- published: 16 Oct 2015
- views: 432
Shepsesre Tefnakht (in Greek known as Tnephachthos), was a prince of Saïs and founder of the relatively short Twenty-fourth dynasty of Egypt who rose to become a Chief of the Ma at his home city. He is thought to have reigned roughly 732 BCE - 725 BCE or 7 years. Tefnakht I first began his career as the "Great Chief of the West" and Prince of Saïs, and was a late contemporary of the last ruler of the 22nd dynasty: Shoshenq V. Tefnakht I was actually the second ruler of Saïs; he was preceded by Osorkon C, who is attested by several documents mentioning him as this city's Chief of the Ma and Army Leader, according to Kenneth Kitchen, while his predecessor as Great Chief of the West was a man named Ankhhor. A recently discovered statue dedicated by Tefnakht I to Amun-Re reveals important details about his personal origins. The statue's text states that Tefnakht was the son of a certain Gemnefsutkapu and the grandson of Basa, a priest of Amun near Sais. Consequently, Tefnakht was not actually descended from a line of Chiefs of the Ma and Libu tribes as traditionally believed but rather came from a family of priests.
Sarcofaag van Chonsoetefnacht | Sarcophage de Khonsou-Tefnakht by Vanessa Boschloos #ExpoSarcophagi
EGYPT 529 - BOCCHORIS & SHABAKA - (by Egyptahotep)
King Piye (The Nupac-Maleak Ali)
Bijzondere sarcofaag gelicht op Martinikerkhof
De caemer 'OL Vrouw van de Zavel'
Sarcophagi - 15/10/15-20/04/16
Momie d'enfant | Mummie van een kind by Luc Delvaux #ExpoSarcophagi
FARAONES NEGROS en el Antiguo Egipto: La dinastia XXV | Laura-Egiptología
RTVBorne 20151016 Vrijwilligers Vacaturebank Borne
Verlenging expo Sarcophagi
Toen onze museum DJ Luca (19) te horen kreeg dat het kapsel van de godin Noet eigenlijk een kosmische dimensie heeft, wilde ze meteen zelf naar de kapper. Maar wetenschappelijk medewerkster Vanessa Boschloos snelde haar ter hulp met enkele praktische tips. Voor haar interview koos Vanessa een harig nummer van de "Sex Pistols": Holidays in the Sun! Notre DJ-Musée Luca (19), en apprenant que la coiffure de la déesse Nout possédait une dimension cosmique, voulut se rendre immédiatement chez le coiffeur. Vanessa Boschloos, collaboratrice scientifique, vint à son aide avec quelques conseils pratiques. Le choix musical de Vanessa pour illustrer son interview est le hit punk rock "Holidays in the Sun" des Sex Pistols ! In het kader van de tentoonstelling Sarcophagi van het Jubelparkmuseum (15/1...
XXIV / XXV Dynasties (During III intermediate period) Tefnakht was the first king of the XXIVDynasty.(725-720 B.C.) In the Piankhy (Piye) stela, he is called the "chief of the West," and "chief of Sais."(Sais, known as Zau in ancient Egyptian and today as Sa el-Hagar, is located in Egypt's Delta) He also gave himself titles as prophets and royal titles. Probably his expansionist activity was the cause of an invasion from the South. BAKENRENEF (Bocchoris for greeks)720-715 B.C. Bakenranef was the son of Tefnakht and second king of XXIVth Dynasty. His name was found on a vase that was found in an Etruscan tomb at Tarquinia which is located 100 kilometers northwest of Rome. Papyrus plants on the vase suggest the area of the Delta. He is shown in the company of gods and goddesses, such as go...
As ruler of Nubia and Upper Egypt, Piye took advantage of the squabbling of Egypt's rulers by expanding Nubia's power beyond Thebes into Lower Egypt. In reaction to this, Tefnakht of Sais formed a coalition between the local kings of the Delta Region and enticed Piye's nominal ally—king Nimlot of Hermopolis—to defect to his side. Tefnakht then sent his coalition army south and besieged Herakleopolis where its king Peftjaubast and the local Nubian commanders appealed to Piye for help. Piye reacted quickly to this crisis in his Year 20 by assembling an army to invade Middle and Lower Egypt and visited Thebes in time for the great Opet Festival which proves he effectively controlled Upper Egypt by this time. His military feats are chronicled in the Victory stela at Gebel Barkal. Piye viewe...
Bijzondere sarcofaag gelicht op Martinikerkhof in Groningen
Lorsque Freya (18) entendit parler de cette momie d’enfant, elle en fut un peu épouvantée. Elle préférait ne rien savoir à propos de la momie elle-même. « Mais qui était cet enfant ? », finit-elle par nous demander. « Avait-il des amis ? Se faisait-il embêter par les autres ? » Le conservateur Luc Delvaux a répondu tout à fait sérieusement à cette question. Pour son interview, Luc choisit un morceau du compositeur français contemporain Henri Dutilleux intitulé « Tout un monde lointain ». Toen onze museum DJ Freya (18) hoorde over deze kindermummie, reageerde ze een beetje ontzet. Over de mummie zelf wilde ze liever niets weten. "Maar wie was dit kind?" vroeg ze ons, "Had hij vriendjes, of werd hij gepest?" We brachten haar vragen tot bij conservator Luc Delvaux, die er ernstig op in ging....
Nieuwe vrijwilligersvacatures en de Overijsselse Vrijwilligersprijs Het publiek mag weer stemmen op kandidaten voor de Overijsselse Vrijwilligersprijs 2015. Dat vertelde Henriëtte van den Kieboom, sinds jaar en dag hèt gezicht van het Bureau Vrijwilligerswerk Borne. Alle informatie over de verkiezingen de kandidaten vindt u op www.overijsselsevrijwilligersprijs.nl. Er zijn twee categorieën waarop u kunt stemmen: op een vrijwilliger en op een vrijwilligersorganisatie. De innemende persoonlijkheid en vriendelijke en rustige aard van Van den Kieboom zorgt er mede voor dat zij altijd mensen kan werven. Door haar werk weet ze wat er in elke maatschappelijke organisatie in Borne speelt. Zo zoekt zij voor het Steunpunt Mantelzorg Borne extra vrijwilligers. Een mantelzorger is vaak zó druk met ...
Like venom it surges through heart and soul
Driven and guided by the fears of men
A product of worlds so far apart
A destiny failure, a kingdom of ghosts
No emotions, no though, no fear
Into the darkness with fanatical lust
Raised for dying, a martyr's path
Eyes are open but never see
Filled with contempt for all the world
Daggers of tyranny to the throat of mankind
Twisted beliefs, numbed by lies
A radical hatred consumes and devours
A God of love, a God of war
The Gods will tear us down
Passions flow, released in fury
Diabolical plans unfold
Expendable lives, forfeit their souls
Thrown into the storm
A rise to glory, rapturous pride