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Jack Savoretti - Home
Jack Savoretti - Tie Me Down
Jack Savoretti - The Other Side of Love
Jack Savoretti - Written In Scars // 300th Mahogany Session
Jack Savoretti - Live Session at Absolute Radio
Jack Savoretti - Broken Glass // Mahogany Session
Jack Savoretti - Breaking The Rules OFFICIAL VIDEO
Jack Savoretti - Back To Me (Acoustic)
Soldier's Eyes - Jack Savoretti
Jack Savoretti - Changes OFFICIAL VIDEO
The Rooftop Sessions with: Jack Savoretti- 'Not Worthy'
Jack Savoretti - Home (Acoustic)
Jack Savoretti - Sweet Hurt // Mahogany Session
Dreamers / Jack Savoretti
Jack's album 'Written In Scars' - out Feb 9th iTunes: - includes x2 Instant Grat downloads Amazon CD: Amazon LP:
UK Only - Available on iTunes -
Join Mahogany and Jack Savoretti next week in London (Oct 01), Dublin (Oct 02) and Zurich (Oct 03) for his RLife LIVE Tour at Renaissance Hotels. Info here Subscribe for new sessions as often as possible: Jack Savoretti performs Written In Scars for Mahogany. Mahogany strives to deliver amazing music to your eyes and ears, as often as possible. We're a small team based in London, UK and if you, like us, love discovering new music on a daily basis then you're at the perfect place. We hope to be able to brighten up your day with amazing sounds through our Website, YouTube channel, Facebook page and Twitter account - and we do it as frequently as we can. Website || Facebook || Twitter || Jack Savoretti ||
Jack Savoretti plays an intimate live session at Absolute Radio in London. Features tracks 'Home', 'Fight 'Till the End', 'The Other Side of Love', and the Billy Ocean Cover 'Love Really Hurts Without You'. Subscribe to our channel at Listen to Absolute Radio at Find us on Facebook And follow us on Twitter
Subscribe for new sessions as often as possible: Jack Savoretti performs Broken Glass for Mahogany Pre-order on iTunes now ...
Jack Savoretti's 'Breaking The Rules' taken from his NEW ALBUM 'Before The Storm'. A film by 1Take.TV Co-directed by Jonah James and Beatrice Black Edited by...
Directed by Chris Faith Pre-order the new album 'Written In Scars’ (out 9th February 2015): Tour dates and tickets for the UK and Europe in 2014 and 2015 are available at Follow @jacksavoretti:
Taken from 'Between The Minds' by Jack Savoretti. You can find other great music on my channel.
Jack Savoretti's 'Changes' taken from his NEW ALBUM 'Before The Storm'. Buy 'CHANGES' on iTunes NOW!
We bring you an EXCLUSIVE stripped down version of 'Not Worthy' by Jack Savoretti You may have heard Jack on BBC Radio 2. Having just completed his british t...
New album 'Written In Scars’ out 09.02.15 iTunes: Amazon: Directed by Chris Faith. Tour dates and tickets: Follow Jack Savoretti: Website: Web store: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: SoundCloud: Spotify:
Subscribe for new sessions as often as possible: Jack Savoretti performs Sweet Hurt for Mahogany Mahogany strives to deliver amazing music to your eyes and ears, as often as possible. We're a small team based in London, UK and if you, like us, love discovering new music on a daily basis then you're at the perfect place. We hope to be able to brighten up your day with amazing sounds through our Website, YouTube channel, Facebook page and Twitter account - and we do it as frequently as we can. Website || Facebook || Twitter || Band/Artist || Website
Nice planes dancing to the rhythm of Jack Savoretti´s song Dreamers.
Not Worthy - Jack Savoretti (Before The Storm)
Vagabond - Jack Savoretti (Before The Storm)
As seen on Vampire Diaries "Bringing Out The Dead" Jack Savoretti feat. Sienna Miller Video. Exclusive! For sale on iTunes Worldwide!!! UK:
The official video for Jack Savoretti's 'Take Me Home', from his new album 'Before The Storm'. Buy your copy here! iTunes:
Jack Savoretti - Soldiers Eyes (Sons of Anarchy) HD ( Opie's song) so you came to say goodbye? yeah.
Directed and Produced by: Maria Armengou P & C Lanza Records 2014 Order 'Sweet Hurt' on iTunes Or...
It's everyone's favorite time of the week again! It's time for this weeks, Cosmopolitan Quartet Session presented by Ont' Sofa. This week we have the incredibly talented Jack Savoretti. Jack absolutely blew us away with his rendition of the Bob Dylan song, 'Nobody Cept' You'. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did! String arrangement - The Cosmopolitan Quartet - @CosmopolitanQ Sound - Jason Odle - @Jason_Odle Camera/Editing - Declan Creffield - @DeclanCreffield Producer - Ben Davis - @Iambendave Jack's Links... @jacksavoretti Cosmopolitan Quartet's Links... Website - Facebook - Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Ont' Sofa's mission is to bring quality musicians and artists to your ears and eyes! We are asking REAL talented musicians and artists to sit Ont' Sofa and show the world what real music is all about! like us on Facebook - follow us on Twitter - @ontsofa
Jack Savoretti's song "For the last time" from his new album "Before the Storm"
Jack Savoretti - For the Last Time Amazing live performance at Montreux Jazz Festival 2011.
The new album 'Written In Scars’ is out now: iTunes: Amazon: Jack Savoretti performing the single 'Home' - from his new album 'Written In Scars' - live at Atlantic in Rome and Alcatraz in Milan in December 2014. Tour dates and tickets: Follow Jack Savoretti: Website: Web store: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: SoundCloud: Spotify:
Jack Savoretti - Sweet Hurt - Live on "Life's A Pitch" (BT Sport) Song from his new EP Sweet Hurt. Buy now: Tracklist: 1. Sweet Hurt 2. Broken Glass 3. Jack in a Box 4. The Hurt Mahogany Session Lyrics
Jack Savoretti chats to Bláthnaid and Stephen about musical influences, collaborations with Sienna Miller and his raspy voice! He also treats them to a live version of his single 'Tie Me Down'. Find more at Twitter: @Twotubetv Facebook:
Before embarking on his sell-out European tour, Jack Savoretti performed three unique and exclusive live shows across three days at the St. Pancras Renaissance London Hotel, The Shelbourne Dublin, A Renaissance Hotel and the Renaissance Zurich Tower Hotel. Jack and his band, The Dirty Romantics, perform Written In Scars at all three Renaissance Hotels. Find Renaissance events near you | Connect on Facebook | Connect on Twitter | Discover more great music from Jack Savoretti… Website | Facebook |
Jack Savoretti performs an exclusive acoustic rendition of 'Home' for at Hoxton Square Bar & Kitchen.
Jack Savoretti spielt "Tie Me Down" unplugged in der Radio Hamburg Live-Lounge.
Jack Savoretti visited Nation Radio and performed his new single 'Home' - released February 9th.
