Silkroad Online : Trailer
free massively-multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) created by the South Korean company Joymax, and was released for open beta testing on November 11, 2005. Much of the background of the game is based on the historical Silk Road. Unique from other MMORPGs, the game is centered on a triangular system of trading goods. Silkroad Online is based on the history of trading in China along the Silk Road, a historical network of trade routes in Asia. The game attempts to reproduce the Silk Road in a much smaller scale, looking realistic and at the same time incorporating fantasy elements such as the use of special magical skills and abilities. One of the game's most noted features is allowing players to choose three different job roles after their character achieves level 20. The game currently has a level cap of 100 in the Korean version/Chinese version/Japanese versions, 90 in the Vietnamese version/International version. The Korean, Chinese, and International version of Silkroad Online have released both the Chinese and European races and classes with a large map that includes both Asian and central European locations, such as Constantinople and Hotan. Different races also have access to different character abilities. On July 24, 2007, Joymax released an expansion of the game entitled "Silkroad Online Legends I, Europe." The expanded game includes European architecture, characters, clothing, and whole new abilities for European in game race to use.