Bikheris is the hellenized name form of an ancient egyptian king (pharaoh) who could have ruled during the 4th dynasty. Since the name “Bikheris” appears only in the Aegyptiacae of Manetho and is most possibly derived from the egyptian name form Ba-Ka, egyptologists are discussing the chronological position and historical figure of Bikheris.
The identity of Bikheris is subject of investigations since it´s known from the Aegyptiacae of Manetho, who claims that Bikheris was the son of “Sûphís II” (= Khaefre) and ruled for 22 years. But since there are no archaeological or contemporary evidences for a king named “Baka” or “Bikheris”, egyptologists believe Bikheris to be fictitious or the product of a historical misunderstanding: A rock inscription at Wadi Hammamat lists the cartouche name Baefrê between the kings Khaefre and Menkaura. Actually there was a royal family member named Bau-ef-Rê, a son of king Khufu, but he was always entitled as a “son of the king” only. A similiar phenomenon can be observed for the name of prince Hordjedef, whose name was erronously put into a cartouche, too.
solo le pido a dios que emelec no se vaya de mi mente que la boca del pozo este presente y que sepa que lo quiero hasta la muerte............