Jack Savoretti - Broken Glass - Live on "Life's A Pitch" (BT Sport) Song from his new EP Sweet Hurt. Buy now: Tracklist: 1. Sweet Hurt 2. Broken Glass 3. Jack in a Box 4. The Hurt Mahogany Session Lyrics
Jack Savoretti performs an exclusive acoustic rendition of 'The Other Side of Love' for at Hoxton Square Bar & Kitchen.
Jack Savoretti - Crazy Fool - Live at Montreux Jazz Festival Buy new album "Before the Storm" on iTunes: http://itunes...
Jack Savoretti - Blackrain Great live performance. Enjoyed? Embed in your Facebook, Twitter... on tv c4 not worthy new ep live performance tags: jack savoret...
Di nuovo gran duetto di Jack Savoretti ed Elisa su Ancora Tu di Lucio Battisti @ Barcolana in Piazza Unità d'Italia, Trieste, 10.10.2014 Jack Savoretti & Elisa perform Ancora Tu (Lucio Battisti) @ Barcolana Festival in Trieste, Piazza Unità d'Italia, 10.10.2014
Jack Savoretti in un live acustico per Scrambled.Tv
Duetto spettacolare come sempre tra Jack Savoretti ed Elisa a Trieste, Barcolana 2014, Piazza Unità d'Italia. Jack Savoretti & Elisa perform Changes @ Barcolana in Piazza Unità d'Italia, Trieste, 10.10.2014.
We bring you an EXCLUSIVE stripped down version of 'Knock KNock' by Jack Savoretti You may have heard Jack on BBC Radio 2. Having just completed his british ...
Roma, Auditorium Parco della Musica, 9 novembre 2014
Jack Savoretti performs on the Sunday Night Sessions on BBC London 94.9. Presented by Jo Good and Dan Roberts.
“He has variously been compared with Bob Dylan & Simon and Garfunkel and it’s not hard to see why” Sunday Express “It’s his time and he knows it” Uncut “The soul of a poet and the voice of heartbreak” Q Magazine Über mangelndes Medienecho musste sich der britisch-italienische Sänger und Songschreiber Jack Savoretti nie beklagen. Von Beginn seiner Karriere an rühmten Kritiker seine brillanten Texte, sein abwechslungsreiches Gitarrenspiel sowie seine von Soul, Blues und Rock geprägte rauchzarte Stimme und verglichen seine, sowohl von britischem Folk, als auch von klassischer „Americana“ inspirierten Songs, mehr oder minder zutreffend mit Nick Drake, Jackson Browne, Ray LaMontagne, James Morrison und Bob Dylan. Nach drei hochgelobten Alben, mehreren Clubtourneen durch Großbritannien und Kontinentaleuropa sowie Auftritten auf allen wichtigen Festivals von Glastonbury über das Hamburger Reeperbahnfestival bis zum JazzFest Montreux sowie Konzerten im Vorprogramm von Corinne Bailey Rae, Bruce Springsteen, Gabrielle Aplin und dem Songwriter-Wonderboy Jake Bugg, dürfte der Kritikerliebling längst beim großen Publikum angekommen sein, zumal diverse seiner Songs in erfolgreichen US-Serien wie „One Tree Hill“ und „Grey's Anatomy“ Verwendung fanden. Zuletzt erst nahm er mit „Love & Hate“ ein spektakuläres Duett mit der Schauspielerin Sienna Miller für „The Vampire Diaries“ auf. Aber trotz dieser beeindruckenden Studio- und Live-Aktivitäten, vieler gut gemeinter Vergleiche und Kollaborationen mit Mitgliedern der Tom Waits Band, Counting Crows und Camper Van Beethoven, mit dem Grammy-Gewinner Joseph Puig ( U2, Snow Patrol), dem Produzenten Martin Terefe (A-Ha, Leonard Cohen, Jason Mraz) und dem Co-Komponisten von Duffys Hit „Mercy“, Steve Booker, ist Jack Savoretti sowohl in UK als auch bei uns noch immer ein Geheimtipp. Das dürfte sich allerdings bald ändern, denn mit den vier Songs seiner neuen EP „Sweet Hurt“, die er zur Hälfte mit dem Produzenten und Komponisten von Adele, Samuel Dixon, und - zur anderen Hälfte - mit Matty Benbrook (Paolo Nutini, Dido) geschrieben und aufgenommen hat, betritt er Neuland. Zwar ist Dixons Einfluss unüberhörbar, besonders bei den Streicherarrangements, die an seine Arbeiten mit Adele erinnern, aber Jack Savoretti selbst zeigt mit „Broken Glass“ und „The Hurt“ eine neu gewonnene Vorliebe für üppigere Orchestrierung. Und auch die Art und Weise wie er hier locker, leicht und beinahe funky Gitarre spielt, unterscheidet sich deutlich vom Folk-affinen Sound seiner früheren Veröffentlichungen. Zudem demonstriert er mit jedem Song höchst eindrucksvoll ein außergewöhnliches Talent für lupenreine Poptunes mit Hitpotenzial. Der Sohn eines polnisch-deutschen Models und eines italienischen Schauspielers wuchs zunächst in London auf. Später lebte Jack Savoretti in der Schweiz, in Lugano nahe der italienischen Grenze. Hier besuchte er eine amerikanische Schule, auf der er sich einen charakteristischen Akzent aneignete, den er selbstironisch sein „transatlantisches Murmeln“ nennt. Als Teenager beschäftigte er sich intensiv mit Lyrik und schrieb Gedichte, die er auch öffentlich vortrug. Songs verfasste er allerdings erst, nachdem ihm seine Mutter, die als junges Model mit Hendrix und den Rolling Stones ausgegangen war, eine Gitarre geschenkt und er den Film „Die Reifeprüfung“ und die dazugehörige Musik von Simon & Garfunkel entdeckt hatte. Völlig verblüfft erkannte der 16-jährige, dass ihm plötzlich weitaus mehr Leute als zuvor bei seinen Lesungen zuhörten, wenn er seine Gedichte zur Gitarre vortrug. Nach dieser einschneidenden Erfahrung komponierte er beinahe täglich einen oder zwei neue Songs. Nach der Zusammenarbeit mit der Sängerin Shelly Poole an ihrem Album „Hard Times For A Dreamer“, veröffentlichte der junge Singer/Songwriter im Herbst 2006 seine erste Single, „Without“. 2007 erschien Jack Savorettis Debütalbum „Between The Minds“, das von BBC Radio 2 zum Album der Woche gekürt wurde und Platz fünf der Indie-Charts erreichte. Zwei Jahre und zahllose Konzerte später erschien „Harder Than Easy“ und, nachdem er sich von seiner Plattenfirma getrennt hatte, geheiratet und Vater geworden war, veröffentlichte er 2012, „Before The Storm“, ein Album, mit schnellen und langsamen, traurigen und fröhlichen Songs über turbulente Beziehungen und emotionale Kämpfe, über wilde Nächte in der Stadt und dunkle Seelenabgründe. Mit „Before The Storm“, das den ersten Platz der britischen Indie-Charts erklomm, hatte der Sänger, wie er damals selbst sagte, endlich seinen Sound gefunden. Was allerdings nicht bedeutet, dass man diesen nicht noch verbessern kann, wie mit der attraktiven, klassischen Popproduktion seiner neuen EP, „Sweet Hurt“, mit der er für seine Aktivitäten der nächsten Monate bestens gerüstet ist.
