Neoliberal Coup Attempt in Brazil Hits Speed Bump

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stephen-lendmanUS-manipulated dark forces want democratically elected Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff ousted, fascist leadership replacing her. The scheme has nothing to do with corruption or other alleged wrongdoing – everything to do with manipulative power-grabbing, similar to what’s ongoing in Venezuela, fascists wanting social democracies eliminated. 

Brazil’s lower house April vote to impeach Rousseff is in question after interim speaker Waldir Maranhao invalidated it because of procedural irregularities, saying lawmakers announcing their intentions ahead of voting constitutes “a clear offense to the wide right to defense that is consecrated in the constitution.”

Dilma supporters make a show of force. Support Dilma Fica Campaign -"O Brasil não aceitará mais um golpe em sua história! Vamos mostrar aonde está a verdadeira maioria!" ("Brazil will not accept another coup..We're going to show where the real majority is."

Dilma supporters make a show of force. Support Dilma Fica Campaign -“O Brasil não aceitará mais um golpe em sua história! Vamos mostrar aonde está a verdadeira maioria!” (“Brazil will not accept another coup…We’re going to show where the real majority is.”

He issued a press release, saying “I have annulled the session held on the 15th, 16th, and 17th of April, and determined that a new session will be held to deliberate over the material during five sessions from the date that the process is returned from the Senate to the Lower House.”

Washington’s dirty hands are involved in wanting regimes it controls replacing independent hemispheric governments.

“In order for my decision to be carried out, I have sent this document to the Senate president so that the procedural documents of the impeachment process can be returned to the Lower House.” He replaced former speaker Eduardo Cunha, lead coup plotter, suspended pending investigation on charges of corruption, intimidating lawmakers, obstruction of justice and abuse of power.

br-dilma0rousseff_02In response to Maranhao’s decision, Rousseff said “(w)e have before us a hard fight…full of difficulties. There will be much struggle and many arguments.” She minced no words, stressing “(t)his is a coup against many things (including) democracy that elected…the first woman. My disposition to fight until the end is now more true than ever. We have to defend democracy against the coup and fight against all of this process” to undermine it.

Brazil’s Supreme Court rejected requests to overturn Maranhao’s annulment. Senate president Renan Calhieros said he’s pressing ahead anyway, intending a Wednesday impeachment vote – despite Rousseff guilty of no crimes.

He and other dark forces want tyranny replacing democracy. Most Brazilian legislators support it. A Senate committee voted 15 – 5 for impeachment. Most in favor face corruption and other criminal charges.

Fifteen members of a 65-member impeachment commission are accused of corruption. Rousseff faces a US-manipulated bloodless coup. A simple Senate majority is required to impeach her. If approved, she’ll have to temporarily step aside for 180 days until a Senate trial convicts or exonerates her. No legitimate grounds for impeachment exist. Charges allege budgetary practices similar to what many governments employ. Possible Rousseff successors Vice President Michel Temer, former lower house speaker Eduardo Cunha and Senate president Renan Calhieros all face corruption charges.

Washington’s dirty hands are involved in wanting regimes it controls replacing independent hemispheric governments. Fascist Mauricio Macri took over from reformer/imperial critic Christina Fernandez de Kirchner. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro faces possible recall by national referendum, the future of Bolivarian fairness up for grabs. Latin America is at risk of re-colonization – US-controlled fascist rule replacing democratic governance.

About the author
Screen Shot 2016-02-19 at 10.13.00 AMSTEPHEN LENDMAN lives in Chicago. He can be reached at His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”  ( ) Visit his blog site at



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