him Sunset Lover - Petit Biscuit
Abacus™ testimonial by Jan van Wyk. Mr van Wyk is a farmer based in Amersfoort, Mpumalanga, South African who achieved excellent results with BASF's Abacus™ on his maize.