The town was severely damaged in World War II, but retains many important historic buildings and much of its ancient townscape. Notable places in Halberstadt include the Liebfrauenkirche and St. Stephen Cathedral, churches built in the 12th and 13th centuries, respectively. Halberstadt is the site of the first documented large, permanent pipe organ installation in 1361. The cathedral is notable among those in northern European towns in having retained its medieval treasury in virtually complete condition. Among its treasures are the oldest surviving tapestries in Europe, dating from the 12th century.[citation needed]
Long-standing rivalry between France and its closest neighbour seems to have been fuelled by the result of Britain's EU referendum ... Read more. Brexit....
In the workshop was an oven that archaeologists think might have been used to make bronze objects.The excavation of that and a second ancient shop started in May near a necropolis in the Herculaneum port area. Archaeologists are puzzling over what kind of business the second shop did ... tomb of an adult, complete with funerary vases ... Pompeii and nearby Herculaneum were ancient Roman towns....
Kanye West has released one of the most controversial videos ever. The promo for the rapper's Famous song, in which he boasts about sleeping with Taylor Swift, actually features what appears to be a naked Taylor sleeping next to him in a large bed surrounded by other dozing 'stars' totally naked, including Donald Trump, Bill Cosby, Kanye, his wife Kim Kardashian and even her transgender stepfather, Caitlyn Jenner...Warning....
We should not be that surprised at the vote in favour of Brexit. For all the warnings from the Remain side about a giant leap into the unknown in relation to the economy, the sentiments fuelling the desire to exit were emotional and deep-rooted and warnings of economic Armageddon could not outdo those feelings and the weight of history sustaining them ... An AwkwardPartner ... Britain could not continue to have it both ways ... Battles ... . ....
!+[ooyala-player]({"videoId"."1yZzVyMzE6qfkOgZASMrpDVVG1hyMBzY"}). It's called the fruit-drop roller, and it makes old-timey candies from a giant ball of molten sugar. Produced by LizzyHalberstadt, written by Cait Munro. Read more posts by Lizzy Halberstadt and Cait Munro. Filed Under. original video, candy ... ....
!+[ooyala-player]({"videoId"."9yYWltMzE6VhUEWMVugugWRs62EB8eva"}) "Raining Poetry" is a collaboration between Boston City Hall and the nonprofit Mass Poetry and seeks to illuminate the city's rich literary history. Produced by LizzyHalberstadt, written by Cait Munro...More » ... ....
The deal was negotiated by Jennifer Fattell for ProtagonistPictures and Michele Halberstadt, CEO for Arp. Halberstadt commented ... ». - Leo Barraclough. ....
When a worker at a German amusement arcade heard a suspicious "ticking and humming" sound coming from a bin in the men's toilets, she did not hesitate to call police. The alert in the town of Halberstadt triggered full bomb disposal procedures, seeing more than 90 people evacuated from surrounding buildings and a specialist disposal team dispatched on Tuesday as the area was closed off ... ....
The alert in the town of Halberstadt triggered full bomb disposal procedures, seeing more than 90 people evacuated from surrounding buildings and a specialist disposal team dispatched on Tuesday as the area was closed off. Share Go To ...Independent ....
Authorities cleared approximately 90 people from the business and nearby premises and closed off a street in the eastern town of Halberstadt on Tuesday night, after a staff ......
Authorities on Tuesday night cleared about 90 people from the business and nearby premises and closed off a street in the eastern town of Halberstadt, after a staff member heard suspicious vibrations echoing from a metal garbage bin in the men’s toilet, police said ... ....
The AFP noted that the bizarre mix up took place when a casino employee in Halberstadt reported hearing strange vibrations coming from a trash can in the men’s restroom ... ....