- published: 01 Dec 2016
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"Safety Training" is the twentieth episode of the third season of the American comedy television series The Office. Written by B. J. Novak, who also acts in the show as sales representative Ryan Howard, and directed by Caddyshack and National Lampoon's Vacation director Harold Ramis, the episode aired in the United States on April 12, 2007 on NBC.
In the episode, Michael attempts to prove life in an office is dangerous after Darryl berates him about the dangers of the warehouse. The attempts lead him to the roof of the building, where he tries to show that depression caused by an office can lead to desperate circumstances. Meanwhile, gambling between the other employees of the office leads Karen to discover that she is still an outsider.
When Michael Scott (Steve Carell) repeatedly disrupts Darryl Philbin's (Craig Robinson) warehouse safety training session, Lonny Collins (Patrice O'Neal) and Darryl mock the office workers' safety session in retaliation, claiming that office work does not entail physical danger. Offended by Darryl's disdain for office safety training, Michael decides to demonstrate the risk of depression and suicide by jumping off the roof, landing on a hidden trampoline. When Michael tests out the trampoline by dropping a watermelon from the roof, it bounces off and hits an office worker's car, prompting it to be replaced by a bouncy castle hidden from the general view of the parking lot. From the roof of the building, Michael talks dramatically about the dangers of depression. When the bouncy castle is discovered, Jim and Pam realize that Michael is "going to kill himself pretending to kill himself." The employees collectively talk Michael down from the roof, with Darryl doing most of the talking, to assure Michael that he is brave simply by living as himself. At the end, the car that was hit by the watermelon is revealed to be Stanley's (Leslie David Baker), who is shocked to see the mess.
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Maxisys MS908P on a 2003 Mini One 1.6 petrol.
Health & Safety Training / Fire Safety Training Video
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OTC Australia - The Way We Were, Australian TV Commercial - 1977
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Hi In this video I quick demonstrate the capabilities of the scanner on the above car. This is the first video, and I feel I can't do them in the same way I was doing them for the DS708, (Playlist below...), mainly due to the extra functions this tool have, and that I would like to capture... If you guys would like to see this videos done in a slightly different way, or capture other things, please let me know on the comments below. DS708 Playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZNxchZnl-xiV7wQQg_fB_Ah1946k4vaO Hope you enjoy the video. Any questions please put them below. Like always, thank you for watching!
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Hi In this video I quick demonstrate the capabilities of the scanner on the above car. This is the first video, and I feel I can't do them in the same way I was doing them for the DS708, (Playlist below...), mainly due to the extra functions this tool have, and that I would like to capture... If you guys would like to see this videos done in a slightly different way, or capture other things, please let me know on the comments below. DS708 Playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZNxchZnl-xiV7wQQg_fB_Ah1946k4vaO Hope you enjoy the video. Any questions please put them below. Like always, thank you for watching!
Online Health & Safety Training courses brought to you by OTC Online Training Courses - http://www.on-linetrainingcourses.com/ Call us on 0800 292 2656 for information on bulk discounts
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Have you struggled with a fungal infection in your toenails? Tried all sorts of over the counter treatments for months? Been disappointed with the outcomes? Meet Clearanail, an intelligent nail drill that lets your Podiatrist at Eclipse Foot Clinic make tiny holes in your nail, completely painlessly, to allow the treatment to get to the right place. Most fungal nail treatments DON'T work because they only get through a small amount of the nail, not all the way to the bottom. We have a 70% success rate at getting rid of the fungus with this innovative treatment. Give us a call on 0800 999 7337 to see how this smart treatment could work for you.
DNA Premium Vaterschaftstest mit 23 DNA-Regionen und kostenlosem Test-Set Tel.: 0800 800 33 99 bei http://www.dna-direkt.de Jetzt auch in den Niederlande. Im Ausland ohne Einverständniserklärung möglich! http://www.vaterschaftstest.nl unter 0031 433111817 So klappt es mit dem Vaterschaftstest: Kostenloses Test-Set ganz einfach bei dna-direkt.de oder vaterschaftstest.nl bestellen. Anleitung zur richtigen Entnahme einer DNA-Probe beachten. Fotos vom Vaterschaftstest im DNA-Labor. Und ein Beispiel, wie ein DNA-Testergebnis aussieht.
http://www.kirton-healthcare.co.uk/specialist-seating/omega Originally designed for those with Huntington’s Disease and other neurological conditions, the Omega has become a recognised and valued seating system for many other caring environments. FREEPHONE: 0800 212709 Email: info@kirtonhealthcare.co.uk Kirton Healthcare Ltd, 23 Rookwood Way, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 8PB UK.
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Participação da empresa MRV Engenharia no programa Fique por Dentro by Souza Barros no último dia 30/08/2011 via Webinar. A MRV Engenharia e Participações S.A. é a maior incorporadora e construtora brasileira no segmento de Empreendimentos Residenciais Populares, com mais de 31 anos de atuação, presente em 93 cidades, em 17 estados brasileiros e no Distrito Federal. Em 2010 as vendas contratadas totalizaram R$ 3,8 bilhões. A MRV integra o Novo Mercado da BM&FBovespa; e é negociada com o código MRVE3 e compõe a carteira teórica IBOVESPA. Os ADRs são negociados no OTCQX International Premier do Mercado de Balcão (OTC), sob o código MRVNY. Para mais informações acesse o Blog e siga o Twitter da Souza Barros: Blog: http://www.souzabarros.com.br/blog/ Twitter: @SouzaBarros_ Contato: 0800 ...
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In my head everything was perfect
every note resounds in harmony
but all I seem to offer up are dischords
and every note I sing sounds out of key
and every time I play with passion
I start breaking strings
and my voice cracks
when I sing from my heart
guess that's the price
I've got to pay to know that i'm alive
this melody is tearing me apart
so now what do I have to show
and what price do I have to pay
and like a sayan I won't grow
unless I'm battered in the fray
and we're all in the same machine
each one with his own broken dreams
passion gives way to failure
so let's all try and understand
you take my hand and i'll take yours