Ruapehu alert level raised

Edit Otago Daily Times 11 May 2016
Mt Ruapehu's risk of eruption is increasing, with its volcanic alert now at Level 2. GNS duty volcanologist Geoff Kilgour also confirmed the mountain's crater lake temperature has risen about 20degC since mid-April ... "Volcanic gas measurements indicate an increase in the amount of both carbon dioxide (CO2) and sulphur dioxide (SO2) output ...  . NZME. ....

Half of all global coal assets may be uneconomic

Edit Sydney Morning Herald 11 May 2016
A baseline reading of 400 parts per million of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere could become a reality within days, the Sydney Morning Herald reported earlier this week, bringing the world a step closer to the 450 ppm level where temperature increases of 2 degrees Celsius or more become likely....

Ministerial Committee on Economic Policy outlines measures for securing the competitiveness of combined heat and power production (Government of Finland)

Edit Public Technologies 10 May 2016
... (carbon dioxide tax). When the energy content tax and carbon dioxide tax were introduced in 2011, following extensive studies, the focus of tax increases was on the carbon dioxide tax, with the price per tonne of carbon dioxide, which acts as the calculation basis for the carbon dioxide tax, rising from EUR 30 to EUR 54 per tonne of carbon dioxide....

Ministerial Committee on Economic Policy outlines measures for securing the competitiveness of combined heat and power production (Prime Minister's Office of the Republic of Finland)

Edit Public Technologies 10 May 2016
... (carbon dioxide tax). When the energy content tax and carbon dioxide tax were introduced in 2011, following extensive studies, the focus of tax increases was on the carbon dioxide tax, with the price per tonne of carbon dioxide, which acts as the calculation basis for the carbon dioxide tax, rising from EUR 30 to EUR 54 per tonne of carbon dioxide....

Uhoo announces a smart air quality sensor

Edit The Verge 10 May 2016
But at $139 for the Premium version (the $99 Classic version doesn't detect carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, or ozone), the Uhoo is......

Soil Is the Solution

Edit Mercola 10 May 2016
It’s estimated that one-third of the surplus carbon dioxide in the atmosphere stems from poor land-management processes that contribute to the loss of carbon, as carbon dioxide, from farmlands.4 Writing in Orion Magazine, Kristin Ohlson, author of “The Soil Will Save Us,” explained.5 ... Carbon farming is a ... ✓ Reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide levels....

Space mission to ‘weigh’ Earth’s forests moves closer to launch (The University of Sheffield)

Edit Public Technologies 10 May 2016
'This mission will give us unprecedented insight into the structure of forests across the world and how changes in forests, both losses from deforestation and gains due to regrowth and reforestation, are affecting the amount of carbon dioxide going into our atmosphere....

Clean Power Plan, Renewable Energy Tax Credits Set to Drive Needed Clean Energy Transition (UCS - Union of Concerned Scientists)

Edit Public Technologies 10 May 2016
... consumers and reduce electricity sales nearly 7 percent; Yield 204 gigawatts (GW) of new wind and solar capacity by 2030, stimulating more than $216 billion in capital investments; and Provide health and economic benefits worth some $127 billion cumulatively through 2030 by decreasing emissions of carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides....

Opinion: Can we save the algae biofuel industry? (University of Cambridge)

Edit Public Technologies 10 May 2016
This alternative fuel source could help reduce overall carbon emissions without taking land from food production, like many crop-based biofuels do ... Algae are photosynthetic organisms related to plants that grow in water and produce energy from carbon dioxide and sunlight ... To make this model cost-effective and sustainable, we would need to use waste sources of heat, carbon dioxide and nutrients to grow the algae....

Evidence from Curiosity rover shows Mars once had oxygen-rich atmosphere

Edit Topix 10 May 2016
Mars' atmosphere is thin, dry and cold now, but it used to be thicker and contained a lot more oxygen. Mars ' atmosphere is thin and cold, composed primarily of carbon dioxide along with other trace gases and some water vapor ... ....

Cities and companies have pledged to fight climate change. Now what?

Edit Grist 10 May 2016
By spotlighting some 11,000 commitments cities, companies, regions, and investors have made since 2014, the U.N ... But not everyone is so jazzed about it ... The gist ... Take carbon prices, for example. The authors write that less than one-sixth of the carbon-pricing initiatives registered with NAZCA actually cite a specific carbon price. When companies do name a price, it can range from $0.01 to $357.37 per metric ton of carbon dioxide....

Targeted radiotherapy during surgery cuts breast cancer patients' travel - study

Edit Belfast Telegraph 10 May 2016
The procedure, which is widely available in other countries but not on the NHS, would also reduce carbon emissions, the research says ... The study, published in the BMJ Open journal, says the method saves patients hours in unnecessary trips to the hospital and slashes harmful carbon emissions ... It would also slash carbon dioxide emissions by 1,200 tonnes - equivalent to a forest of 100 hectares - every single year, the study found ... ....

UAE completes solar plant in Solomon Islands

Edit The National 10 May 2016
The plant is expected to offset 1,254 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions yearly because, before the solar overhaul, the Solomon Islands sourced 90 per cent of its electricity from diesel ... ....