Jack Savoretti's interview at the beginning of the video, then skip to "Not Worthy" live - Jack Savoretti & The Dirty Romantics by clicking here: 24:51.
Charming and knowledgeable Jack Savoretti discusses finding inspiration from travelling, the kindness of Italian culture, his love for Genoa FC and more...
Before embarking on his sell-out European tour, Jack Savoretti performed three unique and exclusive live shows across three days at the St. Pancras Renaissance London Hotel, The Shelbourne Dublin, A Renaissance Hotel and the Renaissance Zurich Tower Hotel. Find Renaissance events near you | Connect on Facebook | Connect on Twitter | Discover more great music from Jack Savoretti… Website | Facebook |
Jack Savoretti is an Italian English solo acoustic singer who began playing guitar at 16. He was brought up in London before moving to Lugano, a Swiss town near the Italian border. He's taken the world by storm with his gorgeous voice. Jack talks to Alex Belfield @ Celebrity Radio and sings Live on the show.... Hear 100's of Exclusive interviews @
Una voce ruvida, a volte struggente, sicuramente appassionata è quella di Jack Savoretti. Il giovane cantautore, classe 1983, è nato a Londra da padre italia...
A talented musician that the world needs to know about! Download our new Music News iPhone app: http://itunes.appl...
Jack Savoretti's interview at the BBC Breakfast on 9th Jan 2013 before playing his latest single "Not Worthy" live with his band The Dirty Romantics (Tom Ben...
Interview with musician, singer, and songwriter Jack Savoretti! He wrote the original song, One Day, for the movie, POST GRAD! To listen to more of Jack Savo...
Jack Savoretti plays a live session and interview with Dermot O'Leary on BBC Radio 2 20/09/2014
Musikee incontra Jack Savoretti al Medimex, il salone dell’innovazione musicale italiana. L’artista folk rock inglese di origini italiane è uscito da pochi giorni con il suo nuovo EP ‘Tie me down’ e ha una vasta community di fan che lo segue in Inghilterra, Germania e in Italia. Ma come vive il rapporto con i suoi fan e che importanza ha il loro supporto nella sua carriera? “Abbiamo sempre cercato di coinvolgere i fan il più possibile: ad esempio facendo footage usando i video che ci facciamo mandare direttamente da loro. E’ cruciale per noi avere un punto di riferimento in diversi paesi. Avere una piattaforma unica dove sai che ci sono certezze, e si può controllare e organizzare bene i fan aiuta sia l’artista per ritrovarsi che i fan, che possono così monitorare cosa fanno gli altri fan e facilitare anche il lavoro delle fanpage” Noi di Musikee siamo convinti che il fan sia una risorsa fondamentale per l'artista, sotto tutti i punti di vista. E che se ben motivato e coordinato possa concretamente contribuire al successo dell'artista. E Musikee si pone proprio questo obiettivo: è una piattaforma che permette ad artisti musicali e label di coordinare e mobilitare i propri fan e coinvolgerli in attività di promozione. Seguici e rimani aggiornato sul nostro mondo! ------------------------- Follow us on: BLOG : FACEBOOK : TWITTER :
Check out our interview with Jack Savoretti at Hard Rock Calling 2013, Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. For more information on Hard Rock Calling click here: Follow Hard Rock Calling on Twitter here: Like Hard Rock Calling on Facebook here:
Jack Savoretti interviewed by Witney TV at the Cornbury Festival in Oxfordshire.
Jack Savoretti interview: The former 'new Paolo Nutini' on finding success the hard way Subscribe Please . Around seven years ago, Jack Savoretti was touted as a rising star. He was pitted alongside Paolo Nutini, a fellow genetically-gifted Anglo-Italian with a guitar and a few melancholic stories to tell. Through word of mouth via his hairdresser, he earned himself a management deal with Natalie Imbruglia’s manager and so began his career, when he was aged 20. He sat in front of many high-powered music executives who told him how they’d change his world.
Jack Savoretti // Interview // Noize Makes Enemies Sessions Please 'Like' & 'Subscribe' for more Noize Makes Enemies Sessions
Singer-songwriter Jack Savoretti took time out before his recent gig in Belfast to give this brief video interview. Jack and his band were in town to play a ... Singer-songwriter Jack Savoretti discussed what the placement of "No One's Aware" on the "S...
Where does Jack get his cool voice? With an English mother, an Italian father, Jack was brought up in Switzerland and an American schooling its not surprisin...
Un'intervista veloce il giorno prima il suo concerto live al Rupi's. Dopo avere fatto un'ora di lezione di windsurf , con i suoi collaboratori.
Puntata del 20/11/13 Segui Occupy Deejay dalle 15:30 su Deejay Tv. Anche in steaming:
Jack Savoretti Performs 'Home' on Andy Jackson's evening show. First broadcast on Wave 105 - Tuesday 27th January 2015
La star internazionale Jack Savoretti tiene una conferenza stampa a Casa Sanremo, durante la quale improvvisa anche alcuni brani.
ReBoot Web TV è stata invitata al POV Music Contest by Canevel Music Lab 2014, per la semifinale di Domenica 27 Luglio 2014 presso Fish House di Fano. Interv...
A wee chat with Jack Savoretti before his gig in Edinburgh club Electric Circus. The clip is uncut, unedited and recorded in one take. I must say that at the...
Relaxing music for your ears :) Advanced Tracklist: 01) 00:00 -- Xavier Rudd - Follow The Sun (Alex Cruz Bootleg) [FREE] Download: 02) 04:52 -- Sander van Doorn & Firebeatz - Guitar Track (Sam Feldt Remix) [FREE] Download: 03) 08:10 -- Cœur De Pirate - Wicked Games (Daniele Di Martino Remix) [FREE] Download: 04) 12:00 -- Me & My Toothbrush - Late Night Call [NO DEFINITION] Download: 05) 13:23 -- Tchami ft. Kaleem Taylor - Promesses (Pep & Rash Remix) [MINISTRY OF SOUND] Download: 06) 14:41 -- Eelke Kleijn - Mistakes I've Made [SPINNIN] Download: 07) 16:55 -- Jasmine Thompson - The Days (Cover) (Bergs Remix) [FREE] Download: 08) 21:30 -- Angus & Julia Stones - For You (Henri Pfr Edit) [FREE] Download: 09) 27:04 -- Jack Savoretti - Solitude (Delcroix & Delatour Remix) [FREE] Download: 10) 30:22 -- DeepAsleep! ft. Sophie Ray - Vibes [FREE] Download: 11) 33:44 -- Fatboy Slim - Praise You (Mokoa & Mitchell Southam Remix) [FREE] Download: 12) 38:22 -- Naxxos - Anyama [FREE] Download: 13) 43:00 -- Dante Klein - Ertesuppe [SPINNIN DEEP] Download: 14) 45:32 -- Jameston Thieves - Rollin The Dro [FREE] Download: 15) 48:15 -- Jacob Plant - Louder (Kayliox Remix) [DIM MAK] Support: Free: 16) 50:00 -- Kayliox vs. Option Available - Von Deeper [FREE] Download: 17) 53:23 -- K-391 - Everybody [FREE] Download:
Tracklist: 1) Curtis Stigers & The Forest Rangers-This life 0:00 2) Katey Sagal & The Forest Rangers-Son of a preacher man 2:21 3) Audra Mae & The Forest Ran...
