- published: 17 May 2015
- views: 1471213
In mathematics, a spiral is a curve which emanates from a central point, getting progressively farther away as it revolves around the point.
Two major definitions of "spiral" in a respected American dictionary are:
Definition a describes a planar curve, that extends in both of the perpendicular directions within its plane; the groove on one side of a record closely approximates a plane spiral (and it is by the finite width and depth of the groove, but not by the wider spacing between than within tracks, that it falls short of being a perfect example); note that successive loops differ in diameter. In another example, the "center lines" of the arms of a spiral galaxy trace logarithmic spirals.
Definition b includes two kinds of 3-dimensional relatives of spirals:
Sound Remedy & Illenium - Spirals (feat. King Deco)
Optical Illusion - Hypnotic Spiral
Sleep Hypnosis: Sleepy Spirals
Doodling in Math: Spirals, Fibonacci, and Being a Plant [1 of 3]
Jamie Woon - Spirals
Jerobeam Fenderson - Spirals
Sound Remedy & Illenium - Spirals (ft. King Deco)
Hypnosis: Helpless to Spirals
Trip to e240 - Spirals All The Way Down.
Slave Hypnosis: Helpless to Spirals
I just want to lay under the stars and dream about a mystical paradise. This track blows my mind! Download... http://bit.ly/1EcXHtH Sound Remedy https://soundcloud.com/soundremedy https://www.facebook.com/soundremedy https://twitter.com/SoundRemedy https://www.youtube.com/user/soundrem... Illenium https://soundcloud.com/illeniumofficial https://twitter.com/ILLENIUMMUSIC https://www.facebook.com/Illenium King Deco https://soundcloud.com/kingdeco https://twitter.com/iamkingdeco https://www.facebook.com/iamkingdeco http://www.kingde.co Incredible artwork by Wenqing Yan http://fav.me/d8rr0oe https://www.facebook.com/YuumeiArt https://twitter.com/yuumei_dA Sheepy on Spotify http://bit.ly/MrSuicideSheepSpotify Facebooobs https://www.facebook.com/MrSuicideSheep Follow on Soundcloud https:/...
Fun little optical illusion, enjoy. Music: Kevin MacLeod
MP3 Link: https://www.patreon.com/posts/3607714 This is a sleep hypnosis video designed to make you feel very sleepy and drowsy when you look at spirals. Please make sure you can go to sleep at the end of the video because there is no wake up command at the end of the video. If you have a request for a future video or if you want to order a custom mp3 please feel free to email me at ultrahypnosis@gmail.com. Thank you for your support and have a great day. This recording was made possible by the following: Blue Violet E. Gareth Sam Sara If you are under 18 you should never video yourself watching a hypnosis video or respond to people requesting that you do so. I made a PSA addressing this topic which you can watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9HIOVUDpn4 Stay safe online and e...
AirwaveMusicTV - Music for your heart. ♥ Soundcloud: http://bit.ly/2394bHw | Facebook: http://bit.ly/1SuQFfR Subscribe: http://bit.ly/1WUhw6Q Sound Remedy & Illenium - Spirals (ft. King Deco) ► Sound Remedy https://soundcloud.com/soundremedy https://www.facebook.com/soundremedy https://twitter.com/SoundRemedy ► Illenium https://soundcloud.com/illeniumofficial https://www.facebook.com/Illenium https://twitter.com/ILLENIUMMUSIC ► King Deco https://soundcloud.com/kingdeco https://twitter.com/iamkingdeco https://www.facebook.com/iamkingdeco Buy on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/de/album/spirals-feat.-king-deco-single/id995402187?ign-mpt=uo%3D4 Stream on Spotify: https://play.spotify.com/album/5irYNb6VH47y1S9uLQbMS9?play=true&utm;_source=open.spotify.com&utm;_medium=open Artwork by Alexan...
MP3 Link: https://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=2193678 This video is designed to make the viewer very susceptible to spinning spirals. After watching this video, spirals will very easily take you into a deep trance. There is no wake up command at the end of the video. If you have a request for a future video or want to order a custom mp3 feel free to email me at ultrahypnosis@gmail.com. Thank you for watching and have a great day. If you are under 18 you should never video yourself watching a hypnosis video or respond to people requesting that you do so. I made a PSA addressing this topic which you can watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9HIOVUDpn4 Stay safe online and enjoy. , The UltraHypnosis channel is all about Hypnosis. Between myself, Carl Nickleson (Aka UltraHypnosis), ...
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MP3 Link: https://www.patreon.com/posts/5863631 Support the Channel on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/UltraHypnosis This slave hypnosis recording is designed to make the listener go into a very submissive state of trance when they look at spirals. The effects of this recording only work if you are in a safe place and are with people that you trust. If you want to order a custom hypnosis mp3 or request a future hypnosis video topic feel free to email me at ultrahypnosis@gmail.com. Thank you for watching our hypnosis video and have a great day. This recording was made possible by the following: Blue Violet Georgina Giroux Rick gareth E. Sam Sara steveh InsaneOtaku Robert Turner Stephen Atkin jstsb Joseph Veronese Kayla Thompson Dennis Neumann The UltraHypnosis channel is all about Hypn...
If I could set you free and give you what you need
Then all my energy is lost
If I divide our time and give you half of mine
Then all my energy is lost
And I keep seeing spirals at my feet
And I keep seeing spirals at my feet
If I could set you free and give you what you need
Then all my energy is lost
Well, I begin to ring and notice everything
Then all my little plans have been lost
And I keep seeing spirals at my feet
And I keep seeing spirals at my feet
And I keep seeing spirals at my feet