Moyen métrage de présentation de la mission humanitaire d'Amalgache en mars 2013, à Ambalavao, Madagascar. Le projet Amalgache consiste à améliorer dans la d...
Time lapse and still footage montage of my trip across the U.S in winter, unsupported, by motorcycle. This was easily one of the most spiritual and powerful experiences of my life - doing the trip in the winter provided a whole host of challenges not present in the other seasons. Rules were simple: use only what I can carry on the bike, no indoor sleeping - camps were truck stops, campgrounds, and national forests. No showers, no motels, no drying clothes in a laundromat, assume you're not welcome anywhere - pure, old school Nomad. I captured a good portion of the trip, though was unable to get footage of my night riding (which constituted many hours and some of the hardest and most rewarding moments, including coming down from Flagstaff in the snow, and crossing the Sierra Nevadas sub freezing in the middle of the night - but - what pictures I do have constituted a good look at the overall trip, every State and Province, climate of all kinds. I have many hours of video which I will be editing down over the coming weeks as well. This is trip is also very likely to be the springboard that brings this channel new life. I've privatized all my old stuff, and will be starting afresh. I learned so much about my gear and my self, I foresee a lot of motovlog philosophy and a ton of gear reviews - if you really want to know how a wilderness blade performs, this is how to find out - will it make me a fire, in the rain, when I'm soaked, borderline hypothermic, tired and it's showing surface rust and 9 consecutive days of hard use without any sharpening? (Spolier alert: you can bet your ballsacks that the Kabar Large Heavy Bowie will. Music is selected to give a feel for my mood and spirit on each corresponding leg, and used as creative salad dressing under fair use guidelines, artist credit as follows: Jack Savoretti: Soldier's Eyes Lynyrd Skynyrd: Free Bird Creedence Clearwater Revival: Fortunate Son Motorhead: Speedfreak Wardruna: Helgeven ZZ Top: Sharp Dressed Man Maggie Siff - Lullaby for a Soldier
So we've been to a few concerts at Newcastle O2 this term... This video features Gabrielle Aplin, the Goo Goo Dolls, Ellie Goulding, Jack Savoretti and Georg...
Grande concerto! Ecco la nostra esperienza!! Nel video trovate questi pezzi: 04:48 Un filo di seta negli abissi 06:51 Lontano da qui 07:39 Pagina bianca 08:25 A modo tuo 10:54 L'anima vola 11:35 Labbirinth 15:00 Un bel dì vedremo (tributo Puccini) 17:17 Qualcosa che non c'è 18:52 Dancing 23:40 Luce 25:00 Ancora tu feat. Jack Savoretti (tributo Battisti) 26:59 Hallelujah 29:30 Ti vorrei sollevare 29:55 Rock your soul 31:44 Prayer 33:20 Stay 33:36 Cure me Grazie elisa è stato magico!
For more music (techno, deep house, tech house, groove) visit my channel on soundcloud Richie Hawtin @...
Shortened podcast #195. Focus on Marcus' Ibogaine trip. Includes one of his first Syrian Rue + mushrooms trips (48:53) and a few comments on Ayahuasca. (18:4...
Descarga el disco completo en full Mp3 desde acá "NI SIQUIERA LO INTENTES" (2007) (Disco doble) VOL 1 VOL 2 http://...
Descarga el disco completo en full Mp3 desde acá "ANDA A LABURAR" (2011) Otros discos de la banda para descargar: "...
Hear the podcast of the announcement for this years Big Feastival! RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW... THE BIG FEASTIVAL RETURNS WITH STELLAR LINE-UP INCLUDING FATBOY S...
Jorge Savoretti @ RTS.FM - 22.12.2010
Artist: Scan Mode Series: Cadenza Podcast Place: Switzerland (Suiza) Year: 2012 Tracklist: 1. Gase - Birds Two Cage 2. High Grade (Vid Remix) - Meddew & Chic...
Delicias CD 2 - Mixed by Jorge Savoretti Continuous DJ Mix Jorge Savoretti ℗ 2013 Savor Music Released on: 2013-08-15 Composer: Jorge Savoretti Music Publisher: SADAIC Auto-generated by YouTube.
Kapwa at Kabisyo Replays Papa Jack's True Love Conversations October 21 2014 Caller 2 INA Follow on twitter Papa Jack : Uploaded by Moskichan907 facebook: twitter: blog: -no copyright infringement is intended- -credits to Love Radio Manila and Yes FM Manila
Diego Savoretti - Ni siquiera lo intentes - Full Album - Volumen 2
Puntata del 10/01/14 Segui Occupy Deejay dalle 15:30 su Deejay Tv. Anche in steaming:
Vincent, Enter Shikari, Seasick Steve, Jungle, Paul Heaton & Jacqui Abbott, Marina & the Diamonds, ...
Pressat 2015-04-10Comedian Trevor Noah will succeed Jon Stewart on The Daily Show ... -->. Ads by Google ... Comments ... Tidal: ... de. ap ... Jack Savoretti: ... £11.5
London Evening Standard 2015-03-31Louise Brealey admits to feeling "brainmushed" ... She has a more familiar project to return to first ... New role: ... de ... Jack Savoretti:
London Evening Standard 2015-03-31Jack Savoretti has described the "bizarre" experience of watching his pregnant wife with actor Rafe ...
London Evening Standard 2015-03-30de. ap. Neymar at Boujis ... -->. Ads by Google. Party people - the celebs out in London. Comments ... de. ap. Will Ferrell: ... Jack Savoretti:
London Evening Standard 2015-03-30Here's the new track from Jack Savoretti 'The Other Side Of Love', along with it's video featuring actor Rafe Spall.
Music News 2015-03-12O2 Shepherds Bush Empire in London. Wednesday 4th March 2015. 7:00 pm til 11:00 pm ... Event Info. Venue.
Skiddle 2015-03-04... Jungle, Paul Heaton & Jacqui Abbott, Idlewild, Jess Glynne, Charli XCX, Jack Savoretti, Rae Morris.
Pressat 2015-03-03... Jungle, Paul Heaton & Jacqui Abbott, Idlewild, Jess Glynne, Charli XCX, Jack Savoretti, Rae Morris.
Music News 2015-03-02... Jungle, Paul Heaton & Jacqui Abbott, Idlewild, Jess Glynne, Charli XCX, Jack Savoretti, Rae Morris.
Pressat 2015-03-02Jack Savoretti ... Jack Savoretti some time to make himself known to the public at large.
The Irish Times 2015-02-27... who shares a producer with Alabama Shakes and has supported Jack White on tour ... Jack Savoretti.
London Evening Standard 2015-02-27Mark Ronson (DJ set), Everything Everything, Admiral Fallow, Jack Savoretti, Rae Morris, Marmozets ...
Pressat 2015-02-25Jack Savoretti (born 10 October 1983) is an Italian English solo acoustic singer who didn’t pick up a guitar until he was 16. He was brought up in London before moving to Lugano, a Swiss town near the Italian border. Moving around Europe as a child he wound up at The American School In Switzerland where he picked up an accent he describes as “transatlantic mutt”.
Burn Magazine has compared his songwriting to that of Simon & Garfunkel, London’s Daily Telegraph describes his guitar playing as having a ‘primal magic about it,’ and some music industry insiders are already buzzing around calling him the new Bob Dylan.
As a teenager, the only thing that interested him was poetry.“I was writing all the time, it was the thing to do, sit under a tree with a notebook, go somewhere else in your head. I was in the clouds.” When his mother gave him a guitar and suggested he try putting some of his words to music he was “surprised how much more people listen to you when you are singing than if you read a poem,” he admits. “After that, I couldn’t stop, it was constant writing, every day, it became almost a form of conversation, the way I interact with the world.”
Tonight has been long
I've smoked every breath
Trying to feel so alive
Tempting death
I've smiled at the angels
But I fear where they live
I've taken too much
With nothing to give
My chemical courage
Has come to an end
The night once my lover
Is no longer my friend
Well tonignt has gone wrong
Coz I said what I said
I've been left all alone
To lie in my bed
Thinking I'm just a fake
But nothing is real
And if I'm asking to be saved
I must learn how to kneel
Now my chemical courage
Has come to an end
The night once my lover
Is no longer a friend
Playing tricks on my eyes
Shining light on my tears
Pray for a new day
To hide all my fears
Yea-a-a-ah yeah-ah wo-o-o-oh woah
And I, I can't find a way
Back to where I felt safe
Now my chemical courage
Has come to an end
The night once my lover
Is no longer my friend
Playing tricks on my eyes
Shining light on my tears
Pray for a new day
To hide all my fears
To hide all my fears
To hide all my fears
Dr. Frankenstein
With all the things you’ve brought to life
Tell me…are you satisfied
Well are you happy now
And Dr Frankenstein
There’s innocence in every crime
Some in yours and some in mine
But it shouldn’t be allowed
Cuz it’s not
Where you go
When you die
It’s how you live when you’re alive
Who you touch and how you feel it
And it’s not
About the time
That you have
It’s how you cry and how you laugh
Who you love and how you mean it
And do you mean it
Dr Frankenstein
To think you wasted all this time
Of making monsters in your mind
Well I hope they make you proud.
Cuz it’s not
Where you go
When you die
It’s how you live when you’re alive
Who you touch and how you feel it
And it’s not
About the time
That you have
It’s how you cry, and how you laugh
Who you love and how you mean it
And do you mean it
Well it’s not
Where you go
When you die
It’s how you live when you’re alive
Who you touch and how you feel it
And it’s not
About the time
That you have
It’s how you cry and how you laugh
Who you love and how you mean it
And do you mean it
No, no, no
It’s not
Where you go
When you die
It’s how you live when you’re alive
Who you touch and how you feel it
And it’s not
About the time
That you have
It’s how you cry and how you laugh
Who you love and how you mean it
A dirty rain is falling at my feet
People walk pretending not to see
And I don’t know why everybody wants what they don’t need
It’s everybody’s world
One mans grave
And heaven only knows
What’s hidden up his sleeve
Using diamonds, clubs and spaded
He’ll win your hearts
And build a house of cards
And build a house of cards
‘Til we all fall down
And we all fall down
Watch us all fall down
Like black rain
Buildings getting tall
Watch them scrape the sky
Can’t see the stars at all through the city lights
When the fuel runs low
Who cares if we’re getting high
It’s not the things you know
But the things that you deny
Make us all fall down
And we all fall down
Watch us all fall down
Like black rain
Like black rain
Dirty rain is falling at my feet
People walk pretending not to see
And I don’t know why everybody wants what they don’t need
Will we all fall down
Til we all fall down
Watch the oil fall down
Like black rain
Like black rain
[It’s not always gonna rain]
[It’s not always gonna rain]
This is the end of the world
Like never before
What the newsman read on the midnight before
It's breaking our hearts
Breaking our homes
War's being sole
It's breaking our bones
Taking our souls
War's getting old
So let's break free from all these chains of misery
That we've laid down upon ourselves in history
And let's break free
This is the end of the world
As we know
Watching children cry on the early morning show
It's breaking our hearts
Breaking our homes
War's being sole
It's breaking our bones
Taking our souls
War's getting old
So let's break free from all these chains of misery
That we've laid down upon ourselves in history
And let's break free
It's breaking our hearts
Breaking our homes
War's being sole
It's breaking our bones
Taking our souls
War's getting old
This is the end of the world, like never before
What the newsman read
If I said I was sorry
Would you forget the things I've done?
I don't know why I even worry;
I don't believe in anyone.
'cos in my sleep I'm still running
From the demons and the ghosts
that in the night I hear coming
They're coming back for what I stole
'cos I am a killing man
I am, I am a killing man.
Some believe in the devil,
but who are they to know?
How dare they give a face to evil,
when they're the ones loving the show?
They don't know that I am a killing man,
I am, yes I am,
just another man,
doing what is said and told
just like you my friend, we all sell our souls
please don't make it hard
when I come around for you,
it's not personal, it's just what I do,
'cos I am a killing man, I am, yes I am a killing man
There will be a moment in time
When I find the strength to take a stand
And I will look into my stone cold eyes
and I will kill the killing man
In the silence of your mind
You should ask yourself
What it is that makes you who are
In the valley of your soul
You should take a walk
But you never go that far
It's strange
That I should know you better than you do
You lovely fool
So strange
That everybody sees your light shine through
Except for you
In the window of your past,
There's a broken pane
Reflecting all the things that make you sad
In the shadow of your fear
There's no hiding place
So why do you run there?
It's strange
That I should know you better than you do,
You lovely fool
So strange
That you should want to live your whole life through
Broken and blue
You're a martyr for the cause
What the cause is I'm not sure
A show that ends with no applause
Except for yours
In the church of all my dreams
I'll say a prayer
That one day you'll believe
It's strange
That I should know you better than you do,
You lovely fool
So strange
That everybody sees your light shine through
Except for you
There was a time and place
Not far from here and now
Maybe a brighter day
Maybe they had it made somehow
Living for there and then
Under a psychedelic spell
No one was listenin’
Still they had so much to tell
Whatever happened to the dreamers
That always looked beyond the sky
And saw a world they could believe in
But only when they closed their eyes
There were the politicians
Men of the cloth, painters and poets
Starting revolutions
Without even knowing
Making the world up around us
Making heaven and hell
Saying so much about us
Still they had so much to tell
Whatever happened to the dreamers
That always looked beyond the sky
And saw a world they could believe in
But only when they closed their eyes
Where are they now
They’ve all left town
Bring in the clowns
Whatever happened to the dreamers
That always looked beyond the sky
And saw a world they could believe in
But only when they closed their eyes
But only when they closed their eyes
Nothings ever been this way before
A dream is just a dream
And nothing more
Nothings ever been this way before
A dream is just a dream
So you think that Im harder than easy,
And you find me as strange as the truth
Im as guilty of judging as you are,
But the difference is I dont judge you
You believed in your fairytale endings,
Now you find yourself down on your knees,
Like a rock thats been changed by the ocean,
Or a shipwreck lost out at sea
Sing me a love song,
Im your man
I will always love you
The best I can
In our story of riddles and poems
Every word that you speak tastes like stone
Like a melody sung by a jester
Some are stolen, some are your own
At the end of the day when youre lonely
After begging to be left alone
You can look at this world as your kingdom
If you want you can make me your home
Sing me a love song,
Im your man
I will always love you
the best I can
Hold me close dont let me go
I will always love you the most
CHORUS (sung only by Lucy Styles)
Sing me a love song,
your my man
I never felt magic crazy as this
I never saw moons knew the meaning of the sea
I never held emotion in the palm of my hand
Or felt sweet breezes in the top of a tree
But now you're here
Brighten my northern sky.
I've been a long time that I'm waiting
Been a long that I'm blown
I've been a long time that I've wandered
Through the people I have known
Oh, if you would and you could
Straighten my new mind's eye
Would you love me for my money
Would you love me for my head
Would you love me through the winter
Would you love me 'til I'm dead
Oh, if you would and you could
Come blow your horn on high.
I never felt magic crazy as this
I never saw moons knew the meaning of the sea
I never held emotion in the palm of my hand
Or felt sweet breezes in the top of a tree
But now you're here
Now there’s something
In the sound of her name
I cant help feel like crying
and that something that I cant quite explain
It leaves me here feeling like I’m dieing
The calm is over long before the storm
The calm is over long before the storm
Now the cold winds blow
oh I’m going to know what it means to let you go
Theres just one thing Id like to say
before you go and break my heart
Is there nothing I can do to make you stay
If you go you better go before it gets too dark
The calm is over long before the storm
The calm is over long before the storm
Now the cold winds blow
oh Im going to know what it means to let you go
Yeah yeah yeah
Now theres something
In the sound of your name
I cant help feel like crying
The calm is over long before the storm
The calm is over long before the storm
Now the cold winds blow
oh Im going to know what it means to let you go
Let you go
Sick and tired of getting older
I keep getting lost trying to find my way
Looking for love in every corner
night after night
but every street light looks the same
So I'm taking the chance, walking away, breaking the rules
nobody here can tell me what to do
I'm out on my own, making my way
trying to be someone that I can be proud of one day
Im out on my own, doing it my way
I gotta be tough, gotta be stronger
and take the time to understand
This city cant get any colder
stab you in the back while shaking your hand
So I'm taking the chance, walking away, breaking the rules
nobody here can tell me what to do
I'm out on my own, making my way
trying to be someone that I can be proud of one day
Im out on my own, doing it my way
doing it my own way
Taking the chance, walking away, breaking the rules
nobody here can tell me what to do
I'm out on my own, making my way
trying to be someone that I can be proud of one day
I'm out on my own
doing it my way
doing it my way
Well it's too late for apologies, my dear
I've been living in your imagery of fear
In all that I could see
was everything you need
And oh my darling, it ain't me
So I guess that's why I've gone and hit the road
Well I bet you thought I’d never really go
But I had to leave
Cause all I thought I believed
Oh my darling, it wasn't me
And I've been lookin’ for the answers to your questions
And I've been living like a beggar, begging you please
How did I set free
The man that you made me
Oh my darling, you tell me
You tell me
I’ve never been the one to shout because I listen
I don’t like to raise my voice
And maybe I should learn to lose my inhibition
And let my feelings make some noise
‘Cause you don’t know
What I’m going through
When silence is all I give to you
So hear me
If you’re out there
Take these words and try to understand
That I want you,
And I need you, to take the hand
Of a quiet man
I love the way you hear the words unspoken
It’s like you read between the minds
You know before the silence has been broken
Well, at least most of the time
But I don’t know
What you’re going through
It must be something
I didn’t say to you
So hear me
If you’re out there
Take these words and try to understand
That I want you,
and I need you, to take the hand
Of a quiet man
Of a quiet man
So hear me,
If you’re out there
Take these words and try to understand
That I want you,
And I need you, to take the hand
Of a quiet man
Of a quiet man
Of a quiet man
Broken glass on the floor by my bed
Lying next to books
I've never even read
Wide awake, all the mess that I made
Everything I've taken
you're the one who paid
Forget what I have done
Sometimes I've lost you
Sometimes I've won
Just let me do
Everything I can
'Cause everything I do is for you
There's a darkness to my shadow on the wall
Everytime I try to stand
That's when I fall
There's a fever burning deep in my bones
Even when I'm with you
I'm on my own
Forget what I have done
Sometimes I've lost you
Sometimes I've won
Just let me do
Everything I can
'Cause everything I do is for you
Mmm, I do it all for you
You're the lighthouse when I'm lost at sea
You're my band-aid when I bleed
Am I hypnotizing you, like you're hypnotizing me
Forget what I have done
Sometimes I've lost you
Sometimes I've won
Just let me do
Everything I can
'Cause everything I do is for you
I do it all for you
Broken glass on the floor by my bed
Lying next to books
I've never even read
Wide awake, all the mess that I made
Everything I've taken
you're the one who paid
All of these changes
But I'm here to tell you
Don't be afraid
Just like a sunrise
The light of a new day
Step out of the darkness
And let it show you the way
Nobody knows
Nobody cares
Whether you live or die in vain
Nobody knows
Nobody cares from where you came
Life's little game
All of these changes
Not making it easy
To say what I mean
But now I've got your love
Taking on my love
Filling the spaces
Left in between you and me
Nobody knows
Nobody cares
Whether you live or die in vain
Nobody knows
Nobody cares from where you came
Rollin' and a rockin' on a late night
trying to beat the devil at a fist fight
looking for a friend in a bottle of red
making up a word thats never been said
Waiting in line for the next fine
making up a rhyme but it don't rhyme
baby, I'm a loser at this game
if you could see me now you'd be ashamed, be ashamed of me
Cause I'm not worthy of your love
im barely keeping up
feels like every single day, all I ever do is say I'm sorry
I guess that i'm not worthy of your love
Every night living like a runaway
trying to make it back for the break of day
I never learn from my mistakes
so much for my great escape
Put my future on the back burner
grew up fast but i'ma slow learner
only got myself to blame
if you could see me now you'd be ashamed of me, so ashamed of me
Cause I'm not worthy of your love
im barely keeping up
feels like every single day, all I ever do is sayIi'm sorry
i guess that i'm not worthy of your love
How could you possibly love someone like me?
a fool I'll always be
And I'm not worthy of your love
im barely keeping up
feels like every single day, all I ever do is say I'm sorry
There once was a writer
He liked to write songs
He had the eyes of a fighter
Never did nobody wrong
He then became a lover
The day he found his heart
In the words of a hooker
Who walked the cold streets after dark
She said
Where d'you think your going with that look upon your
Nowhere for you
He said
I’m going nowhere, would you like to come too
He said i'm going nowhere would you like to come too
So they made love by a streetlight
While the raindrops washed their sin
And as he trespassed into her life
Well she fell in love with him
While touching her face
Looking for a love
He began to kiss her eyes
But at the taste of a tear drop
He heard the lady say goodbye
So he said
Where d'you think your going with that look upon you
Nowhere for you
She said I’m going nowhere would you like to come too
She said I’m going nowhere
I'm just a man
Flesh and bone
Feeling guilty feels like home
When I'm homeless, you're my shelter
When I'm worthless, you make me better
Why do you love me the way you do?
Why do you love me, a crazy fool?
You're just a girl
Green, green eyes
You see right through me
My disguise
Go ahead and leave me
You say never
I say how long
You say forever
Why do you love me the way you do?
Why do you love me, a crazy fool?
Always leave a light on so I can find my way
Back to you
When I get it all wrong
Telling you lies, hiding the truth
Why do you love me the way you do?
Why do you love me, a crazy fool?
Always leave a light on so I can find my way
Back to you
When I get it all wrong
Telling you lies, hiding the truth
Why do you love me the way you do?
Why do you love me, a crazy fool?
I'm just a man
Flesh and bone
Having you here
Lately I've been wondering whats been going on
I've been here before but I don't remember when
and everytime we get to where we're entering
I feel my beliefs and hopes surrendering
but I know, I'll be coming home soon
and yes I know, that I'll be coming home soon
'Cause like the enemies that we are batteling,
I am nothing but a human alien
left with nothing else but to keep wandering
down this path whilst stopping my hands trembling.
because I know that i'll be coming home soon
and yes, I know that I'll be coming home soon
with a soldier's eyes, with a soldier's eyes
with a soldier's eyes, with a soldier's eyes
I've seen inside the devil's dreams where young men die
and graveyards open up their arms for mothers left to cry
I have seen the bleeding and I hate what we've done
but just like every other fool I'll keep marching on
because I know that I'll be coming home soon
and yes, I know, that I'll be coming home soon
with a soldier's eyes, with a soldier's eyes
How I survived the massacre
I'll never understand
I've fought the fight as strong and hard as any other
Yet I returned as hero
While they returned as ghosts
A heavy burden on the hearts of those they love the
Take me back to place where I used to be
Before I lived a lifetime
Show me all of the love that I used to see
In the eyes of this lonely lover of mine
In the eyes of this lonely lover of mine
Now my reward are peace and quiet
Of both I'm never sure
Sound of silence scares me senseless even since the war
I drink away my memories
Too vicious to be told
The hollow heart I carry now is no good for my soul
Take me back to place where I used to be
Before I lived a lifetime
Show me all of the love that I used to see
In the eyes of this lonely lover of mine
In the eyes of this lonely lover of mine
Take me back to place where I used to be
Before I lived a lifetime
Show me all of the love that I used to see
In the eyes of this lonely lover of mine
In the eyes of this lonely lover of mine
In the eyes of this lonely lover of mine
I've Been Walking In This Road
Time Passing Me By
Letting Go Of What I Couldn't Hold
Finding Places To Hide
I've Been Watching You Closely
Every Move That You Make
And All The Things You've Showed To Me
Are Getting Harder To Take
I Wish That We Could Begin From The Start
I Pray That I Could Be Brave Enough
To Show You How Easily I Fall Apart
I Can't Let You Know
That I Can't Let It Show
'Cause I'd Rather Be Without Than Be Without You
I Guess I Feel Like A Stranger
When It Comes Down To Love
I'm Too Aware of The Danger
That It Can Bring Upon Us
I Wish That We Could Begin From The Start
I Pray That I Could Be Brave Enough
To Show You How Easily I Fall Apart
I Can't Let You Know
I Wish That We Could Begin From The Start
I Pray That I Could Be Brave Enough
To Find Out If You'd Ever Give Me Your Heart
Cause You Don't Let Me Know
You Don't Let It Show
And I Want You To Know
Has it always been hard for you
Are you scared of the truth
Is the wrong way just bright for you
'Cause I'm losing my mind sitting here watching you cry
Don't let the music die
We're playing songs from different times
I'll let you say goodbye on another day but not today
On another day but not today
I am always the one to give and you call me a thief
Say I'm stealing your time away
I'm just waiting to see if you'll wait for me
Don't let the music die
We're playing songs from different times
I'll let you say goodbye on another day but not today
On another day but not today
Don't let the music die
We're playing songs from different times
I'll let you say goodbye on another day but not today
Tell my stories to the ones I love
Hide my fears from those I don't
I've been trying to change my ways for days
You keep saying that I won't
Old songs on a late night
There's just too much on my mind
My love is a true love but my hearts as cold as ice
You like what you see when you're looking at me
'Cause you think that I do what I do for you
Don't you wonder why
Every word that I breathe is a word that I need
And the song that I sing don't mean anything
Don't you wonder why
It's always been this way
All our innocence is gone
If you like I'll take the blame for all the things that
you have done
My songs on a cold night
I can't get you out my mind
Your love is a true love but you're never on my side
You like what you see when you're looking at me
'Cause you think that I do what I do for you
Don't you wonder why
Every word that I breathe is a word that I need
And the songs that I sing don't mean anything
Don't you wonder why
Old songs on a late night
There's just too much on my mind
Our love is a young love but I know we'll get this
I've Been Walking In This Road
Time Passing Me By
Letting Go Of What I Couldn't Hold
Finding Places To Hide
I've Been Watching You Closely
Every Move That You Make
And All The Things You've Showed To Me
Are Getting Harder To Take
I Wish That We Could Begin From The Start
I Pray That I Could Be Brave Enough
To Show You How Easily I Fall Apart
I Can't Let You Know
That I Can't Let It Show
'Cause I'd Rather Be Without Than Be Without You
I Guess I Feel Like A Stranger
When It Comes Down To Love
I'm Too Aware of The Danger
That It Can Bring Upon Us
I Wish That We Could Begin From The Start
I Pray That I Could Be Brave Enough
To Show You How Easily I Fall Apart
I Can't Let You Know
I Wish That We Could Begin From The Start
I Pray That I Could Be Brave Enough
To Find Out If You'd Ever Give Me Your Heart
Cause You Don't Let Me Know
You Don't Let It Show
And I Want You To Know
it was half past nothing on a nowhere ...
and i had no one to love, i had no one to fight so i took a walk down bad news avenue
i had a heart full of burden and a head full of booze, i had nothing to gain, i had nothing to lose, so i stepped inside the tavern and began to play
bad news bad news. I'm talking to you
i don't know your name, but i would love tooooo
did seem to hear a knock knock, who's out there at my door?
i heard a knock knock, think she s back for more
well i woke up in the morning with the bad old hair, i had poison in my pocket and a body in my bed, if you can get it with small change (i might as well be free)?
well sun came out and the shit went down, i went looking for the g... in the lost and found and it s when i saw you smiling back at me.
bad news bad news. I'm talking to you child
i don't know your name, but i would love tooooo
did seem to hear a knock knock, who's out there at my door?
i heard a knock knock, think she s back for more
i heard a knock knock, who's out there at my door?
I'm counting the street lights
It's all i can do
While driving myself crazy trying to get to you
Feels wrong at the right time
To reveal my hand
It's like i'm doing the worst i can
To make you understand
Maybe one day you will know
How hard it is for me to show my heart
And all the love
Running through my soul
Maybe one day you will know
I'm hoping you just might
Take a moment to realize
That everything you're looking for
Is hidden in plain sight
I know you better than i know myself
How i feel is the only thing i could never ever tell ya
Maybe one day you will know
How hard it is for me to show my heart
And all the love
Running through my soul
Maybe one day you will know
Maybe one day
Maybe baby one day you will know
Maybe one day you will know.
Maybe one day you will know
How hard it is for me to show my heart
And all the love
Running through my soul
Maybe one day you will know
Maybe one day you will know
Maybe one day you will know
Maybe one day
Jackson stood 'cause he could
'Cause he should looking good
To the woods and the stood to the wood understood
Well here we are the unfar
As you are, here we are, here we are, here we are, here we are
Up to the woods as we should
Through the wood
Secret would, secret should, secret would understood
Through the wood
And as we march... as far
What last dark from my heart
Secrets could through the woods in the woods
Jackson could understood they they are
Here we are come too far secrets are
Ready are ready are ready are ready are
Ready are,
Well... soldiers are, horses are
Jackson could 'cause he should from the wood
Jackson could 'cause he understood the dead I are
And here we are come so far, secrets are
I dont wanna hear, what you have to say
I've heard it all before, every single phrase
wipe away the tears, drowning out my days
give me back the years, that you took away
Oh, believe me when I tell you that its over
I'm never coming back this way again.
I'm getting wiser, getting older
so I'm walking away, I'm walking awayI
I'll forgive and i'll forget
for the last time
for the last time
and I'll take what I can get, oh
for the last time
for the last time
I dont wanna know, what you're doing here
there's nothing you can do, not afraid of fear
I've seen it all before, the bruises on my bones
the hero in this war, is gunna make it home
Oh, believe me when i tell you that it's over
there are just some things that time can't erase
I'm getting tired of looking back over my shoulder
so, i'm walking away, I'm walking away
I'll forgive and I'll forget
for the last time
for the last time
and I'll take what I can get, oh
for the last time
for the last time
I'm walking away
yeahhh, yeah, yeah, yeah
I'll forgive and I'll forget
for the last time
for the last time
and i'll take what I can get, oh
for the last time
for the last time
say it now
I'll forgive and I'll forget, oh
for the last time
for the last time
and I'll take what I can get, oh
for the last time
for the last time
They killed a man for doing wrong today
When all he ever did in life was look the other way
And with his verdict someone heard him pray
The crowd gathered around to see the look on his face
Will they ever know, the last words he spoke.
He Cried "Mother!"
As the people stood and stared.
He Cried "Mother."
And no one seemed to care.
Early 25 years to his name
Only the good die young it's too hard to say
With a wife and child living back at home far from here
where he dies all alone
Will they ever know, the last words he spoke
He Cried "Mother!"
As the people stood and stared
He Cried "Mother."
Sounded like a prayer
With a map of the world in your pocket wnd a whole lot
of time to kill
You went looking for answers to questions you don't
And you never will
I'm living the street life under the stars
I've been drowning my broken heart in a backstreet bar
And I cut my skin and I start to bleed
I do it all over again 'cause it don't hurt like it
hurts when you leave
With a whole lot of tears you left me
What a mess of my love you made
I was there on the day running after your train
I will always remember your face
Please come home
It's not the same here anymore
Please come home
Since you've been gone nobody talks about the world
While your out there being a river I remember you good
as gold
But you say that you're not who they want you to be
You know that to me you're the world
Please come home
It's not the same since you've been gone
Please come home
Please come home
Please come home
Please come home
With a map of the world in your pocket wnd a whole lot
of time to kill
You went looking for answers to questions you don't
And you never will
With a map of the world in your pocket wnd a whole lot
of love to give
You went looking for places and situations that you've
been dying to live
And I wish you well
And I wish you well
And I wish you well
And I wish you well
I'm living the street life under the stars
I've been drowning my broken heart in a backstreet bar
And I cut my skin and I start to bleed
I do it all over again 'ause it don't hurt like it
hurts when you
There's a full moon on the rise
And a sadness growing heavy in my soul
You can see it in my eyes
I don't know where to go
No i don't know where to go
There's a kindness in your smile
Please forgive me i can't help but stop and stare
We can walk for miles and miles
I know you'll get me there
Yes I know you'll get me there
Take me home with you tonight
I'm not gonna make it down this lonely street
Take me home with you tonight
I'm not gonna make it on my own
My own two feet
Now the early morning sun
Is burning holes right through the mask i wore all night
Cannot take your hand and?
I'll follow you for life
I'll follow you for life
Take me home with you tonight
I'm not gonna make it down this lonely street
Take me home with you tonight
I'm not gonna make it on my own
Are you the one that i can live with
You're the one that i can't live without
Take me home with you tonight
I'm not gonna make it down this lonely street
Take me home with you tonight
I'm not gonna make it on my own,
There’s a boat
Sailing out there
To an island
No one’s aware of
We can go
Together and take to the sea
Sail with me
Sail with me
Every road
Leads us to somewhere
And every turns brings us closer to home
Being alone
Doesn’t mean that you’re free
So come with me
Come with me
Come with me
Come with me
Every face…is there to be looked at
Every word…is there to be heard
Don’t believe…in all that you see
Just believe
Believe in me
Believe in me
Sing with me
Sing with me
Sing with me…sing with me…sing with me
There is a note
Waiting out there
For a song
That no one’s aware of
No one’s aware of